
I enjoy PvP immensely.

This is not PvP.

I guess people are calling it a Battle Royale, so I had to go see what that is. I don’t enjoy this. I wouldn’t enjoy any game like this. It’s not anything I have an interest in taking part in.

Disappointed is not the word I would use. I am confused and I would possibly say even irritated. I play WoW. It’s an MMORPG.

I don’t play “battle royale” games. If I wanted to play them, I would go play them.

Alas, I want the transmog, so I guess I will have to tolerate this nonsense long enough to get the transmog.


Yes, I am fine. Just being a little hyperbolic.

I understand what you’re saying, but I disagree with your assessment. This new thing is a thing for everyone. There is no barrier to entry, there’s no gear progression, and there are still rewards even if you lose. Yes, some will not like it, but that’s going to be true with everything. Given time, we could even choose to say its bad (which could be true.)

But Blizzard can’t know that the usual crowd won’t enjoy a PvP environment that has less pressure and less elitism (and I’d probably wager that this new game not having either were selling points on why they should move ahead with it.) They’re giving something new a shot, and I find that commendable… even if it is something that became popular, like, ten years ago.

Who knows? If people don’t like it, they don’t like it. But it is cool to see that they’re trying new stuff and are trying to break up the status quo, and maybe in doing so they will learn some lessons that they can take to the main game to make it better.

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I just played 2 rounds of it and I don’t like it.

I agree with Norman that it’s not PvP.

I’ve geared every class in PvP this season, close to 4 pieces of tier on every class + an extra mage. Just battleground blitz hero stuff, nothing rated (to be honest I enjoy the cadence of working while in the queue and the causal vibes of it A LOT).

This is something else entirely. It feels like a proof-of-concept project to show how the assets could be used, not something that should have been called a patch.

It’s not part of the game world and I think the team did some great stuff with DF – an entire spec in a patch – that made expectations high for this secret patch. Due to that, it’s a huge weird letdown IMO.

Your character name being your Bnet name isn’t great either, this should have been “create 1-3 characters” sort of thing IMO. Even for what it is, the design seems lacking in a lot of areas.


Ok, I’ve tried it.

It’s exactly what you’d expect. It wasn’t too hard to collect loot or to kill mobs. Players were harder. I killed one, ran from one and got ganked by one.

You can design your character to look like you, but it uses your Bnet name as your character name.

Blizz was remarkably silent about it

that is a bizarre sense of entitlement

it is though

also…it IS pvp, just not traditional WoW pvp (thank the gods)


I played a round, made it to fourth just by not being near other people. It is player vs player, but it isn’t WoW PvP.

I will say that the Arathi Highlands aren’t the zone I’d choose for a pirate themed royale, especially when you have a few kul tiran areas that could fit the bill.

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Semantics. Yeah, it’s PvP in the sense that it’s player vs. player – of course for this game mode, that mostly means the winner is hiding until the end.

But it’s not “PvP” in the sense of it feeling like the game’s PvP at all. In the context of WoW, when I think of PvE and PvP, I think of MMO mechanics, not this.

It’s just a different game and not a WoW patch.

And it’s not a good version of this type of game.

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I do like the idea of customizing your own spells in WoW

Also, have those pirates always been in Arathi?

If there is just one thing I will take away from Blunderstorm, it’s that if player housing ever comes, it will be an absolute SHT SHOW and disaster.

Now, I don’t want them to do it. Don’t ever do player housing Blizz. I don’t want player housing from you.

I can’t believe this actually went live…


Arathi did have (at least prior to Warfront stuff) a pirate cove.

Is this the forum post where I come to say sorry to the reclamation of Gilneas? I thought it was bad, bottom of the barrel.

Little did I know there was an entirely new void waiting beneath the rotted wood of the barrel that dumped me into this absolute blunder of wasted resources.


It’s not worth your time. You log in, get rekted in 20 seconds and earn 40 plunder.

Yeah. No. PASS.

I’m not touching this ever again unless we get a minimum plunder reward simply for participating AND tripling the amount of plunder earned per game.

I have one word. Ahem…

Yarg. :pirates:

There’s been some pirate ship stuff in remote areas of Arathi, even old school, and there was something I grinded there for a long time but I don’t remember what it was. It was probably some rogue nonsense like an ultra-rare pickpocketed item or something.

I’m actually slightly bummed about these being the Spellbreak guys because I really enjoyed that game and seeing it get blizzed on is kind of gross.

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One of the best phrases to come out of these forums in years.


After playing some matches I have some thoughts:

  • This game is def a Game Jam kind of game. Pooled some assets and design ideas together to make a cool little thing out of it. Game Jame games can be super fun so this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but I just don’t know how much it will tide us over until the new season.

  • Does winning even really matter? It seems the name of the game is getting plunder and while I haven’t hit 1st I’ve been close. It seems collecting plunder is far more important if you want to progress the battlepass. I guess killing is important cause you can take others plunder but I think you only get a fraction of other peoples.

  • Everything feels a bit floaty and I have experienced a few technical issues like DC’s and crashes and such. Also the UI is not the greatest and not really customizable besides keybinds?

All in all I’m not really too upset about it. I like the rewards, pirates are fun and I think this could also be pretty decent game mode if they really tried to flesh it out and work out some kinks. My biggest crit right now is progressing the battlepass feels pretty slow but since we’ve been given so much time I think it’ll be fine lol


Then I really think you are ignoring the amount of people saying they were disappointed that this content seemed aimed to other groups within the community and not them and would of at least been told that from the start.

Even some of the devs are admitting that the radio silence was a mistake.

It really has been.

I think the radio silence for too long was a mistake. Maybe they should have started teasing it about a month before but they admitted they wanted to try something new so I’m not going to hold it against them.

I don’t think they should feel bad about PVE players being disappointed though. Almost everything in this game is aimed at PVE despite PVP being neglected pillar of the game for years. Obviously since they were trying something new with the radio silence aspect they’re not going to say anything. But even if they did tease that it was PVP related a month before the PVE people would still be upset about it, just not surprised lol.

I do feel for people like Norman though, sometimes these kinds of things just don’t click. I agree this isn’t really PVP like we all love. But for the super PVE type of people, no I don’t feel bad for them at all lol they get everything from Blizzard. When I think of them being upset I think of the Woody Harrelson wiping tears with money gif lol like you can be upset but you have been given everything anyways lol


So the only “pro” vs “con” …“pro” I have found:

If you leave the match right after you die, you don’t lose any renown or whatever. You lose nothing by instantly leaving instead of sticking around to ‘spectate’.

This is now my plan for trying to stomach this:

Queue up
Land in some far flung isolated area on the map
Run around gathering coins until someone kills me

Truly engaging gameplay.