Pls don't add LFR

This is still largely offtopic and like I said, I don’t see the point your making other than trying to slander me.

If they add LFR, which I think there’s been talks to not, and that’s the content you want to do you will be free to. I simply do not want it to become something advantageous for people who for it it’s not meant to be their main content when LFR isn’t that fun for those people.

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This whole conversation is about LFR :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I’m stating my points clearly; as usual, they’re just going in one of your ears and out the other.

:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

You don’t see anything wrong with that statement, do you?

You know what, forget about me digging up your old transcripts. There’s no point.

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I think it should just go in how it was. These days you are sweeping this content in a week, two, three tops so the need to pound LFR for a month to get gear isn’t going to be the same as it was in the past.

For the first week or two of a tier might people be motivated to go in and clear it for set bonus? Sure, maybe, along with maybe a trinket or two. After that it will simply be a que up and pull the slot machine lever for people. Some people will go hard on it week on week… most people will probably not bother after a short window.

This is a very poor reason to deny people that would actively enjoy the system. Me? Sure… first week or two maybe… after that hit it on my alts? Ok, sure, I wasn’t going to outright raid hard with them anyway and this opens a window with them. People that don’t have raids have them suddenly. That is a good thing.

Some people will have poor impulse control. That is on them. To cut it out for a lot of people that just want to play the game as it was, and probably should be, is just wild thinking. Its a system that lasted from Cata all the way to WW when many others have been scrapped… why… we know why… its used and love by many. Me? Not so much, but the game shouldnt be designed and built solely for me and my ilk alone.


It is what it is I guess.
Not that I still see a point, but I get you’re disagreeing.

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Why? It’s on you if you can’t help yourself but to do content that you dislike doing for minor advantages.

Shouldn’t punish the whole player base because those that are obsessive can’t help themselves.


The same way that game systems are made to be enjoyable. Timegating with a weekly lockout is made so players can pace themselves. You might as well ask why we simply can’t spam raids without a lockout. LFR being a weekly lockout shared with other difficulties (the same way that heroic and normal are already) if added would definitely benefit a lot of players which don’t want the hassle to do that content if they are already doing harder level.

I didn’t see a lot of threads asking for normal and heroic lockouts to be split from their shared lockouts, so for me this is the same a lot of playerbase will benefit from doing it this way. It has been working well, while 10m vs 25m in wotlk has had many people disliking having to do both which has been an example to keep it not shared.

LFR is unnecessary as the content is already accessible enough. With the free heroic loot from the previous tier, which is comparable to LFR raids, there’s no need for it.

Several outcomes may arise if Blizzard decides to implement LFR.

If LFR is added and the lockout isn’t linked to normal/heroic, people will exploit the system. This happened during the original Cataclysm. Guilds would queue for LFR, need roll on everything, and then distribute all the loot to their main raiders. Back then, there was no 5-man limit for LFR queues; guilds would run with 20+ members to increase their chances of obtaining loot.

Should LFR be linked to normal/heroic lockouts, it won’t be frequented by geared raiders. Instead, it will be filled with players who are undergeared, unfamiliar with their class, ignorant of the mechanics, and unable to join GDKP or alt runs. Consequently, LFR runs will decline due to the poor performance and high number of inexperienced players. Moreover, the tenacity buff did not exist until Mists of Pandaria, so it’s not a factor.

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Yea considering this, I think adding the buff if they add LFR would make sense. But, considering they’re updating dungeons to be catchup LFR doesn’t need to exist to be catchup which I would agree.

Exactly I’m not sure why people want to come on here and try and slander others because they state facts. Just because the facts don’t align with someone opinions does not make less factual.

LFR Dropped 384 ilvl gear and Loot Spine and madness dropped 390 trinket and weapons. So what that FACTUAL information. Also knowing that blizz will add heroic Firelands loot to a vendor. While also knowing that Heroic Firelands loot is 391 - 397 ilvl that would take away the need for LFR.

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That’s 100% me, I want LFR so I can play for 2 weeks and quit until MoP, thanks.

Why is it a problem though? If you’re doing normal/heroics why is having a relatively quick queueable run that offers some RNG protection a bad thing?

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Because first it’s not content which is addressed to those people and a lot of people would simply find that unfun, second it is far from bad luck protection because it’s the same rng, third it’s an unnecessary grind added when that should never be the point of LFR. LFR goal was to be content for people who didn’t want to find a guild and simply wanted to see the raid, making it part of the gearing loop for other raiders is simply bad design to me.

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Raiders do a lot of content that’s not explicitly their progression raid, I’ve been grinding a fair amount of 5 mans for VP upgrades. I don’t see LFR as being any different.

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You don’t need to do LFR to get into normal though.

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And it’s also why I’m glad to some point that inferno dungeons are a thing, because doing heroic dungeons would have been much boring. I still wouldn’t consider this good design and I think raids should give way more valor than currently.

Which isn’t relevant to what I am saying, playing the game the best way should still be fun. Min/maxing shouldn’t be seen like a chore.

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So do you think raids should be entirely self contained? IE if someone only wants to raid they should be able to support that exclusively by raiding? And in that I’m including things like gems and enchants and consumes.

Heh… i just do one regular heroic and one troll dungeon a couple times a week to VP cap, I;'m not a fan of inferno or H+.

I think someone that raid is already playing enough, I’d rather they design other content for other groups of players which either raid less or do not raid. Or for them to be a choice if you want to make more alts.

Cataclysm does this as I actually make gold weekly from simply clearing the raid, enough to sustain my consumables which is a big reason why I like it.

Crystals for enchants are given by the guild and other stuff are pretty cheap. The only big cost would have been if I had to get a darkmoon card which I didn’t need as unholy dk.

I don’t particularly like that dungeons are used as the main way to catchup raid gear and that old raids aren’t buffed or don’t drop the currency but content-wise they are still better than the base dungeons for me.

Cata is better in this regard, but a guild providing cauldrons and feasts and enchants isn’t quite the same as the raids being self sufficient in and of themselves. It just means you have a good guild where someone is putting that extra time in out of raid.

Food and flasks are actually cheap, I can sustain those pretty easily moreover when I bough a bunch early on when I could. P1 was really good to make gold from raids as there were a lot more bosses. I’m also alchemist to reduce the cost of flask if needed.

Do i need to remind you that with the H+ dungeons people will be getting Heroic Firelands gear which is 391-397 loot!!! Dragon soul LFR drops 384 loot and then the last 2 bosses drop 390 trinkets and weapons.

So that being said LFR is not needed!!!

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