Pls don't add LFR

They did this in Cata so I’m sure we can make this work with cata in mind.
10m and 25m share the same lockout in Cata, it would make sense for me to make it so LFR share the same lockout also of normal and heroic which it also currently does.

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because 10m and 25m both drop the same loot at the same ilvl. LFR drops it at a lower ilvl

But normal and heroic do not drop the same ilvl, I feel you’re confused.
LFR is a difficulty like normal and heroic and you currently can’t do both, which I like.

It would be better to simply make it share the lockout so people don’t feel like they have to do it. And for people that want to do it they’d be free to do it. Everyone wins.

Flexible raiding would fix this issue but i doubt blizz is going to add it for DS


Nah, Add it.

I don’t want to be tied to a schedule just to press buttons. Real life is way more valuable than pixels and I want to play a game, not a second job.

Just like with RDF, a lot of gatekeepers cried and cried on the forums because of “muh rewarding experience” or “muh social interaction” or whatever until it got added and they had to shut up because it was a vast improvement over spamming LFG everytime they wanted to run a dungeon.


normal and heroic dungeons have always shared a lockout going forward from ICC so what is the confusion here?

my counter to your argument about being “forced to run LFR so it should share a lockout” still stands and you have not made a single point against it, if they wanted to make LFR and normal/heroic share a lockout then they should have made 10/25m share a lockout back in wrath where you were actually forced to run both every week in order to get BiS since they dropped different loot, not the same loot at different ilvls. if you got a drop off 25m Marrowgar you still ran 10m to get a drop off that version, but if you got a drop off heroic halfus you wouldn’t want to run normal Halfus.

Your point is because they’ve done it that way in the past then it should be kept the same.

That’s not really a point, that’s a fallacy.

You also haven’t explained what benefits would there be to not make LFR share the same lockout when I’ve explained why I think it would make sense.

They have made changes in Cata and making LFR the same lockout as Normal/Heroic would accomplish the same goal which is to remove the burden to run multiple difficulties on the same toon.

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Lucky for us Blizz said they dont plan on releasing LFR. Most of the players dont want LFR in cata sure bring it back for MoP but the last phase of cata its not really needed. The only people who want this are the players who come play for 2 weeks then quit. Only to return when the next phase launches and play for 2 weeks.

LFR will be added in Dragon Soul and it will be in MoP why?

Because its a simple (Turn on) type system, its build into the game and it takes no effort from the dev team to add in, a lot of people will still enjoy LFR so it will be added.

Oh and LFR can be used to make the Legendary grind in MoP faster so I’ll take it.


As the GM of a very newbie-friendly guild that actively seeks out players who are completely new to WoW and/or raiding… I look forward to LFR. It’s a great way to put “training wheels” on raiding for those players. Gives them the sense of accomplishment sooner, some starter gear for “real” raiding, gets them off the bench when we can’t put everyone in the Normal mode raids… all around great idea. I kinda hope it doesn’t share a lockout with N/H raids but I have enough alts to not really care :slight_smile:



It’s the community council crying Death Knight that whined about Paletress being too hard on RDF gamma…

Now wants to come here and have their say about what LFRers can or cannot do. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

And therein lies the problem now, does it?

Not that I would expect you to understand any of it…

Or as I’ve always suspected, you might; but need to deflect, gaslight, derail, away from the proper issue…

Just like that druid cohort of yours, Zy, that likes to do the same thing regarding this issue.

Oh I forgot…

The idea of adding flex in, no; that’s not the proper solution because you’re still left with the same issue as not having LFR at all.


Blizz the community doesnt want LFR. It was a bad addition to the game

That’s certainly some rambling imagination as on the contrary I explained to people that there were many ways to beat her, but people didn’t want to dispel, interrupt and healers generally weren’t prepared for it as a lot of dungeons do not require for you to do this much healing and that ilvl requirement to queue for those dungeons was still on the very low side which made a lot of people kick happy. I think there was also a way to cheese her but haven’t done it by going out of her range. I personally didn’t have an issue with the boss and on the contrary I think some dungeons could have been made a bit harder to make healers more involved.

I’m not even sure what even what’s your point as I feel this is more about slander than even trying to make a comment.

add lfr pls and ty


Pls dont add it ty

That you don’t have a clue or understanding about what the random queue systems should be all about.

Or if you do have a clue, you’re not qualified to decide what should or shouldn’t go in the queue; case in point…

That’s you trying to justify, still even today, to have had that boss/dungeon either removed from RDF and/or nerfed.

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That’s a lack of reading comprehension if I saw one.
In no way I want that boss to get removed and in no way I implied this.


Are you saying you didn’t ever suggest the removal and/or nerfing of ToC/Paletress from RDF during Wrath?

I was recently looking at those old threads…

Do I have to dig them up and show you exactly what you posted?

I don’t feel I need to repeat myself.

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I’m going to take that as a no.

Very well, I’ll dig up those old transcripts myself. Stay tuned, I’ll be back some time later with them.