Pls don't add LFR

Almost nothing in this game is necessary. It’s not necessary to transmog your character but many people have fun doing it. Professions aren’t necessary but most people do them for fun. It’s not necessary to quest or to do dungeons but most do it just for fun. What you refuse to acknowledge is almost every thing in the game is there for fun. People don’t play games because they’re necessary but because they’re fun.

It would change it greatly since I’d be having more fun with the time I spend in game. I play games to have fun. Why do you play games?

No I don’t. In fact I rarely get bis in every slot even on my main. I want to do raids on multiple alts because raiding is fun and different on different classes. I really don’t care at all about the gear I get, it’s just a nice little bonus I get while having fun. You’re so focused on what’s necessary to get the gear you want that you’ve forgotten that most people play games for fun.


Taking a shower isn’t necessary. You can find a job where you work alone and don’t have to shower. There’s no reason to add a shower, it’s a choice.

Yeah, that is what pugs are for.

What it sounds like is you don’t want to be held accountable for anything.

Yeah, no… I’m not speaking for casual players. I’m saying you are not a casual player. Casual players don’t engage with the game more than simply playing it. They don’t go on the forums saying how much of a casual player they are.

You are just a raider… a casual one maybe, but a raider nonetheless, there is a difference.

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People said the same thing about rdf and some still say it shouldn’t have been added. But in my opinion rdf and lfr made the game much more fun to play. That’s why I play games, for fun. Why do you play games?

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Ah, yes the fun of wiping repeatedly until the buff gets big enough to ignore the mehcanics on a easier difficulty of the encounter…

Either way… you aren’t really engaging in any point of the discussion you are going around them and trying to engage in a different way every time someone does reply.

Why do I play games fun. Yep, and you can have fun, but I understand you don’t actually read the things I’ve posted. You have just looked for things to disregard the things I say because you don’t actually want to engage with the topic you just want someone to agree with what you already think…

Fun fact: I’m not anti-LFR as you seem to think. I’m anti-bloat. I’m Pro-LFR, but pro it throwing you into normals (or even heroics) like RDF instead of it putting the player into a difficulty two tiers lower than normal.

But go off on your Anti-RDF, Anti-LFR, you don’t like fun because you don’t agree with me rhetoric.

Furthermore, you ignore anything that doesn’t suit your worldview. I have raided in the past, but getting back to that first statement, at the current time, I am unable to find a suitable group that can accommodate the random, flexible schedule I have. So once again because I don’t fit into your acceptability margins, I should be denied something that was originally INTENDED to serve someone just like me.

If it’s not fun for you don’t do it. Transmog isn’t fun for me so I don’t do it. Pet battles aren’t fun for me so when that comes out I won’t do it. I tried engineering a few times and it wasn’t fun so I quit at a low level every time while I did every other prof to max now and then. There are several things in the game that aren’t fun for me so I just don’t do them. Why is it so hard for people who don’t have fun in lfr to just not use it?

I’d like lfr for normals or even heroics too, but I don’t waste time asking for things blizzard isn’t going to do. I’m just asking for what was in the original game. Isn’t that what classic was supposed to do, recreate the original expansions.

You claimed that, “Casual players want non-raid content to do… not easier raid content to do. They want things like MoP farmings, like professions, like warlock green fire questline, like the mage tower, like the brawlers guild, like transmog.” I directly addressed that claim and started this dialog. It was the only reason I posted a reply. I think I have directly addressed all your points.

Incorrect. If you didn’t already have a raid group you were running with, LFR was kind of an important gap filler for the most important pieces of gear you didn’t already have. It was a chore you had to complete to collect the weapons and trinkets at nearly the same ilevel as Heroic 25 Ragnaros… Even if you did have a raid to run with, it was a gap filler.

Idk what world you live in, but showering is undoubtedly necessary. To sit there and actually try to argue that it is not is quite concerning. You might want to go jump in one before continuing this rant tho.

Have you checked your server’s Discord? I am fairly certain there are options available. However, you continue to choose to play the victim.

While it’s understandable that you feel LFR was intended to serve players with flexible schedules, it’s important to consider the broader impact on the game and its community. The classic experience emphasizes community interaction, teamwork, and the challenge of overcoming content together. Introducing LFR in the last phase of Cataclysm Classic would undermine these core values by providing an easier alternative that doesn’t require the same level of coordination and effort.

Moreover, the current player base is more skilled and knowledgeable than when Cataclysm was originally released, making the normal and heroic raid modes more accessible. Encouraging players to join guilds or form groups for raiding fosters a stronger sense of community and accomplishment. Additionally, rewarding players who consistently engage with the game and clear content maintains the integrity of the progression system, ensuring that achievements and gear hold their value.

Ultimately, the goal is to preserve the classic experience and encourage meaningful interactions within the community, rather than providing shortcuts that diminish the overall enjoyment and challenge of the game.

You just typed 3 paragraphs of nothing to say that your view is more important than anyone else. Revel in that entitlement bruh!

My intention was not to dismiss your perspective but to provide a comprehensive explanation of why LFR is unsuitable for the final phase. It is important to consider the broader impact on the game’s community and progression system. The game does not revolve around one person but rather a multitude of players.

Most of the players who used lfr were in guilds and raided with their guild on their main. They used lfr to have fun occasionally raiding with their alts. What you seem unable to comprehend is that people do most things in a game just for the fun of it.

Your complaints about lfr are the same complaints some made about rdf and other group finders. I think group finders make the game much more fun and it seems blizzard and most players agree since blizzard added them and players keep using them.


My how condescending and sanctimonious you are. Do you copy/paste these “comprehensive explanations” directly from a Blizz promo page? Are we peasants even WORTHY of your fair speech? Do you even comprehend what you write?

But YOU, as ONE player, deem this option unworthy of us all, and justify it with some flowery passages about something that may or may not be anything resembling reality.


That was not my intention at all. My intention was to politely point out the facts about how LFR is not needed in the final phase of Cata.

While I understand your perspective, it’s important to remember that WoW is a MMORPG. This means that decisions and changes impact the entire player base, not just a single individual. My viewpoint is based on facts and shared by the majority of the community, who believe that preserving the classic experience and encouraging community interaction is crucial for the game’s health.

Introducing LFR in the last phase of Cata undermines the core values of teamwork, challenge, and community that define the classic experience. It’s not about deeming an option unworthy for everyone, but rather about considering what is best for the game and its community as a whole. Changes in an MMORPG affect every player, and it’s essential to prioritize the overall well-being and enjoyment of the majority over the preferences of a smaller group.

You can deflect all you like, all you’re trying to do is use long-winded statements about a community that doesn’t exist as you envision it to justify your opinion as the only “valid” option.


If everything in LFR doesn’t just automatically fall over with zero communication, it’s really not that bad. The group needs to communicate and work together. A lot of the time LFR can be pretty difficult.

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While I understand your frustration, it is important to note that my arguments are based on facts and the shared opinions of the majority of the player base. As previously stated, the classic experience emphasizes community interaction, teamwork, and the challenge of overcoming content together. Introducing LFR in the last phase of Cataclysm Classic undermines these core values by providing an easier alternative that does not require the same level of coordination and effort.

Moreover, you have yet to provide any concrete facts or evidence to support the necessity of LFR in the final phase of Cata. Instead, you are the one who keeps deflecting and focusing on my delivery rather than addressing the substance of my arguments.

LFR is easier than normal raids, which tend to fall over. Additionally, LFR provides the determination buff in case of a wipe, further simplifying the raid.

The onus isn’t and shouldn’t be upon me to provide anything. I’m not the person attempting to DENY players a viable option of play that was designed, developed and released by the MAKERS of this game in order to perhaps engage MORE players. You continually present piles of glimmering platitudes about community emphasis in order to justify DENYING a viable game option, but lets see your

Where are they? You write these things, therefore they must be true?


Echo echo echo…


Perhaps you should take the time to carefully read and re-read what I am writing, and then do the same for your response.

While it’s true that LFR was designed to engage more players, it’s important to consider the broader impact on the game’s community and progression system. The classic experience emphasizes community interaction, teamwork, and the challenge of overcoming content together. Introducing LFR in the last phase of Cataclysm Classic undermines these core values by providing an easier alternative that doesn’t require the same level of coordination and effort.

Additionally, the current player base is more skilled and knowledgeable than when Cataclysm was originally released, making the normal and heroic raid modes more accessible. Encouraging players to join guilds or form groups for raiding fosters a stronger sense of community and accomplishment. Furthermore, rewarding players who consistently engage with the game and clear content maintains the integrity of the progression system, ensuring that achievements and gear hold their value.

Ultimately, the goal is to preserve the classic experience and encourage meaningful interactions within the community, rather than providing shortcuts that could diminish the overall enjoyment and challenge of the game. It’s not about denying a viable option, but about considering what is best for the game and its community as a whole.


  1. Difficulty Level: The normal mode raids in Cataclysm are already relatively easy to clear, especially with the current state of the player base and the availability of addons. This reduces the necessity for an even easier raid mode like LFR.
  2. Player Skill: Players today are generally more skilled and knowledgeable about the game compared to when Cataclysm was originally released. This means that even without LFR, most players can successfully complete the content.
  3. Community and Guilds: The classic experience emphasizes community and guild interactions. LFR undermines this by providing an alternative that doesn’t require forming or joining a guild. Encouraging players to engage with their guilds and communities can enhance the overall experience.
  4. Gear Distribution: Additionally, with Firelands heroic loot being available from H+ dungeons, the need for LFR in the last phase of Cataclysm Classic is further nullified. This ensures that players still have access to high-level gear without needing LFR.

You’re at level 70? Why not level up to 85 and then return when you can actually do the content? Or better yet, stop hiding behind an alt.