Plot twist... Xal'atath is a Windrunner

Okay Ma’am I mean um Ma’ wait nope um… Sir yes Sir that was it so sorry if I upset you Ma’am :3

Cant hate a Vulpera… You pretty ppl have it easy.

I wouldn’t call being victims of Genocide and having your Children sold off as Slaves by Snake men “having it easy”

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Wrong again…
Their name are Danger Noodles.


Are snake women not able to purchase slaves? Now theres a patriarchal society if I ever saw one. :innocent::upside_down_face::face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth::face_with_peeking_eye:

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Oh you did not…
… invade her field of argument and went RAHF (right at her face) with her own argument?
Thats not a coming back, thats ART.


Well, plot thickens! I’m a dude who’s also a feminist. :upside_down_face:

We’ve already got three more Windrunners than we need. Don’t give them any ideas.

You did to me them.
Still, well played.
:slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face:

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I enjoy your humor in this thread and see nothing wrong with it.


“A Little Nonsense Now and Then”
As I said before, ART.
(and ty for the nice words :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:)


We love the Windrunners. So much so that we’re willing to risk it all and let a multitude of proverbial cats out of the various Windrunner designer handbags to get the truth about the Windrunners out for everyone to know.

You say that the lore taught you that mom and grandma Windrunner died a long time ago but that’s just not true.
What really happened is that they all got bored with the scourge and Arthas’ pesky behaviour so they decided to go bar-hopping and clubbin’ for about a decade during which time they created a band, named Catfish Jones and the Zords.
They did okay for a bit but their penchant for drink and unruly behaviour interfered with any fame they may have gotten so after awhile the band disbanded and now, it’s just The Zord and crew.
I can’t recall if Zord started out as mom or grandma,
grandpa, funcle and not sure it matters but it’s one of those Windrunner relatives that started this whole mess and here we are now.

The reason everyone said they died long before is because the Blood Elves were embarrassed and really, you can’t blame them.
You should see what they did on stage with all that royal fluff, the crowns they used to wear, bonking people with their scepters.
It got wild.

So no trolling here. I’m just enjoying the ride.

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I say we replace the Windrunner sisters with the Breezewalker sisters.

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If your reply isnt a movie script, I dont know what could be.
Oh and I forgot, so in touch with the LORE, well done.

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This is my personal brand of roleplaying. I’m trying to keep it clean.

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Brothers or NB I think would be more opposites here. Really seal the differences deal.

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I was going to go brothers but I was worried someone would take it the wrong way so I played it safe and the joke didn’t quite land.

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I liked the breezewalker!

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And where does Little Lord Sun aka Lirath Windrunner fit into your weird fan fiction :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Oh she is. Ever since her clubbing days she’s been eating a lot.
And I mean A LOT.

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