Pls don't add LFR

I get how difficult math is for some people but this is elementary school math. Not that I’m disparaging your degree in I’m guessing janitorial services with a specialization in brooms and mops but you should have taken an occasional course in basic arithmetic. When there are 12 million players millions could mean as little as 9% of the players, or 50% or even 99%. Explain how a possible range of 9% to 99% adds meaning to the discussion.


Now you’ve gone and complicated the matter with mathematics. :smiley:

I love how you nitpicked one sentence because you couldn’t find anything else to argue about, and even use it to attempt to insult me. Projecting your lack of success in life onto me won’t make you any less miserable :cry:

Explain how anything you post adds to any discussion on these forums.

When I replied to your post that was the only sentence. As I was composing my post you edited your original post to add more content. Just like this post. Only one sentence when I started but now I see that as I’m writing it you’re editing your original post. Then you complain because I didn’t anticipate your edits. As predictable as you are I’m still not a prophet.


Mmm, no , there were 3 sentences and you chose the one you could argue with. Because that’s why you’re here, to argue. Have fun with that.

There was not. Your original post before the edits was just that one sentence. So you’re a liar as well as a fool. You have a tendency to post one sentence replies that you later add too. I’m guessing that it’s too difficult for you to hold more than one idea in your head at a time.


The sentence you responded to was the 3rd sentence. So you were responding to that sentence before I even added it? Who’s the liar and the fool?

That would be a safe bet given that there are far fewer players in Cata Classic than the original. Proportion of casuals vs raiders may be slightly higher on the raider side compared to the original, but I still stand by it being heavily skewed toward the non-raider side.

Additionally, even the raiding side consists of standard raiders who do normal / heroics, but may not even finish a full raid each week. Those people aren’t going to feel “compelled” to do LFR on top of their normal / heroic raids. Only a small percentage will want to do that much raiding.

Giving people the choice on whether they do LFR or not is a good thing. Most casuals will only do LFR, and even then, maybe only part of it due to their time constraints. THAT is the main reason why we need LFR - many casuals do not have the time to do a full raid.

If the “hardcore” or whatever players can’t manage their own compulsions and make an intelligent decision on whether they need to do LFR on top of their heroic raids… well that’s a them problem. Why punish others because they can’t control themselves? Giving people the option to do LFR on top of their existing raids isn’t mandatory. Blizz isn’t going to their house and holding their kittens hostage until they complete all LFR wings.

Adding sentences to appear before the one you originally posted doesn’t mean they were there first.


no its not if it was then blizz would have added in in phase 1 and 2 with BWD,BoT ToTFW and Firelands.

thats your perception. But playing a Feral dps (cat) kitty is also anther name for cat and adding a word moist does not make it sexualized get your mind of the gutter. With a name like “Crucifixions” One could say that its a play to be an anti religious stance.

Lol a legendary questline that only 1 class could use. Back to the argument that if this was better for the game then why wouldn’t blizz have added it for Firelands? Where more then 1 class could use the legendary?

yeah, because mathematics is hard and proves people wrong. With facts.

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I meant proportionally, of course. The proportion of players doing and clearing the raids is vastly higher than it was originally.

You still have no way of knowing that.

That’s not what happened. My first sentence was and still is about Spine LFR, then I added the question about how you could possibly know that not adding LFR would gatekeep a majority of the population and the anecdote about Blizzard saying millions saw Lich King before LFR. That was never the only sentence in my post.

Then my suggestion to share the lockout with 10/25 would have no effect on them while freeing others from the sense that LFR is mandatory.

Neither is enchanting your gear or any of the other ways in which we increase our character power. But it feels compulsory if you lean into min/maxing at all. Making it share a lockout like the other raid settings do would solve that problem.

He’s talking about in MoP.

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So, with that logic, we should be pressing to remove enchanting, reforging, crafting, etc… After all, they are just more things people need to do to min/max.


To be fair, millions is plural (2 or more) and 9% of 12 million is only 1,080,000 players. to get 2 million or more a minimum of 16.66667 would be needed to reach that minimum of millions.
However, I’m not sure if that percentage speaks of those that killed the lich king or those who just fought him and lost. If I had to guess, I’d say that maybe 35-40% of the player base killed the LK.

Wrong. LFR was launched during dragon soul.

Anyone with an IQ above room temperature knows that the name you chose on your feral is sexual in context. Only a coward would try to deny it instead of owning it.

Literally every class and every spec could use the legendary cloak in MoP. Tell us more about how you didn’t play it.


Why is being able to spend an extra hour to make up for bad RNG in the normal raid a problem?


Devs stated they dont want to add LFR… both for budget and other reasons (raiders feeling obligated to do it for early 4piece, etc.)

but we have seen them say that before with wrath an the RDF but yet it got added in, so highly doubt they wouldn’t add it in since a lot of the casual player base will use it. if ppl wanna min/max their stuff that is on them, it shouldn’t stop the casual’s from being out an option to raid in.


Thank you for your inconsequential reply. The devs also stated that they don’t want to add RDF (and yet here we are). This is the “classic” experience. Part of that experience is both RDF and LFR. They are smart enough to know that subs will drop if they don’t do it.

There is hardly any cost associated in implementing an old feature.

Hahaha! Oh no! Not that! Just stop with the echo chamber of stupid responses. Imagine having to work for gear on such a trivial scale… If anyone is in a guild like that, they are better off leaving (unless they want to do LFR).

It’s a choice, not a requirement.


I think what they were saying is they were not going to add in RFD early to WoTLK… something along the lines of “we are not going to be adding RFD at this time” (aka: time of initial release of WoTLK Classic). People took that as “they are not adding it at all”. Marketing folks are very crafty in their words. RFD was added to the game at the exact same time as it was in OG WoTLK. I suspect the same will happen with LFR. It is possible they will hold off until MoP.

Time will tell… Regardless there are zero actual good reasons not to. Thus far, no one has pointed to anything that shows it is a bad idea… The whole “X finder” creates lack of community, creates toxic groups, etc train left the stations years ago.


That’s not all they said. I’m not going to rehash all the conversations from Birmingham on twitter but the basic gist was it wasn’t going to be added at all.

Crafty or not all they had to say is we intend to add it at the same time as original wrath and 99% of the uproar would have disappeared. If they always knew that was the intent their “crafty” language merely created bad feeling and angry rhetoric among the players. If they always intended to add it what was the point of not stating that clearly?


Looks like we are getting it. On the last PTR build for 4.4.2 there are several strings on UI Updates to accommodate LFR being added. No Signs of it being removed or anything. Its coming!