Seriously, just because you type the same thing over and over, doesn’t make it a FACT.
All of this is YOUR subjective opinion. End of story. The rest is the same self-indulgent tripe posed as some crusade to save what hasn’t existed in years.
You have what I think is a faulty premise i.e. that there needs to be a reason like catch up gear for lfr to be added. I think that it’s fun is all the reason there needs to be.
This was the same argument made about rdf. In the end the only community interaction it eliminated was spamming lfg for x dungeon need [tank, healer, dps] which imo was so trivial it didn’t count as community interaction at all. It’s the same with lfr. I’m sure there are some players who can’t raid at all with a guild due to work or other scheduling conflicts and I support their arguments. But the vast majority used lfr were already in guilds. They were already doing normal and heroic raids on their main. All that community interaction, teamwork, and the challenge of overcoming content together already existed for them. They just didn’t have time to schedule raids on their alts. For the vast majority of those using lfr it was people just having fun with their alts. And having fun is all the reason it needs to be added.
It’s a retail character you doof. How about you let us know when you can do content Mr 26% best average parse. It’s funny how you completely ignore every post that I call you out on about it.
It is YOUR choice whether to do LFR or not. Keeping LFR out of the game takes away that choice from casuals.
Exactly - multitudes of casuals will benefit from LFR. A small subset of hardcore raiders will find it “necessary” to run LFR.
What makes you think that the majority of people do not want LFR? Why does having LFR affect anyone outside of giving people a choice?
The classic experience should follow the game as it was deployed back in the day - that means adding LFR back in at the end of cata. Classic isn’t meant for just the no-lifers.
Facts and figures needed. I would say it is a fact that casuals outnumber the hardcore community - does that make it true… I think it does, but I can’t know for sure, and neither can you.
Players want to experience the raids, but don’t have time to commit to a guild / buy carries / sit in LFG for hours while they get declined due to not having 100 ilvl higher than the gear that drops / aren’t meta classes and spec.
And many people don’t have the time to commit to normal / heroic raiding. People have jobs, families, lives outside of WoW… Most people don’t want to have a 2nd job of raiding on a predefined schedule / when they have something better to do.
The casual community probably isn’t going to join a guild in any meaningful way anyways. Giving them LFR allows them to join other players on THEIR schedule rather than committing to a raid time that inconveniences them. Additionally, LFR allows casuals / non-hardcore players the opportunity to not do a raid if they aren’t feeling up for it. Can you do that as a “core raider” of a guild? HELL NO!
why dont you go look at my ilvl % parse for this toon instead of the OVERALL data that has full heroic geared players.
Also, posting on a retail character for classic forums makes a lot of sense. You cannot post on your Cataclysm character because you do not want to be ashamed of your own parses or lack thereof, right?
I’ve seen you chat happily and even praise people posting on level 10 alts when they agree with you. You never tell them to post on their main if you like what they say. Either you should be telling everyone they should post on their main or you’re just a hypocrite using specious reasoning to dismiss someone with ideas you can’t rationally counter.
What does it matter? You got a carry and act all high and mighty. The fact is that you are trash at literally anything you play. You have that gear but you just die and enjoy the carry. You’re trash bud.
Why would it not? Unlike you, I do not posture and make absolutely aerodynamic brained attempts at trying to look good for others that don’t look up your crappy abilities/aptitude/skill set.
I haven’t raided in Cata and I would not be ashamed of my abilities. They would be far superior to yours. It’s pathetic that you think that you’re “good” when you’re not even sub par! I could blue parse in PvP gear and you can barely make it out of grey with superior gear. When you can actually hold the torch let me know and I’ll do far better with less.
Bonus round: You stopped posting on your cat main “moistkitty” when you got called out for being trash. Then you moved to yet another trash toon. Funny how that works!
You are the one who continues to state you have evidence and facts - it is up to you to show those “facts” here…that responsibility is on you to support your position not us.
I have provided multiple facts and evidence to support my position. Just because a select few claim that these are not facts without providing any evidence does not make the facts I have stated and supplied false. It is actually up to them to prove my facts as false in a real way, rather than simply saying 'no.
Why don’t you scroll up and review the information I have posted multiple times? Please avoid being lazy.
If you have provided actual data points (that may have missed) that support your position, please feel free to reference them, otherwise, your observations =/= facts or data.
Data points =/= your thoughts, opinions or observations.
Kind of toxic but given who you are, it is on brand.
No, you haven’t. You continue to provide your OPINION, but you seem to be so deluded that you feel that whatever you spew onto these pages is some “factual” information.
You can post that garbage a million times, it doesn’t become anymore credible with repetition. It simply becomes spam/trolling.
Yes, yes I can. Just because you don’t know how to spy on my old characters does NOT mean I have no raid experience. Besides that, I’m expressing the opinion that YOU have NO right to decide that a certain feature is unworthy simply because YOU have deemed it so. Another deflection attempt by you has failed. To wit, you have a lot of gall to criticize my apparent lack of raid logs after you have spent over 450,000 gold to be CARRIED through a raid.
While I understand that you may have raid experience from previous expansions, it’s important to note that current raid experience in Cata Classic is more relevant to this discussion. The game has evolved, and the dynamics of raiding have changed. Therefore, having up-to-date experience is crucial for making informed arguments about the current state of the game.
Additionally, the focus of this discussion is on the broader impact of adding LFR to the last phase of Cata.
Ultimately, the goal is to preserve the classic experience and encourage meaningful interactions within the community, rather than providing shortcuts that diminish the overall game. It’s not about denying a viable option, but about considering what is best for the game and its community as a whole. A select minority of players does not outweigh the needs/wants of the vast majority of players.
Let’s not forget that I mentioned IF LFR were added (Blizzard developers have already stated that there are no plans to add it). That it should share the same lockout as normal and heroic. However, you and the others continue to refuse to acknowledge the compromise I have proposed multiple times.
First, it’s important to clarify that spending 450k gold in a GDKP run is not the same as being carried. In a GDKP run, players bid on gear with gold, and the highest bidder wins the item.
Additionally, there have been items, such as the 2h mace from Heroic Ragnaros, that have sold for over 800k gold. In comparison, spending 450k gold on multiple items is not excessive and does not constitute a carry. It simply reflects the player’s willingness to invest their resources to enhance their gameplay experience.
It’s essential to recognize the difference between being carried and participating in a GDKP run. The latter involves active participation and investment, which is a legitimate and respected way to acquire gear in the game.
Ah, now you cherry pick what is experience and what isn’t. So if GDKPs are this
then why are they banned in the new releases of classic?
You continually re-hash the same tired OPINIONS, and expect that they should all be accepted as truth because YOU typed it. ONLY YOU have tried to gaslight the focus of discussion to something more akin to your liking and purposes to suit you. Plain and simple, this discussion is about adding LFR, not the impact on the community, not it’s worthiness as determined by you, or any other deflective statements you can try to insert. If you don’t like it, don’t bloody well use it, but to take the stance that you’re somehow morally and intellectually superior in your OPINION is both presumptuous and ludicrous.
The vast majority of hardcore raiders may not want LFR to be added, but the vast majority of casuals (who likely vastly outnumber the hardcore raiders) want it.
They said the same about dungeon finder and classic in general. “You think you do, but you don’t”. Blizz says stuff and changes their minds quite often.
Your inability to control your gameplay choices shouldn’t be cause to remove the choice from everyone else. If your guild demands that you do LFR, then maybe you should reflect on whether you are playing a game for fun, or doing a second job.
The people who stand to gain the most from LFR are the ones who aren’t going to have time to join a raiding guild anyways. Adding LFR doesn’t mean that you “hardcore” players can’t continue to socialize and raid just as you are now - so what exactly is it “diminishing” for you?