Plunderstorm isn’t Warcraft

No, it isn’t. That’s a big part of the problem.

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The combat really doesnt feel like WoW at all. Very clunky.

That’s an odd way of saying Fruit Ninja.

Yeah, this really highlights how most people just wanna log on, press a button and get a loot crate.

I dont know but the simple, addon free, even playing field pvp mode in WoW is kinda of a big deal.

Especially the fact the there is no addon support so anybody can jump in and play.

They just need to make it free for everyone

OP using World of Warcraft, Warcraft, and Retail World of Warcraft interchangeably.

Uhh… that ain’t it.

Which is cringe. I hate that Blizzard has cultivated this base of whiny World Quest Andies. I guess their money is still green but yeesh. No wonder Retail WoW is relatively soulless, being a content factory for brain-dead zombies can’t be satisfying.

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“this has no connection to the game, other than the connection to the game, but I don’t like that connection!”

Cosmetics are a connection to the game man. Sure it isn’t expanding the lore or anything, but its just a silly fun game mode set in the Warcraft universe.

Not everything has to be super story relevant pve raiding content.

Plunderstorm feels more like Warcraft than Archaeology or Dragonscale Expedition that’s for sure. Even Dragon Races, which I enjoy, are less Warcraftian than Plunderstorm.

Cosmetic rewards were available in Heroes of the Storm and Hearthstone, but they aren’t considered World of Warcraft content. This isn’t either. It is a standalone game. Which is fine. But to call it a Warcraft patch is a misrepresentation.

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I think this community is its own worst enemy now tbh…lived long enough to become the villain type stuff because nothing new will ever prosper here…

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Just ignore the haters IMO. I can think of only a handful of good things that have ever come out of Blizzard listening to players rather than doing what they wanted to do.

Noones forcing you to play lol

True, even I love it, I love the storm vm, but 10.2.6 is not a good patch, it’s not even a patch, my game character will not even open during these times, and after all, nothing will be left or changed, that’s stupid.

No it isn’t.


lol delusional conspiracy theorists.

Heroes of the Storm and Hearthstone aren’t run through the WoW client.

Heck, the only thing that’s making it “not World of Warcraft content” for you is the fact that the button you press is on Character Select instead of the Battleground menu. Could they have done that? Probably. Should they have? Maybe.

Thinking about for a moment though, I’d imagine this method made it a lot less of a headache to set up, since the only problems that can potentially arise come from within the mode itself, since there’s no way for any wayward interactions from things like class stats, auras, talents, passives, equipment, consumables, toys, world buffs, player level ranges, etc. to bleed into the event and create, say, a problem where queueing as a level 37 shaman causes you to do double damage and also lets you reincarnate when you die.

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Sometimes I just think everyone here deserves another shadowlands xpac.

This makes me miss how quests were before all of the gadgety stuff they’ve included in the game. Interaction is fun but it’s turned into an arpg, and things like plunderstorm just take it that much further.

It’s no longer cerebral, just clicky and jumpy.

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i hope in the future we can plug usb drives into our brain and it delivers the wow loot crate directly to us. I hate having to log in and see stuff like “art” or be trifled with the concept of “”““having fun””“”"

the ONLY THING i care about is seeing newly obtained digital assets being added to my account in the form of murloc pets and reskinned spectral steed mounts

Plunderstorm is a mini-game. Mini-games are great for those that like them but should not advance the game per se. Whenever you do not have access to your abilities and are presented with different ones you are playing a mini-game. Even if within the “game”.

What’s a bit odd is a mini-game that takes center stage and is a major amount of lost reward for those not liking mini-games. Shouldn’t happen. Period.