Please Unlock Gender-Specific Titles, Regardless of Character Gender

I see you still want to play victim.

Again… you were never attacked. And you’re the one trying to keep inclusivity out of things.

Are you going to actually have a conversation about the topic or just continue being offended that people actually addressed your comments with didn’t like or ignored?



You’re not asking for more inclusion, you’re expecting people to accept the slippery slope fallacy you’ve presented. At least be honest!


Everyone please take a step back and look at this thread. I want you to see just how inclusive you are to someone who’s different than you.

Now I want you to take this information, do some self reflecting and realize you aren’t perfect or immune from bigotry no matter what your beliefs or ideologies are.

Thanks for that.

You’re a buffoon and a troll.


Omfg stop.

This is getting ridiculous. You can re-roll your gender at the barbershop if you seriously need to change your title that no one even looks at.

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I’d sell a kidney to be “Lord of War”

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Why should I have to change my character’s gender just because I prefer the pun in “Fun Guy” to “Fun Gal?”

Why not just give me both titles and let me pick for myself which one I prefer?

And if you’re not going to look at it, why would it bother you?


We have. You haven’t. You’ve literally ignored every reason given to you as why others would like AN OPTION that doesn’t affect you. You’ve ignored questions posed to you. You’ve insulted people. You’ve given slippery slope fallacies as some form of “conversation,” which in reality, is your argument against it.

You also keep agreeing with people who are against it, so don’t try to pull this “but I’m not for or against anything!” crap.

I’d suggest you do that.

I shouldn’t be forced to gender swap just because you can’t fathom me having Lord of War as a title, which doesn’t even remotely affect you.

The old “I know you are but what am I” argument, eh? It’s been a while since I’ve seen this argument used successfully.

I expected a bit more honestly.

[quote=“Thallia-sentinels, post:149, topic:1245829”]
I shouldn’t be forced to gender swap just because you can’t fathom me having Lord of War as a title, which doesn’t even remotely affect you.
[/quote] Welp, in-game you are required to do just that, so I don’t know what to tell you.

And it’s not that “I can’t fathom it”, it’s just that yet again this is something that is a nothing-burger. If Blizzard did do this, then awesome. If not, then sorry to say that you have to switch genders.

Not at all. You’re the once claiming fallacies, not discussing the actual topic, ignoring questions and completely dismissing all reasons given.

We’ve explained things to you, we’ve given you reasons, we’ve posed questions and all you did was cry “I’M BEING ATTACKED!” and never once addressed any of the reasons given.

You want inclusivity, but refuse to acknowledge anyone’s reasoning.

Think on that for a while.

Thus the reason in asking for a change. Why are more options bad?

So it doesn’t affect you and you have no issue with it, yet you came in be dismissive for no reason? Got it.

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It’s called a different view. Where did I say that this is bad? Point that out to me.

I’m saying that I do not think this will happen. I remember when gender swapping cost money, and now you can do it on the fly. I’d take that over not being able to change on the fly.

If you want to be a female with a male title, or vise versa, then find a game to adopt that change.

If Blizzard changes this, then coolio.

Lmao did you pull something with that reach?

We get it, you tried really hard to pull a gotcha and it didn’t really work out. Better luck next time.

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“Just because” isn’t really a reason. I mean, I guess it is?

Idk, I guess I was just looking for an actual reason why you can’t just swap your characters gender other than “just because I don’t want to”.

you know why they turn off their profile so you cant mute this post this needs to change.

i want to mute this post so i dont have to see it.

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Here we go :expressionless:

You can still mute any thread, just click the dropdown menu at the bottom of the page.

And you can ignore people with hidden profiles by going to your own profile, clicking preferences → Notifications → Users and adding their name to the list.


oh ok i didnt know that ty.

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You notice how it is only the english language people are forcing to be gender neutral, Lord and Lady where fine up to mordern day, but do you see spanish or french being forced to change their language?