
This is not what I was expecting but needless to say I am expecting all of you to participate. Don’t let me down.


I hope it wont be as bad as it looks like. At least theres a tmog to farm.

Aaaaaand its a Free-For-All PvP thing.

Bah. At least I can grind for the mog set. Hopefully that’s not locked behind some arbitrary nonsense like “Must be the last man standing 50 times!”.


It doesn’t sound like it will be. Though I’m sure to get any title, you’ll need to win once.

Honestly, I’m okay with PvP like this. There isn’t a current meta and it’s going to be chaos. You won’t be contending with anyone who knows the system better than you, at least for a little while.

Hopefully it is fun and not a complete drag. I was hoping for ships. I don’t see any ships.

Im looking forward to trying it out

Battle Royale style game mode with closing circle/ring/wall/blue/storm

no classes. you gather spells of varying rarity on the field, including auto attack. looks like we can farm mobs for spells and levels too

Only 7 buttons. All looted items and spells go on the bars (i guess you can replace them if you wanted?)

Solo mode. Duos Mode, to rez your partner you stand in a circle with their body (they added spectator mode for when you die)

Takes place in Arathi Highlands, you play as an NPC from random pirate factions stealing loot

40 lvls of renown, apparently able to blaze through them. (devs want it to feel suuuuper rewarding) and tons of pirate theme rewards the Pirate Captain set looks cool

I think it looks fun. my main complaint is that it’s limited time, and PVP’ers are the most-shafted members of this community in terms of getting new content. It should be a permanent game mode.


I’ll probably play it for the rewards and then dip.

Maybe they’ll add it to epic battlegrounds after the event. Or make it seasonal with Talk Like a Pirate Day.

But why is it Arathi? There’s only 1 pirate ship area there that I can recall. And we already have AB.

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…we have pirates at home.


I just realized something…suppose someone hates PvP and this is the event that pops up for them. Eugh. Blizz should have tied more into this, I think.

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every other event is pve, one thing for the pvpers every few years is okay


Yeah, but not when you don’t forewarn people. I like PvP, but there are a looooot of people who don’t who are gonna be pissed.


Ok, just going to start out by saying I dabble in Pvp. I enjoy battlegrounds and Wpvp.

But this…

Blizz messed up horribly.

They got everyone excited for something something pirates only to drop that it has a large PvP element. That was a huge mistake. Yes, PvPers need content too and I hope they and myself get PvP content we can enjoy.

Blizz should have at least said that it was going to have that PvP element.

I was told that the announcement thread has already been nuked and if that is true, then players seem to be having a terrible reaction and I don’t blame them.

Even though I do enjoy PvP I am personally having a hard time motivating myself to take part. I do want to, for the mog, but I am having some difficulty.

Feel free to ignore some of the details about what I am about to say. Just thoughts on PvP in games I have had recently and why.

So lately I have been playing more modern Star Wars Battlefront 2 and it has had me thinking about PvP in games. Whether or not I have fun is determined by the skills of the enemy players and becoming fodder for really great players is not really that fun. Thank goodness I discovered Co-op so I could play and practice with classes I don’t normally get to and gain a lot of lvls through bonus XP events.


If they announced it was going to be a pvp only event the anticipation would have dropped by a large amount.


if the only complaint is that its pvp, i think we’re off to a good start

I’m a bit meh on the idea of a battle royale, but it’s looking like it’ll be a big enough twist on the formula that it could be fun, so I’m willing to give it a shot.

I’m really more pleased that the dev team thought outside the box and tried something new! More of this please, even if this event in particular isn’t to my taste.

Honestly I think wow fans are just negative needlefish and need to chill out when the update isn’t incorporating GDKP support.

I’m surprised more RPers aren’t into PvP. We tell each other it’s okay to lose all the time (for story purposes.) Scars elicit growth. Getting your teeth kicked in builds character. Having your corpse dragged through the streets while onlookers cheer and people throw tomatoes at your rotting carcass, tomatoes that were a little too ripe and might have been splitting down the side and oozing a little, builds calluses.

Eventually you become immune to the stink, and you start to rise above and fight back. There is no force greater than the underdog who has learned to become a champion.

And that is when the fun in PvP truly begins.

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PVP is cool so I like this. Kinda wish it was like an expansive modern Epic BG rather than Battle Royale but I’ll take this!

It has been funny seeing people losing it about it being PVP on Twitter like PVP hasn’t been neglected for literal years. Like seriously PVE players get everything you can let the PVP community have this for once.

Apparently there are 40 levels of renown. And you get a level every 4-5 matches. And matches take 10 to 15 minutes each on average. So that puts us pretty solidly at 1 level per hour, or 40 hours of play time.

Looking at that from an adult perspective, that’s 2 entire weekend days at about 10 hours a day, then 5 hours for 5 weekdays. Basically, a second job.

And let’s not forget any glitches or down time. If this timing is accurate, this royale wasn’t realistically made for adults who have jobs, school and lives.


How long does the event last, do we know? And what does each level of prestige get us?

Huh. Well, that’s new. I hope people enjoy it.

Dang, though, it’s getting harder to tell who WoW is for now or what it actually does. It feels like Blizzard games are just slowly morphing into one characterless, directionless game.

Me, too, but I chalk it up to bad experiences and the fact that some people just want to play tavern owners or something.

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