Plz don't ever unlock cross armor type Mogs

feels like bait…lmao
Sorry OP but this bridge was crossed way back in classic. lol

Heres a PRIEST CLOTH set, lol

Seriously NOT clothy looking to me

same cloth set, different color

More cloth that looks more plate than some plate sets do…lol

MAGE CLOTH…doesnt look like cloth to me…looks like a mage in PLATE

more cloth that doesnt look like cloth

HERE IS PLATE…that looks no more plate than any of the above.

AND HERES PLATE…that looks more like mail armor, lol

guess my immersion is busted. lol

NO ONE HERE is going around checking class versus mogs and every one here KNOWS it.
Stop with this ‘muh immersion’ crap…thanks


This is “plate”…lmao… the ‘immersion’ was broken back in classic, lol

Im not Einstein but those dont LOOK like PLATE to me. lol