
late but as an RP’er not into pvp, a huge reason i don’t like WoW PVP is just that i have to work for gear and i don’t have time/energy for that when i can just play Heroes of the Storm and get a PVP match with a character that’s already on equal level with everyone else. there are too many classes i want to play in pvp and not enough time to gear them all.

so this mode is actually pretty perfect for me. wow pvp was fun when i was into it back in Legion, but i haven’t really had time to pursue PVP since then. this a no-grinding way to enjoy wow pvp. i’m just sad it’s temporary :frowning:

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I enjoy pvp but, this is…Remarkably unpalatable. I’d use stronger language but that’d be bad.

Frankly if anyone is saying this is PvP aimed towards PvPers then I’m sorry but no. Theres no skill development here for your class or learning your kit or doing cool things. Its just “Do you have improved skill?” “Is your skill spamable?” “Can you Rush the enemy?” Then just kill the target. Theres no combo or trade offs just “Ima mash dollies until I win :D” which can be fun in its own way but, personally it just doesn’t mesh with me. I’d much rather learn to get gear than this random fest.

ESPECIALLY bc theres transmog and things that I would want to create a pirate character attached. If the plunder was faster to get I wouldn’t be posting but LORD did they make this not “Every 3-5 matches you’ll get a renown level”. The plunder rate is so variable that good luck if you decided to be in the “Ima land here” corner to get any rep.

The game mode itself doesn’t incentivize you to last, you don’t get further rep for surviving nor do you get additional power bc of the randomness.

If you like it more power to you but, for me I hope they never do something like this again (Specifically tying WoW content in this type of game mode). Given the silence and anticipation I would’ve rather they given us nothing. Now ima go make food bc I have a headache playing this.


Yeah it’s not traditional MMO PVP, it’s Battle Royale PVP. Thankfully I like both kinds. But yeah it’s essentially a Game Jam level Battle Royale, fun for a bit but no lasting depth or anything.

I was having fun but I also was playing with a friend so it might be a bit different solo-wise. I don’t really play Battle Royales solo honestly.


I feel like for optimum value, they should have had other in-game tie ins. I saw someone mention releasing the thin Kul’Tiran body type as what they’d been hoping for. That would have been a good one. Or imagine if they would have revamped Booty Bay.


There’s apparently also some sort of exploit which allows folks to take abilities they gain during the pre-launch zone, the pirate camp, and take it into the actual battle, which is why you can get one-shotted within 10-20 seconds of starting the fight by somebody low-level, because they’re rolling with a 2-3 star ability right out the gate.

I also watched someone land on Thoradin’s wall and I’m guessing they stayed there most of the match.

the Spellbreak people are definitely getting fired lol

Yeah, I completely agree for the most part. I still hold that the secrecy gave the idea that this content, although something new, would be more appealing for the wider playerbase, and allowed a lot of people to create false expectations.

Sure, people would of still be making a ruckus about it even if they did, but surely not as many would. As for PvEers mad PvPers got something, forget them. PvPers deserve new content too.

And on that note, I am hopeful we might get some new stuff after the Ashenvale SoD stuff. That seemed really neat and I am pretty disappointed I didn’t get in on that. WPvP content, please! Preferably in war mode.


So my first game I made it to 29th place. Second game did much worst and got to 34th. And I’m realizing the vitriol on the forums about the game type is so hyperbolic that I’m a little stunned.

And I mean I tried to see it from the perspective of those who wouldn’t be remotely tolerant of PvP but this game mode is barely that. You jump in with a goofy aaah character, you use even more exaggerated abilities, into an already cartoonish scenario and yall just go nuts. Sure there’s a strategy IE: spend more time farming mobs than fighting players at low levels, but honestly it should be moot point for the sake of just slap-stick levels of fun.

Maybe it’s the anxiety of rewards and FoMo or the fact this wasn’t datamined that’s getting people a bit riled up and perhaps there’s a decent argument in removing or increasing the renown gains for more accessibility. But otherwise the mode feels like a juiced up World Quest daily. Which is a bit fun but the negativity surrounding it is a bit unwarranted.

Edit: As far as the game is concerned there are some skills that, because of the nature of WoW PvP and it’s game client, some skills are just vastly worth picking over than others: Fire Whirl, Snow Drift, Quaking Leap is such a devastating combo for AoE farming mobs, slowing chasers, etc that I could see “meta” builds around it.

Also, and I really mean it when I say it, If you’re fighting other players before levels 4-5 you’re doing it wrong. Get plunder for renown, level up your skills by beating up trash mobs, and then the game transforms that much more.


Wait until you get to the folks using the ability glitch to take 2 and 3 star abilities into the battleground and one-shot you before you get the chance to gain any loot or rep.

Its not nearly as bad as folks were worried about, being a Fortnite clone, but it is stubbornly frustrating and feels … unpolished? Like this was hammered out by interns out of unused mechanics and scrapped content in a hurry.

I think its more, so many folks were hoping for story content and something meaty to sink our teeth into, and instead we got WoWnite. And a lot of folks are badly burnt from being ‘forced’ into PvP for story progression in previous expansions and are over-reacting as a result.

How long does this thing actually go for? I know I and a couple of Battlenet Buddies have jumped in, gotted one-shotted and only got 50 rep several times in a row and, given how long it takes to grind out a Reputation Level, this is gonna take forever to get the full rep ground out.

Yeah but is any of that confirmed bug or is that just cry babies refusing to 'git gewd" so they’re blaming it on some alleged hack? It screams "I don’t suck man, my controller just doesn’t work! T_T "

Yeah if you get knocked out early it’s pretty underwhelming what you walk off with so the point is genuinely to grab loot. Even survival comes secondary if your priority is renown.

Also made it 4th place. I’m getting there.

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It’s pirate time, baby.

2 and 3 star abilities can drop from chests, but when you land right next to somebody, and less than five seconds into the match you get one-shotted, something is sus. I expect the patch they’re doing is going to fix this, but Gatt Dangus could this mode have used some more time in the oven.

If folks are only after renown, go to the edges, stay away from the fortresses, collect gold, stay out of LoS and as soon as you get to level 4 or 5, just run into the Storm and die. It grats more rep than trying to be the last man standing.

It might be okay – and even fun, if you like Battle Royale – in a vacuum but I think the hate is coming from the fact that this was touted as a new type of WoW patch. It doesn’t help that high-profile content creators went insane with speculation and devs cheekily egged them on via X posts.

In the context of how the game is right now: most people in my guild have not logged on since January. The raid was easy, we got AotC kind of slow this time (otherwise it wouldn’t be since Jan, it would be since Dec) and many people have maybe 2 or 3 farming resets before they tap out until next season.

The OCE server I play on went from bustling to a ghost town between end-of-Jan and now.

Given that, something to pull the social aspect out of the tar pits would have been received much better.

I don’t know if FOMO rewards cut it because there’s just so. much. stuff.

What I would have loved:

  • this game mode a bit better designed
  • an event in-game to complement the out-of-game Plunderstorm stuff
  • instead of just FOMO renown xmog going from Plunderstorm to WoW, have activity in WoW add stuff to your avatar in Plunderstorm as well

Right now, it’s a one-way FOMO funnel and the UX of it isn’t great IMO.


Eh. Not really though.

Level 1 Fire Storm ‘can’ 1 shot. Same with Slicing Winds and Searing Axe if the player level is 3 and below(though you’ll never land searing axe unless they’re stunned.

Star Bomb one shots at any level and the whole point is to pray you’re not in the radius.

Which is why I asked is it a -confirmed- bug/glitch or are people who are ignorant of the game, lack of skill, or just dumb luck, complaining?

I would like a better way of checking your ranking than having to dive back into the lobby to go talk to the NPC.

I would also like a screen at the end of the match that told your stats for the game.

I had to search on the new transmog items to find them in-game in WoW. They didn’t light up like usual new transmog items do.

I had more fun in duo than solo.

But at least I could make my character look like Kirsy, so there’s that.

I’m obviously not explaining this properly.

People are dropping and, without killing a single mob or opening up a chest, pulling out firestorms and void stars that are one-shotting people.

Right after landing. Not a couple of minutes into the game, within five seconds of landing, they’re pulling out two or three star versions of the most lethal abilities the RNG can give you, immediately after landing.

This isn’t landing on your with the damn parrot, they land, run over to you and nuke.

Just about every thread about this on the Bug Forums is full of ‘Git Gud’ replies or the mods shut it down really damn quick. I’d imagine, given the roasting Blizzard’s gotten today, they’ll patch the issue allowing the UI Mod in question to ‘force’ the ability to stay available on your hotbar out and we’ll see a lot less rage from the event tomorrow.

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How about that shrubbery thing haha – I feel like that would almost be required to get to first place??? Or am I thinking too much like a rogue :face_with_monocle:

What is this like? Is it a different type of match where it’s all teams of 2 people, like 30 squads of 2?

Teams of 2 but everything else is basically the same. It puts you on the same gryphon for landing but swaps out who’s flying/maneuvering. Leveling felt faster - it’s easier to kill mob groups and elites early. You can rez your partner (I don’t think we got any extra points for that? Maybe?). We were able to keep track of health and incoming mobs or teams easier because there were 2 of us watching and calling out in voice.

Renown leveling was still ridiculously slow.

My hot take is that this really isn’t a game about PvP because my partner is a much better PvPer than I am, but I had better luck staying alive. I also felt a lot more effective killing here than I normally am in a PvP situation due to what powers I was grabbing for early. There are a couple that are GG.

Overall, I find it stupid that if you spend time PvPing in the match, you come out with less points than if you just go crazy opening chests and doing quests. I’m still not clear on how the quests trigger - I only see them after I’ve already started them somehow. I’ll probably watch some streamer’s video on it later and try to give myself the fastest renown possible so I can get it over with and go back to actual WoW.

I’m just afraid they’ll decide to have “seasons” with Plunderstorm and we’ll end up doing this all over again in a few months or next year for new reward items.

Oh, also I guess some of the newer appearances weren’t available in character building and you couldn’t make a dracthyr. I didn’t notice that until someone pointed it out.

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Oh God.

Maybe if it does return, though, they’ll iterate on it and it might improve heaps over time. An in-game presence and some 2-way interaction between the modes would be good.

I like how you access it from the character selection screen rather than the dropdown thing.