Please Unlock Gender-Specific Titles, Regardless of Character Gender

Oh good we’re gaslighting now! This thread has it all!


Uh oh, call the cavalry! :horse_racing:

There what is? Even though I accommodate/tolerate, I still can’t have an opinion? What must I do to not be a bigot in your eyes? Am I supposed to just feel the way you want me to feel?

Question: how does having a traditional view of the world make me a bigot if I’m polite and accommodating? I’ve never done anything wrong to anyone yet I’m a bigot?


Nope. Not allowed. If you don’t agree with every notion on this topic, you’d mind as well walk away. /s

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I know this is a bit of a trollable topic but on my night elf priest, I sort of prefer the title “High Priestess” rather than “High Priest”

No one is angry and no one said anything about anything hurting anyone. What’s with the sudden desire to push such things that don’t exist?

You never gave an opinion. You sat here and consistently asked the same question over and over, ignored people, still ignoring people, and then cried “STOP ATTACKING ME!” when nobody was.

Who’s stopping you from having an opinion?

We’re just judging you for it. Up to you whether that bothers you or not.

I did? Where?

Hey, you asked, I answered.

Don’t ask if you don’t want an answer :man_shrugging:t4:

I know what I am and if anyone on this thread is a bigot, it’s you for slandering people for not falling in line with your own personal beliefs.

If all you’ve got is “I’m rubber and you’re glue” then I rest my case :man_shrugging:t4:

I see you only chose to pick the TWO comments that happened AFTER you went through 100 posts of ignoring people and calling them trolls. Good job. :+1:

I don’t have the mental capacity to subject myself to some of these spicy takes. On the topic of gendered titles, you can build a case for whatever title you want.

Let’s say, hypothetically, it gives people the freedom to choose feminine titles for male characters or vice versa.

Have any of y’all ever considered, you know, not using the titles you don’t want to use?

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It’s not enough to not use the titles, I have to argue myself blue in the face to keep other people from using them too!

(/s if that isn’t obvious)

If this is about the idea of being forced to use certain gendered titles I have some bad news for you.

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No. That’s too much to comprehend, I guess. Even though they do that now with choosing a title.

Me, reading this thread:

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I think more than enough of them are bigoted but yes, also what you said.

Tell that to the women I call guy, dude or man and they get upset lol. I guess it doesn’t apply when you have something in your head convincing you that you aren’t what you were born as.

As a woman married over a decade to an awesome guy… you really have no idea what you’re talking about.