Please Unlock Gender-Specific Titles, Regardless of Character Gender

I have no problem with this. I wouldn’t want my Death Knight to be forced to use Deathlady instead of Deathlord, but if the two options existed I could see why some would prefer one or the other.

It’s a pretty small request that harms nobody.


I didn’t. Notice how I said:

Not even sure how you misconstrue that.

Proof positive you haven’t read this thread.

Because my character has been female for 17 years and no one should be forced to look like something different if they don’t want to.

Sorry that isn’t good enough for you.

Sure, it is. Just not a reason that is well explained. It boils down that having more options inherently is not a bad thing. And wishing to use titles that you subjectively like more is also not a bad thing.

There could be may reasons. Sometimes people will just find a title more appealing to them on their current character. Or just find it funny to have the title of crazy cat lady on a male character. Their reasons are their own. And none of those reasons are truly wrong. Because they are subjective.

If anyone wouldn’t want to use the other titles then obviously they wouldnt need to use them.


Thank you for explaining the other ideas and opinions so well. I appreciate how you’ve handled your responses. You touched on some things in a better manner than I have. :two_hearts:

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Nobody is forced to, but people that aren’t human trash cans can do some minor adjustments to make people more comfortable with the manner in which they are referred.

Also, yes:

This right here.

Fun Guy is a better pun than Fun Gal. That’s the reason for me.

I’m done.

This thread is nothing but the same stupid points over and over again made by people completely incapable of doing something as simple as SCROLLING UP AND READING.

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I’d be happy if they’d just make it account wide.

If we’re worried about making people uncomfortable then I must say I feel more comfortable calling people by what they actually are.

I don’t fancy the idea of being forced to call someone a woman when they are very clearly a man or vice versa.

But it doesn’t matter if I’m comfortable with it now does it?

I personally WILL bend on this because it’s what’s expected and it’s the polite thing to do + I’m actually a pretty nice guy but know that some people are sacrificing their comfort to make those people feel better or more included.

To call someone human trash because they don’t see things your way is no better than calling someone who is part of the lgbtqia+ community a slanderous word imo.

Does my opinion make me a bigot? I don’t think so but I’m sure some would disagree.


I see you typing so let me go ahead and say that I don’t really care what you think or believe.

Just being honest :man_shrugging:t4:

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I’ve already said I call them by their preferred gender but even that isn’t enough? You want me to truly believe it huh?

Oh, I know that already. I’m just pointing out the hypocrisy some of you guys are guilty of.

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No, I mean, that’s fine. You can be a bigot quietly. That’s what I meant by not caring what you think or believe.

Read up on the “paradox of tolerance” sometime if you’re curious.

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I just did and I must say it could go both ways in this situation. :joy:

Being tolerant doesn’t mean you have to agree with someone, it just means you tolerate them or their actions, which I do.

This isn’t remotely a solution no matter how you try to make it one. You’re telling people to change their entire character. A character they’ve probably had for over a decade— like me. I’m not changing literally everything about how my character looks, sounds, moves, casts, etc.

There’s zero legitimate reason to be against asking for the option of more titles.

And there it is. Figures.

Neither of you are worth responding to any longer. Which is hilarious, considering I’m not even LGBTQ+ and yet you still can’t fathom that others outside of that community would want this option.


Really. You sure? Never said it was bad.

Seems like you can’t handle others disagreeing with you, hence why these kinds of threads are always flammable.

Want to change your title to fit your preference? Go to the barbershop.

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Edited out the last sentence as it doesn’t pertain to you. Yet you’re still here arguing. Astounding.

And we will, yet again, go around and around with this topic making it a nothing-burger.

As soon as someone else has a different point of view, everyone goes wild. Jesus.

The game won’t change to do this. I don’t see it happening.

The game doesn’t need to change. It’s unlocking titles for more options.

And they’ve added or changed things people claimed would never change either. See: cross faction play.

I’m replying to you.

I suggest you calm down. The game isn’t hurting you.