Pls don't add LFR

Just dont add it, there is no need for it. Most players in Cata can clear all raids on normal, there is no need for LFR

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it will come whether people like it to or not

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The only reason I want them to add it is for the transmog. There’s a lot of recolors that you can only get from RF and there’s some that I really want.

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casuals keep the game alive, id prob run alts through when i had time.

blizz now gives heroic raid gear for a couple of dungeons with H+ dungeons.

idk if it shares lockout but they could just make it share the same lockout as normal/heroic


I’d be more impressed if they did remove it and not mess everything up. Since that’s what will happen it will probably be left in and just modified to appear less retarded.

Show us your week 1 heroic rag clear, and cutting edge raiding retail achievements. We’ll wait.

At the start of Cataclysm I would have agreed with not wanting LFR added; though, after playing the expansion I don’t see how anyone could justify removing end game content from an expansion that lacks SO much end game content. I get that their focus on the expansion was directed to redesigning the old world but holy crap there is literally nothing to do outside of raiding.

The devs already stated they dont want to add it.

in the history of WoW the Devs are notoriously bad at saying “we don’t want to add this” and then end up adding it anyways 4 patches later because they have “listened to the community”

LFR will be in the game, if only because it is already coded into the system going forward and it is easier to just let it stay than try and remove it. also there’s lots of transmog options that would be unavailable if LFR is taken out

Transmogs can be added in via a vendor like in SoD should they choose to Eliminate the system. Also they don’t need to remove it just disable it.

Transmogs are not even that big of a deal either whos Transmoging current Tier into LFR colors? If they really wanted to they could make it so that if you got the item in Heroic you unlocked all 3 color variants. but honestly who cares about transmog.

I’m not gonna cross the Barbie clan…