Pls don't add LFR

Sure some of that depends on server I guess. I couldn’t afford a single flask off what drops in firelands.

That’s like 120 gold per boss kill in 25m heroic.
Currently a str flask is 55 gold, potions are 9 golds and food is also 9 gold.
I think at worse early on flasks were like 220 gold and I only need 2 of them for a full raid as alchemist.
Cauldrons are cheaper than flasks to craft for a raid so you save also on that.

Have your tried doing dailies?

You think you do but you dont! Pls blizz dont add LFR

Umm the dungeons they added as catch up that are harder than heroics and there are threads about how those dungeons would be impossible for groups at the i-lvl that needs the catch up?

Inferno dungeons are a big fail as a catch up mechanism and do not replace LFR as a necessary accessibility tool. That or flex. Many many people who might want to try raiding can’t right now.

They take more time at lower level but arent that much harder, they have a faster queue at least to me than normal heroic dungeons. And while I think they might have scaled hp of certain mobs too high running old heroics we would be melting them.

We also havent see the next version and dragon soul patch also has its own new dungeons to catchup too.

As much also that people praise flex I dont believe flex make raids more acessible because you can take less people. Having a static difficulty means that you have to fill your group, you cant be as much picky.

In a realm or guild with an infinite number of people that might be true.

But in a guild or realm where you are the 11th to 24th or 26th + player in the group, you are currently not getting to raid.

Thats assuming they would still take you in and wouldnt remove players that struggle a bit more. Flex didnt make on average groups go for bigger size unless content was much easier with a bigger group it normally downsize to what is most practical and easy

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Players discovered the balance in Flex raiding; they understood that adding one more person would not necessarily increase the boss’s health/damage—it was based on a bracket system. Thus, if you added four people, the boss’s stats remained the same, but adding a fifth would increase both health and damage. Consequently, most guilds/groups learned this and adapted accordingly.

Well if your in this situation do better and take someone eleses spot earn the spot dont complain about it. Do something about it be proactive. If you cant get a spot in the raid with that current guild find a new one.

All I know is that until Wow had cross realm and flex raiding, I didn’t raid.

Be better than the 10th person so they take you and not them is a win-lose game where someone still is not raiding. Find a new guild is not really the answer either because there are not an infinite number of guilds recruiting on every server (especially the RP ones). And no I’m not going to pay to transfer to a larger server because Blizzard hasn’t fixed the thing that they fixed in retail that allowed me to start raiding there (flex and cross realm).

Lol i see Guild recruitment spam EVERYWHERE!!!

That is your choice live with it.

Two features that were not around in Classic!!! This is classic. That is why they are not in the game because they didn’t exist.

Again you chose to play classic. Anther choice but you clearly don’t understand that these are the repercussions of your choices.

LFR is a feature that started with Dragon Soul but you’ve been arguing it shouldn’t be added. This is a thread about adding LFR or not.

I take your perspective as “they should not because it’s so easy to gear up”
My argument is that there are structural design issues in this game that Blizzard fixed over time that they still need to fix.

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Yes and i stated as to why it shouldnt be added. Let me go quote myself again.

This is why LFR is not needed!!!

This is classic honestly blizzard needs to leave it alone!!!

What vendor sells heroic gear from the prior tier? Can I buy that now?

I’m doing the Molton Front dailies to unlock those…

“This is classic so only classic features should be added” “Don’t add this feature that was added in classic” Ok hypocrite.


Lol LFR is not needed Since DS LFR drops 384 ilvl gear with the last 2 bosses dropping 390 ilvl loot.

Heroic Firelands drops 391 loot with rag dropping 397. LFR is now obsolete since the catch up mechcanic rewards higher ilvl gear and is farmable.

Yes you can buy previous tier gear from a vendor not sure where the vendor is for Alliance but i would say it should be the same as horde so there should be a vendor by the Justic and Valor vendors. Somewhere in SW. You do need to do Inferno dungeons to get the currency to buy the gear tho.

That’s not up to you. Imo, druid buffs aren’t needed, but clearly you feel differently. My only argument is that you’re being an ignorant hypocrite.


Lol Druids buffs are needed as they are underperforming and have been ranked at 19 out 22 dps since P1.

That’s your opinion. Again, you are being hypocritical.

Lol the devs already said they dont want to add LFR to the game. just because a handful of players want it when majority of the playerbase doesn’t. Lets hope blizzard goes with the majority of players wants just like they did with banning GDKPs in classic