Pls don't add LFR

Who exactly is requiring it? If there’s a guild with 100 raiders and 50 don’t like lfr and don’t want to do it who is forcing them. Those 50 could easily quit and form their own elite guild that doesn’t require lfg. They could do that if it was just 25 of them, or even 10 if they just did the 10 man runs. If it’s just 5 that don’t want to do it than that’s just the cost of being an elitist gamer. It’s 100% a choice


On my dead server, my 5 tanks are going to be running out of content soon (equipped 364 to 370) once they get all their SFF items from infernos. For my plates, boots and shoulders are the main upgrade, with minor trinket upgrade. Yeah I love tanking.

I couldn’t even get a 5 man heroic going by asking on my server, much less a Firelands raid. So I would have more incentive for LFR than people on populated realms. BUT…

I’ve thought about LFR. First thought on LFR is COMMS.

When I was a raider going back to 2005, comms were key. I can’t imagine raiding without that. Way back around retail TBC and same guild in classic vanilla, we’d coop with another guild with our best to finally punch thru and down a boss neither of us could get alone.

You get really used to your GM and raid lead’s voice so can filter out the unnecessary talking. So even with working with another guild’s raid leads takes getting used to… LFR would be a real disadvantage hearing a new raid lead every raid day.

Even though it excludes me from raiding at all… going to Thumbs Down for LFR. Totally OK that blizz isn’t including it. But I don’t blame others for wanting it… just don’t see the point, if you are on a populated realm. Join a raiding guild.

For many it’s all about alts. Once in OG I tried raiding on two alts, my healer and a dps. I found that I couldn’t and didn’t want to schedule that much of my time. I can only guild raid with my main character. With lfg I can do a raid now and then with no commitment on some of my alts.


I’m an altaholic myself. Back in retail around TBC I had 1 of every class maxed level. At least 3 were raid ready. Classic (with same original guild) I raided to finally clear AQ40 then went casual.

Being retired, I’m now at 17 horde/alliance 85s. From crappiest equipped 349/8022GS to 370/9752GS. My lowest that’s been in a normal heroic (once) was my 361/9147 holy priest. Once was enough, the tank was mostly in 308-316 with some 333 items and a 174 piece from wotlk, no gems or enchants. Most of my alts I don’t want in dungeons much less raids.

But 4 of my tanks are similarly geared, so if I were in a raid guild… yes I too would want to experience a raid with a different tank… totally understand where you’re coming from.

Classic I only raided with my main (tank) at 60. Went casual after that.
Retail back then we had more members and a larger guild, so we had enough to do an alt raid on non-raid days. Easier raids like Kara to Gruul’s. Not SSC thru Sunwell.

The thing about putting an alt in your active raiders with their main, is that you’d be taking gear from them.

In the officers meeting (retail) we discussed alts in raids. Being an altaholic I wasn’t sympathetic to bringing alts into a progression raid. I believe the only condition was if their main didn’t need any gear from that raid, and that their alt could use main’s dkp to buy if no mains needed it. The only memory I have of bringing an alt in a “main” raid was a coop in retail sunwell, and it was because we were short of main healers. That said… my heal numbers weren’t that good.

Perhaps you can create and alt raiding guild, not just limiting to your raiding guild, but server wide. There might be more altaholics wanting to alt raid.

The past couple of days, I visited Mankrik on my 28 hunter. Just overwhelmed at so many characters in Org. I’m used to there being maybe 5 in SW or Org and not a single 85 epic in the AH on Myzrael. Surely a bustling server there’d be enough to start an alt raid or even alt raiding guild. How is the pop on your server?

Sure there is. My point is I don’t want to schedule weekly raids on a second character. Even though I’m retired too raiding 2 nights a week on my main is all I have time for. I have a life out side wow and lots of interests there. But if there was lfr I could now and then raid on an alt. It really doesn’t matter much to me though. I quit when they announced no rdf and it’s taken me time to get my alts to 80 when they added it and I came back. I have 3 characters to 85, a couple at 84, 83, 81 ect. I’m so far behind I probably won’t get to raid in Cata on even one character anyway. But when MoP comes out I’ll have 8 characters at 85 in pretty good dungeon gear and be caught up and ready to raid in MoP. Lfr would be nice then for my alts to raid occasionally while my main is doing guild raids.


For “normal” raiders that might work, but for many casuals, that kind of time commitment isn’t an option. LFR gives people with busy lives a way to experience the raids without dedicating several straight hours and/or scheduling specific times to do a guild run.

Additionally, player formed raid groups will favor meta classes, so you may not have the option to play what you want to play - that’s the main reason why we need a queueable raid tier that isn’t subject to whatever restrictions the leader deems necessary. Furthermore, loot distribution in those groups tends to get ridiculous with “main gearing”, “core priority”, “reserved loot” and so on.

On top of that, the drama that comes with so many guilds is a huge turn off for people just wanting to enjoy a game in their spare time.


Really good points.

I stopped raiding retail at wotlk Ulduar as I was still in my late 30s and had a life. It was the scheduled raid times that just didn’t work with me… I could be out on a date any night of week if the occasion arose. And it did… it came down to going out and missing a raid. I missed the raid.

Might not be an important factor, but for me still comes down to comms w/raid lead. Will it be some rando newbie trying to run their first raid and wasting everyone’s time or will it be coordinated? And will all the rando participants be standing in the fire?

I’m actually pretty curious what Firelands raid is. I’ve never stepped inside, dead server and all. Never will without LFR. Saves me potentially hours of studying the raid on utube and that time going to waste by playing with randos that didn’t read up before going in.

LFR runs seldom have any sort of a leader unless it is particularly difficult / some mechanic requires that most people do it successfully. Comms outside of the occasional chat instruction are pretty much non-existent. I have done LFR since it came out and have never once had anyone using voice comms for anything aside from BS’ing.

The difficulty of LFR is tuned to take that lack of communication and coordination into account.


Nope… I want it and I have 10 85s and I want to have something else to do than spam 5 man snore fest dungeons. I want to be able to gear up all my alts and get them some tier whenever I can without people gate keeping the raid. I myself also am a 7/7H player.


Because some retail players have managed to gaslight blizzard into thinking that just scaling up numbers makes for fun and engaging content.


I wonder if LFR Spine will be as much of a pain as I remember. Probably not.

I’m not even for this, but how could you possibly know that a majority of players cannot do the raid on normal? Blizzard even said back in 2010 that millions of players saw the Lich King, with no LFR.

You’re just making up numbers though. The feeling that a chance to get the very significant power boost of tier bonuses, Deathwing weapons, and trinkets through LFR is “mandatory” is hardly exclusive to top 1% raiders. And I would bet there are far fewer non-raiders in Cata Classic compared to the original.

Making it share a lockout like 10 and 25 do would remove the feeling of compulsion to do LFR.


Millions of players doesn’t mean a damn thing when there were 12 million subs back then.


Ok. How could you or the other poster possibly know that not having LFR would prevent a majority of players in today’s game from doing Dragon Soul?

I’ll answer. You couldn’t.


Heck no. lFR is integral to cataclysm and they need to lay the ground work for MOP as it’s very important there.


get it on retail

lol very important? how so?

Your name is a play off something sexual. Whats your point?

Oh. You want us to report your sexualized character name. Moist what again?

Talking about reporting folks for ToS… the nerve on you


LFR was the main way a lot of people completed the legendary questline. The main feature of the expansion.


He couldn’t. I didn’t claim it was. I just pointed out that your statement that blizzard said millions of people saw the lich king was meaningless nonsense. When you’re pointing out someone’s nonsense it’s best to avoid posting nonsense yourself. Otherwise you look as stupid as the person you’re criticizing.

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It’s not meaningless to point out that millions of players were able to see the last boss of a raid even before LFR in a time where a far lower proportion of the game’s playerbase raided.

It’s ok, you didn’t like my post, so you found the one thing you could argue about.