Pls don't add LFR

Thats not a compromise. Thats letting yourself fall behind and weaken your main raid groups performance.

Just as rdf doesnt have this option. Chosing not to use it is going to drastically hurt your gear progression and in turn harm your raids performance.

IF lfr shared lockout with the other raids it would work out as an optional system. But hy not sharing lockouts it becomes almost mandatory to use. I still remember cata world first guilds doing lfr the first weeks rotating in 5-10 of their main raid characters then filling the rest of the slots with alts, and funneling gear to them for set peices and trinkets to have an edge in the world first race. And thats after the bug was fixed of having 24 main raiders and 1 alt rotating in so the gear drops reset letting them funnel a metric ton of gear to their raid weak 1. (Bans went out for this if i remember correctly)

Want lfr to be optional? Make it share lockouts. Problem solved.

Look, another person hiding behind a non-level capped alt.

The exclusion of LFR in the final phase would not change anything in Cata Classic; it would essentially remain unchanged. Reintroduce it for MoP, where it serves greater utility. However, if Blizzard decides to reintroduce it, it should share the same lockout as normal and heroic modes.

What has prevented these players from participating in raids since the launch of Classic? PUGs exist, Discord groups are available, and GDKPs are present. There are many other options out there. LFR is not necessary until MOP.

You do realize that these two things go hand in hand, right? Adding LFR to the last phase of Cataclysm Classic isn’t just about introducing a new feature; it’s about how this feature will affect the overall game experience and the community that plays it.

Ultimately, the goal is to consider what is best for the game and its community as a whole, rather than focusing solely on the addition of a single feature. The impact on the community is a crucial aspect of this discussion and cannot be ignored.

Nah, it was fine the way it was implemented originally. Your lack of self control is a you problem.

And your supposed concern over community is hilarious as you pay 400k gold to buy gear in GDKPs. Hypocrisy at its finest.


Bro stop hiding behind a alt post from a main. So everyone can see your logs or lack there of?

Lol, 400k is insignificant in a GDKP. I have witnessed individual items such as the two-handed H Ragnaros mace sell for over 800k, or the Lightning Cap for over 1 million. Your GDKP argument is irrelevant, especially when you cannot even post from an 85. Do you want to continue making comments on an alt because you are envious, incompetent, or a combination of both?

All you’re doing is proving you have no real argument. :rofl:

By the way, your statement that hardcore players don’t want this option is also untrue. The vast number of people against the feature consists of
you. It’s just you. True hardcore players will do what they always do: adapt and deal. Entitled players like yourself will do what they always do: whine if the game isn’t perfectly tailored specifically for your wants and desires.

So keep buying your gear in GDKPs and ignore LFR.


Labeling someone as ‘entitled’ for not wanting LFR added is quite ironic, it is the entitled players who want all the catch-up mechanics to the game, which is exactly what LFR is.

Stop hiding behind an alt and post on a level 85 char.

Hiding? Nope. I don’t have multiple toons I post on (unlike you). I post on this one, have always posted on this one and will always continue to post on this one. If I only post on one, then I don’t have to try to keep with what I said in conversations – they are all in one place (again unlike you).

What level my toon is has ZERO to do w/the topic. This is called smoke and mirrors or defer and deflect tactics. These types of tactics are engaged by people who don’t have a shred of legitimacy to stand on.

Since you haven’t posted any data points or facts, we will all go with exactly what we know to be true – you have no actual facts.


LFR is a Cata feature. This is Cata Classic. It should be included as it was originally. That’s not entitlement. That’s the point of the project: re-experiencing the game as it was at the time.

However, wanting it changed specifically for you is indeed entitlement. Especially as you say it’s only because you don’t want to have to use the system. Which you can just choose not to do. But since you don’t want to make that choice, you think no one should have the ability. Clearly even the hardcore players don’t have a problem with LFR, since you’re the only person posting against its inclusion.


And lfr had many issues when first added in cata, many were not fixed until mop.

I still say the best solution for lfr, if added, would be to simply have it share the lockout.

That way those not wanting to find a scheduled raid time or pug can do the raid when they want, and the more hardcore guilds do not feel pressured into doing it because it shares a lockout with the normal and heroic difficulty.

A win for both sides.

I was around in OG Cata – Actually OG WoW and I don’t recall any issues with LFR at that time.

I can’t imagine any hardcore raiders/guilds feeling the need or compelled to use LFR. I won’t use it but that does not mean I don’t want it (not implying you are saying you don’t want it btw) - just a general statement.

Bro, ever consider that maybe the people posting in support of LFR are casuals who don’t have time to do hardcore raiding and thus don’t have logs?

Oh that’s right, you don’t consider anyone’s opinion on anything in the game unless they parse better than you
 even if the thing they are pushing is primarily for casuals. No one can possibly have an opinion on anything in this game unless they parse top 5% on every fight.

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Indeed. The only factor of a posting character that has any significance is number of posts. And I don’t mean that in a ‘more is superior’ sort of way. It’s just a method by which to gauge how many characters someone is posting on.

A level 10 with 1000 posts is a person just posting on single character. A level 85 with 1 post is an alt. That is someone who is trying to hide. And ironically and hilariously that’s precisely what LtDan did in this very thread when he switched his posting character. Unfortunately for him, everyone immediately saw through his ruse and knew who he was anyway. So once again he’s just being a complete hypocrite and projecting his own behavior onto others.

Now, with that out of the way let’s return to the fact his sole argument against LFR is that “I don’t want the option, so no one should have it!”

Which is not a good one.


People who don’t interact with the system don’t know the LFR struggle in certain raid tiers, maybe Dragon Soul just falls over I don’t know but I have my doubts.


You were able to exploit the loot methods to get teir and trinkets until mop prepatch as it wasnt personal loot.

First week or two was the worst were if you had a single new raid member anyone could roll on the loot that would drop again.

After they fixed that competative guilds were still bringing 5-10 people who could get loot, and the rest were loot locked to funnel gear for teir sets and trinkets.

This was mostly fixed with mop prepatch, but they still later made lfr personal loot because of abuse on loot rules.

If some changes are not made it will be an issue this time around again. The best option in my opinion is sharing lockouts.

Look at the teir sets and trinkets.

There are major upgrades there in many cases, especially for shaman dps who are supposed to have their firelands teir bonus renerfed with dragon soul. They will want the new teir even more then.

Edit: just to clarify i am not in a hardcore guild this time around i am being much more casual and just enjoying the ride, but i am aware of the toxic behavior cata lfr caused.

Which is why i think adding lfr with shared lockout is good. Heck, i will do it on some of my alts that fell behind in gear just to get them more caught up.

But if its the cata version of lfr, its heavily flawed and easily exploited for loot funneling.

Oh but I do. I raided when Cata was the current expansion. Who doesn’t get a say is you, who clearly doesn’t raid other than paying over 400k for a carry and has a 26% best average parse!


That doesn’t matter. The point is that you don’t actually raid. You simply pay for carries and then try to posture like you’re some pro raider when you have zero skill.


Your opinion that lfr damages “community interaction, teamwork, and the challenge of overcoming content together” is not a fact nor is it supported by any data at all. I think your opinion is complete nonsense. The difference between you and me is I know both of us are expressing an opinion and you are so deluded and confused you think your opinion is a fact.


World first guilds and even hard core guilds are a fringe group and the game should not be designed around that tiny group of players. To achieve that “status” requires sacrifices that the majority of players don’t find fun, don’t care about, and don’t want to do. If those few want to achieve that “status” that the vast majority don’t even notice they have to just accept those sacrifices.