
I don’t know and I also don’t know. I’m guessing this will run til the Season 4 update? I haven’t heard any confirmation on any of this yet and I’m stuck at work for another 2 hours so… Edit: I’m being told event runs for 6 weeks.

I think we have to play about 200 matches to top out.

Someone in the main thread said this looks like it should have been a mobile game. I could see that. Maybe they believed we didn’t have phones.

So the word is that Blizzard bought the studio that developed the Battle Royale game, Spellbreak, and that this mode is very similar to that game.

I also seen that the mode will last until May, but that they will be paying attention to the communities feedback via the forums, and other social media to determine how we liked it. This will give them the feedback they need to decide if they want to devote time towards more things like this I guess?

I mean if they want to divert some dev time towards some Player Housing content, or some Tower Defense stuff. I am down for that, but for the love of all things. Make it evergreen. Stop using dev time to develop things that mean nothing later on.

Sunsong Ranch
Class Order Halls
Artifact Weapons
Island Expeditions
Time Rifts

When will they learn?

Also…an entire WoW patch that adds no quests or anything to do in actual retail other than wear your mog, show off your mount, or pull out your battle pet to something entirely outside of the servers you login to everyday is a HUGE loss.

So the community is even further segregated.


Now Plunderstorm too

All of these things mean less people logged into your Massive Multiplayer Online Game.

FFXIV adds these fun themepark mini-games, but they still exist narratively and purposefully into the actual lore and everything of the game.

Was there REALLY a need to be so secretive with this path too? This patch that doesn’t add any single story quest or anything at all towards Dragonflight or Classic? Like what is being spoiled? The mog? The Mount? The Toy? The Pet? Everything is cosmetic. It is just a dumb new Blizzard designing new UI mini-game that means nothing just until they decide what next new mini-game that means nothing to design.

Just work on your World of Warcraft. That is your game. That is your setting. That is your story.

I get finding work for people from some other game company, but what about the people that have been working on World of Warcraft? Why can’t they you know design stuff for when people login to the World of Warcraft Dragonflight game? You know…world of warcraft dragonflight content and stuff in the world of warcraft dragonflight game?

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Dunno if you’ve noticed but ye average rp’er abhors confrontation.

They tried that and we got Sunsong Ranch and Garrisons. True housing requires a team and a lead dev to carry it for years not just an patch or ah expansion.

They need to add a ERP Battle Royale mode.


My interest is piqued already.


I just got up where I am and I’m looking into this and I gotta say – huh??

Personally, I don’t want to log into something else, I just want to log into WoW when I play, so for me this is just going to be a chore I do for the rewards.

I think it’s dumb to call it 10.2.6 if it’s not in the actual game.

While my opinion is 100% ignorant and reactionary at this stage, my initial vibe is that this was a bad move because the game is in a slump with everyone waiting for the next season – 90% of my guild hasn’t logged on in 3-6 weeks or more. This isn’t bringing them back and if it did… it wouldn’t be back to the game, it would be to this, for a FOMO chore, and then they’d go back to not playing until 10.3…


This is basically product cannibalization and their marketing should know better. But they don’t, and that’s why we have so many Classic modes and empty servers.

And again, Blizz is using its WoW audience and trying to sell its other games, which is even further cannibalization.

I’m still trying to understand how Plunderstorm works within Blizz metrics. Are they counting it as a WoW metric or on its own? Or both? Are they going to consider that if we’re playing the Royale, that we’re engaged in the MMO? Because I feel like that’s misleading. I feel like if they want to count it for WoW, it should require a WoW log in.


Unfortunately, I have long been burned out with Battle Royale games.

confusing and weird. not looking forward to this.

My only major gripe is that they are making this a timed thing and not even that LONG either, six weeks is just not enough at all, this is the first time in a long time that we get the most FOMO content they have ever made, an ENTIRELY new game mode that will just vanish from the face of the earth and people only get SIX weeks to play and earn all the rewards like come on


When you remember that Blizzard bought out the studio that was behind Spellbreak, the magic/sorcerer battle royale it makes a lot of sense who was involved in this game mode. Which personally I’m excited about because Spellbreak was fun for me and a nice twist on the genre. Personally I’m thrilled that something like this exists and that Blizzard is looking at unique ways to change the game a bit more.

What I don’t want is for the mode to get torn apart by meta chasers who start talking about builds, sweaty strats to the point the game becomes arena mode 2.X. As much as I enjoy pvp games I don’t want that side to pollute this new mode.

Anything that messes with people’s power fantasy gives folks the hebee jibbies and the idea of potentially losing to someone across the screen is terrifying to some.


I didn’t know Blizzard bought out spellbreak. I liked that game though I wasn’t very good at it.

Anyway, while I agree I think the idea of a meta emerging is inevitable. You’re always going to have people who squeeze all the fun out of anything. So long as the playing field is relatively open, I think we’ll be ok.

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That’s just regular battlegrounds, isn’t it.

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I’m just gonna kick back with a case of root beer, a bag of pretzels and watch the Twitch streams.

I am super confused trying to figure this out.

Same here but I keep hearing that little Bonestorm voice every time I say Plunderstorm.

I don’t quite like it but I also don’t hate it. I simply can’t bring myself to care; not my thing at all.

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More like Blunderstorm, amirite?


I’ll be looking at the rewards and figure out if I want to stomach this.

I really want Blizzard to continue putting new things in the game but this might be the single least enjoyable thing I have ever done in all the years I’ve played.


But then we wouldn’t of had so many people who were waiting for something cool or interesting to be disappointed today and the fallout wouldn’t have been so bad. Us sane people could have accepted PvPers and some others getting something they liked and we could all ignore the people that would be mad Pvpers got something and they didn’t.

That is not the complaint. Not from the people we should be listening to. It is completely reasonable for those not into Pvp, or even myself who likes Pvp to an extent, to be upset that Blizz hyped them all up for an event that wasn’t going to be for them.

This is like promising your family a surprise only for you to get 6 year old suzie a Barbie dream mansion. Sure, 8 year old Jenny is alright with it because she can still play with it too, but the rest of the family is super upset because they thought you were going to get them a dog or a trip to Disney World.

I implore you to try to see it from the perspective of the other folks. It really seemed like, at least to me, that the surprise was suppose to be for everyone.

I like Pvp for the big Lord of the Rings like battles myself.

Are you okay?

Dang it! I was going to say that! Totally accidently called the event that while at lunch today.