Plunderstorm isn’t Warcraft

and now with the hotfix it is even worse. the eye strain is crazy. I went to bed last night and my eyes were a mess and I had some pain. Their needs to be a WARNING play this event.
Even so I think its great that PVP players have a event they seem to enjoy, but for the rest of us this has no place in WoW. As titled Plunderstorm isn’t Warcraft. It is not even WoW PVP. Zero strategy what so ever.
I highly recommend if you do this event watch your eye health and dont play for too long at one time

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It takes place in Arathi Highlands. A popular contested zone back in Vanilla.

No it doesn’t. It takes place in an arena skinned like Arathi accessed through a separate client. Your WoW characters can’t go there and your Plunder characters can’t go to the WoW Arathi highlands. Because it’s a completely separate game. There is no interaction between World of Warcraft and Plunder. None. Ergo it is not a Warcraft patch. It’s a separate game that gives you World of Warcraft rewards for participating.


They never advertised it as new wow content, in fact they never commented on it. People just made the assumption.

Putting it on the retail roadmap is pretty suggestive that it’s retail content.

They didn’t put it on the classic roadmap.

Seems like it was a reasonable assumption.


It was part of the 10.2.6 patch, so it was VERY CLEARLY advertised as new wow content. Very clearly. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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I mean, not if I close my eyes and stand on my head

People struggle with this logic so hard and it’s 100% accurate. They think that because it’s on the same client it’s WoW content for live servers. If it was a different client no one would be making any comments about it. +1 my dude

Requires WoW sub time and to launch WoW
WoW art assets
WoW combat mechanics

I think they did themselves a disservice by labeling it as a patch and not just a fun mini event, but to say it has no WoW connection is just not correct.

Because that’s where they put the shortcut.

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This isn’t really what people mean when they say it has no connection to WoW. You won’t find anyone disputing what you’re saying because people that argue for why it’s separate also state the same stuff. It does have all that. What people mean is it doesn’t have any functional connective gameplay stemming from the Live retail servers. That’s kinda a mouthful but accurate. I just wanted to try and elaborate what people mean, not argue lol. I think I put it into an accurate statement