Pls don't add LFR

Please do share the exact text.

No it wouldn’t and you’ve been around long enough to know better. People on this forum (the very small subset of WoW I might add) get their bloomers in a bunch about anything and everything. Had they made those statements, the uproar would been just as bad but framed slightly different.

Not hard to figure out why they were not clear… I mean it does not take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Why do companies make marketing speak – Ingredients are an excellent example: “Other Natural ingredients” – yea, tar from the ground is naturally occurring and yet I’d be most people would not drink something that had “tar” in it, but some crafty “other natural ingredients” sounds a whole lot nicer huh?

Dungeon Finder Removed in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Blizzard

Blue TrackerOfficial Post

No Dungeon Finder – Players rediscovering Wrath of the Lich King Classic won’t find the Looking for Dungeon feature originally added in Patch 3.3.5. We’ve heard from our Classic community that the importance of social bonds is a big part of what makes Classic their game of choice, and we agree.

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They changed their mind. Probably do the same with LFR.

On a side-note…you know what’s even more damaging to the community and social bonds in an mmo? Megaservers. And Blizz is obsessed with them. So I don’t want to hear any, “We’re not adding LFR due to the community degradation.” That would be a complete and utter lie. They care nothing about those things anymore.

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Thanks for the update.

Well, it sounds like they either changed their mind or changed leadership and moved foward…that is just the way things go.

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They will add LFR in MOP when it can be better utilized but for the last phase/raid tier of the cata is serves to the majority of raiders.

Again, your OPINION is just that. Go back to your GDKPs and your Druid crusade. The continual presentation of your take as stone etched fact is beyond tiresome at this point.


Guess what the same can be said to you

This is the forum; if you don’t like that I’m here, get over it! Everyone is welcome to voice their opinion here within reason. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s not welcome.

Not sure why you want LFR anyway you have zero logs to show for your toon!!! Why don’t you go work on raiding?

Ok whale, we get it, you’re salty that we already know that they’re going to do what they did for Wrath classic.


I don’t inject my OPINION into every topic as though I speak as a representative of Blizzard. I used to raid on a different character but my work schedule now prevents me from participating at most normal raiding hours. So yeah, maybe I’m WAITING for an opportunity like this to raid. Maybe you aren’t the hand of God/Blizzard manifest to enlighten us all on how things are to be.


It should go in as it originally did. With Dragon Soul.

And if it’s more work for them to remove it from a point it originally existed than to just leave it in, then it’ll definitely come with Dragon Soul.

If you don’t like it, don’t use it. You can just keep paying 400k gold to get carried through GDKPs.


Him and his best average performance of 26.9 on his DK that he boasts “HaVe YoU sEeN mY lOgS”.


They really don’t. The issues that cause an uproar are few and far between. People asking for transmog in BC? An occasional post with 20 or so replies. Asking for dual spec in BC? Again an occasional post with a few dozen replies. People asking for Wrath era? Barely kept alive by one person necro-ing threads. The only time I saw an uproar like that over rdf was during the ganking on pvp servers during phase 2 of vanilla.

Yet instead of answering the question you avoid it by discussing Ingredients.

Yea they really do.

Analogy and it really answers the question - it just takes some common sense and thought.

An empty assertion from a fool isn’t an argument. You couldn’t even make an attempt to counter any of my arguments. The limit of your intellectual capacity is that of a 5 year old retorting “no you.”

You pretending to be unaware – sad but that seems on brand for you.
You love to disagree/argue for the sake of being able to – again on brand for you.

Not sure why I have not put you on the ignore list - rare do you have anything good to say other than tearing down others to uplift yourself or to just argue.
This is something I can easily take care of right now…

There and my forum experience just got 100% better and the putrid stench also went away. :+1:

PS: I also don’t peak and look at what someone says after they go on ignore. What is the point if you do that. If I have you on ignore, there is a reason and you stay on it forever, never to come off.

Nothing I post here is a pretense. I gave you several examples as evidence that your opinion that “People on this forum get their bloomers in a bunch about anything and everything” is incorrect. You’re upset because my examples are convincing, show that you are wrong, and you lack the intellectual capacity to make a rational response.

I don’t post for you even when I reply to you. I post for the minority of people here that are capable of rational thought. Those who can think see that I make rational arguments to support my opinions and you do not. My experience is improved when those who lack the capacity for rational thought put me on ignore.

I hope they don’t add it, but at this point I think there’s literally nothing Blizzard/Microslop isn’t willing to do to increase their player engagement metrics, especially now that Classic is in decline. Realistically, LFR isn’t going to make people quit. At least, not as many people will quit over it, as the number of people who might stay, or even get into WoW for it.

I think it’s definitely going to be added. :face_exhaling:

Lol LFR serves no purpose in cata. When normal modes are so easy to clear. Bring it in MoP sure when it actually serves a purpose other then “transmog”

You’ve said that same stupid crap over and over again in this thread. What made you feel the need to vomit that crap out again?


This… This would fix 90% the issues the LFR and its new difficulty tier brings to the game. Even in retail.

Not the same. The amount of time it takes to do each is vastly different. Not too mention one is a guarantee the other is not. Pretending that they are even remotely the same is strange.

Which is honestly why it should just throw you into Normal. All problems fixed.

You say that like the people who do that are suddenly going to stop. They will just do both… the LFR gear will help them get into better GDKPs lol.