Please Unlock Gender-Specific Titles, Regardless of Character Gender

We already answered this several times. Scroll up.

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And I’ve explained it many times. As have others.

If it doesn’t matter, it shouldn’t matter if its implemented.

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Never said it did. Why is it that when I’m curious about this sort of thing I basically get attacked?

I never said I was for or against this idea. I’m just here to learn. I haven’t said anything negative or disrespectful.

Should I just keep my head down and stay ignorant of the thought behind asks such as these?

Your questions have already been answered. Nobody likes repeating themselves.


You aren’t being attacked. This has been answered time and time again. If you aren’t reading responses, that’s not our fault. There are many reasons given in this thread.

And this was the sarcasm you first came in here with:

So I’d expect some pushback when you first give snark and then keep asking the same questions that have been answered.

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I only said that because what would be next? Where would it stop? Should all clothing/gear be made genderless? Should all gear going forward be created as unisex clothing?

We could potentially end up with LESS options than we have now.

ask for more options

“you’re gonna get us less options”

Think, please. Give it a shot.

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We’re not asking for unisex or genderless titles, so why would this lead to unisex or genderless clothing?

We’re asking for the option of picking from both the “male” and the “female” title.


The only “Guy” I know of…

“I’m not even supposed to be here! I’m just Crewman #6! I’m expendable! I’m the guy in the episode who dies to prove the situation is serious! I got to get out of here!”
―Guy Fleegman

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This is a bad strawman. No one is asking for anything else here. Asking to have almost double the options in titles has zero to do with all of this other stuff you’re trying to make up out of thin air.

Why do you care who has what title?

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Tell me the there’s no possible way that blizz would ever save itself money by making all gear the same to save money AND be more inclusive.

Maybe you need to think about the possibilities. Something like this could open a can of worms.

You wanted to talk about why I said “this is why we can’t have nice things”. I’m just telling you why I said it.

And I’m telling you why it’s a bad strawman.

Except you literally don’t even understand what is being asked for lmao

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You clearly can’t grasp the concept of thinking objectively. At no point did I say this would happen. All I said was that it was a possibility.

This thread is gonna end well… :rofl:

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It’s possible the sun will explode tomorrow too, which is about as relevant to the conversation as your logical fallacies.