Your current mog should be banned. It’s too confusing in PvP.
(The same lazy and outdated reason Blizz has given for not allowing mogging across armor types)
Your current mog should be banned. It’s too confusing in PvP.
(The same lazy and outdated reason Blizz has given for not allowing mogging across armor types)
See it’s players like you that ruin this game…
All leather must be worn on leather classes…it doesn’t matter if it looks good on none leather classes or not.
You just don’t get it man…
Again, my current mog is a perfect example of class identity.
I suggest you LOOK AT IT CAREFULLY before posting again
like seriously man…
I’ll admit I looked and was even more shocked than I expected to be. Nicely done.
Thank you.
I really tried to get that classic Uther vibe across
And I was told Slootmog was bad because it was “Fantasy” and not practical.
Chainmail bikinis provide more protection than whatever the hell you got going on.
You nailed it.
please dont fake your facepalms its disrespecting of my culture do it for real or stop pretending
Fine, there I just did it.
Im sorry
thank you for respecting my religion
I promise you, this is definitely a “you think you do but you dont” moment.
I dont even mean this in a disrespectful way, im just saying sometimes there are necessary evils.
Asking people in charge to remove something people could simply do by using common sense. The very definition of a cancel culture. Maybe you just mog how you see fit and leave others to their own game.
It proves a point.
If we did that it’d be chaos.
Need to maintain thematic order.
Which point would that be?
Which is nothing more than your typical ret paladin armor.
this is a christian minecraft server and traditional attire must be followed for your class in society
Not trolling.
I’m emphasizing that we need to uphold xmog restrictions to upkeep class fantasy.
Such as my current paladin mog
I have yet to see a troll thread that does.
When asked, the OP trolled, rather than give a serious answer.
What else am I to assume?
That mog restrictions across armor classes is silly and outdated. Needs to be lifted.
Given some of the holiday mogs I have seen, your theory on order is already out the window. Not sure people need to be restricted on how they mog. There is another group of people who thought the world needed “order” as well. Glad they did not win that war, or we would all be speaking another language.