Don’t worry, they could buy a clear just like you!
I’m against that. I hated cross realm when it hit retail. Too many different languages (and dialects) that made communication difficult at times.
That would be 100% better than cross realm.
Don’t like it, don’t use it.
It serves no purpose for the last phase of Cata Bring it back in mop when it can be better utilized for the legendary back catch up. But in the last phase of cata a 3rd catch up mechanic is not needed for the last phase.
Once again, who delegated YOU as the arbiter of what’s necessary? You gonna buy gear runs for everyone? If not go back to whining about how you suck as a Druid
And you cried about other people doing a copy/paste reply in the feral thread. You’ve done it multiple times in this thread.
I don’t want to do LFR in Cata, therefore it serves no purpose and is nOoOoOoOoOoOoT nEeEeEeEeEeEeEdEeEeEd. But when I want to go for the MOP legendary, then it will be nEeEeEeEeDeD.
If the purpose of a game is to have fun and if people have fun with it then it’s served it’s purpose. What do you think the purpose of games are?
The purpose of LFR in the last phase of cata is to be a 3rd catch up mechanic in that phase Heroic + dungeon 2.0 then the new dungeons those are more then enough catch ups for one phase a 3rd one is not needed.
In MoP it serves as a way to get caught up on the back quest line while also serving other purposes.
Plus the devs already said they had no plans of introducing it so it can be 86d like void storage and mass res cash flow and other things that where removed from cata.
I think the purpose of playing a game is to have fun. The purpose of lfr in a game is to have fun by easily finding pugs and doing easy raids. Again, what do you think the purpose of playing a game is? It doesn’t seem to me to be a hard question. Why aren’t you answering it? Why do you play games?
Here you go again with your opinion, stated as if it were a fact.
The only reason they made the website was because cross realm raiding in cata. So people could be held accountable, unlike lfd.
It is factual tho if blizz adds LFR it would be the 3rd catch up mechcanic for the last phase of cata
- Inferno 2.0 Dungeon
- New Heroic CoT dungeons
3. LFR
Counting is hard
I did lfr in retail. the nightmare runs happen way less when players actually tell the people what to do.
Even I didn’t study youtube for hours before stepping foot in a lfr run. I study for CPE’s to keep certs up for my job. I don’t study boss mechanics for hours before I see the boss lol.
Which is why in retail I favored horde. They usually had the tutors in the runs. As they didn’t want to be there all night in wipes.
Like raid 2 of SL. they wanted to be there for mount drops in one wing. Smooth as hell runs. Give instruction, less or even no wipes. and see if the mount loot fairy liked you.
It be alliance not telling a damned thing. then ranting on so many wipes.
It’s for people that want to try raiding but are afraid of being called a “noob” by people that raid regularly. You fail so hard.
Or quest runners. Possibly with a pvp focus.
I was a lfr hero in retail since I cared more about pvp. I worked up pvp gear sets. Not PVE.
Even in latter wow were where versatility replaces resilience, and is a key stat for some class/specs…pve hated pvp gear.
Conquest/conqueror gear wasn’t getting normal slots. The same is applying to older wow redo really. Enter lfr. take good pvp gear, get raid quest done, and move on.
PVP in lfr works off basic concepts better. We know to not stand in pretty circles on the ground place by the enemy.
We try to get that DK out of their DnD radius. As we know standing in it is bad.
We also know what defencives are. and interupts. they are on the bar and used often.
“It’s the 3rd catchup mechanic” - Except for people who want to use it to experience the raids. Even if it is a 3rd catch up mechanic… so what? Options aren’t a bad thing.
“Restrict it / put it on the same lockout as normal / heroic” - Why? What does it hurt to have it available along with normal? It gives “hardcore” raiders a chance at transmogs and gives people who might be on the fence the option to do LFR to learn the basic mechanics then normal while it is still fresh in their mind.
“It will force raiders to do LFR and their normal raids” - Your choice on whether you do it. It doesn’t subtract from your current loot chances from your normal raiding. If your guild demands you do LFR on top of it… well then you have a choice. Choices are a good thing.
“Choices aren’t always a good thing” - They are when it doesn’t hurt anything to give additional options to players. LFR doesn’t drop BiS. LFR doesn’t allow you to buy BiS. LFR doesn’t subtract anything from normal / heroic raids. LFR doesn’t hurt your progression in any way. It just gives casuals the ability to experience content and have fun. Players can already buy heroic runs and/or do GDKP runs which has a far worse impact than LFR ever could.
“I’m an entitled brat and don’t want filthy casuals experiencing the content that should be exclusive to me and other hardcore players” - This is what you guys are really saying.
“Blizz already said they don’t plan to add LFR to classic” - Even if they did say that, it wouldn’t be the first, second, or tenth time they have said something just to walk back on it. Need I remind you: “You think you do, but you don’t”.
If your reasons to not add a shared lockout is basically that you’d rather piss off those people then I’m sorry but that’s exactly what entitled mean. If you’d rather not have a compromise then I’d rather not have LFR. You have the choice of normal and Heroic and personally I feel people should play with a guild in an mmo and so then we’ll just disagree. But I’m ready to compromise, because that’s what people do when they have conflicting interests if they want to be able to play the same game and I think it’s fine to give something to solo players but not at the cost of making my experience and many people experience worse.
I don’t understand why you need a shared lockout? What is forcing you to do LFR and normal / heroic? Why not have the option to do them rather than force people to choose one or the other?
It isn’t as if normal / heroic raiders are going to get less loot from their normal / heroic raids if they haven’t completed LFR that week. Those people are likely not going to get anything other than transmogs from LFR, if they choose to do them.
As for forcing people to play with a guild in an MMO if they want to experience the raids… I will have to disagree with you there. I’ve been part of everything from casual to extreme hardcore (realm first) guilds. Nothing frustrated me more than dealing with guild drama.
My reasoning isn’t at all to piss people off by not having a shared lockout - it is to give people options. Is it a hill worth dying on, no - I think most casuals will probably only do LFR and never really touch normal / heroic, so a shared lockout wouldn’t affect them in any way, but what is so bad about giving people the option if they want it?
What happens if a casual player wants to try normal mode, gets in and kills one boss but has to dip out due to time constraints. Are they now locked out of doing LFR that week?
I don’t feel that there is a reason to compromise when the LFR content is entirely optional and has no bearing whatsoever on the current normal / heroic raiders. Literally nothing will change other than they would have the option to do more stuff for different colored pixels if they want to. Nothing forces them to do it other than themselves.