Please Unlock Gender-Specific Titles, Regardless of Character Gender

I don’t mind the idea of permitting this sort of in-game choice. I just don’t want players to get offended when they address someone using a pronoun that matches the description for their in-game model rather than the one suggested by the title assigned to their character.

On a side note, I find it kind of odd that anyone would purposely want to represent themselves in a fantasy world as a male with female pronouns or a female with male pronouns. I get that some folks might want to more closely “role-play as themselves”, but I personally don’t see the draw when you can choose the gender of character you play in the game.

(And yes, I understand that their are arguments to try and support non-binary genders. Personally, I think it’s fine to restrict visual representation down to the two biological options. Though, it’d be nice to be able to create a muscular-looking female or a slender-looking male character)

Your character is so bright.

Literally every single guy I know that uses guys in a neutral way would not have an issue answering that in the slightest lol.


Just as Crazy Cat Man sounds awkward to me compared to Crazy Cat Lady.

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Try it, especially in a setting with other males present. Or perhaps I.T. males are different than the ones you hang with, which is quite possible.

I agree, there are still strong gender associations with words, but context matters in a case like this, I think. Usually if you are referring to a group of people and say “Hey guys” the gender association isn’t there, but if you ask a specific question like “How many dudes have you slept with?” I feel like the definition is more specific.


I’d absolutely love all my titles available at once

I have no issue with this change

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I agree, which is why I haven’t pursued that title for my feral druid, I don’t like the sound of Crazy Cat Man Brando. And he is not meant for a female Tauren frame.

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It’s why I won’t attempt fir Lord/Lady of War. I’m not swapping my gender just to have a cooler title.

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Joke’s on you, I’m bi


Could you explain why you can’t? I mean, it’s free now, right? I’d get it if it wasn’t but it’s free. Why specifically do you want a gender specific title on the opposite gender it was made for?

Then what is the point?

I thought that this is what they’d implement whenever they let players pick pronouns.

I mean, the game never really refers to you as male/female/etc

We’re all just champion, hero, mawwalker, etc etc

Just give me more titles


If you identify as a male, play a male character. The same goes for people that identify as female.

Why specifically do you need to use a male character model if you identify as female? I’m genuinely trying to understand why it matters.


If it does not matter, why do you care ultimately care if a male character has a female title or vice-versa?

There’s a difference between “can’t” and “don’t want to.”

I’ve been a female character for 17 years. Having a title option is better than you people thinking it’s okay to force someone into a gender they don’t want their character to be.

What do you mean “you people”?

But nobody is forcing you to pick a gender. You can play any gender you want.

Never said I did. I’m only trying to understand the need for it.

Why can’t people play the gender they identify as and just call it a day? Why does a male character need a female title when you can already play the gender you want to identify as?

I’m just trying to understand.

It’s an all-encompassing generalization towards those that have been dismissive of this idea for absolutely zero valid reason.

Yes. You are. Because you’re against me being Lord of War if I don’t gender swap, when there’s literally real life examples of women with the Lord title.

Why do you care if I run around with a title I like as my preferred gender? Why does it matter if I’m Talon King on this character?

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Why should I have to change my characters entire gender just for a title?


Oh, so you weren’t talking about me then. I’m not dismissive at all. Simply trying to understand the thought process behind this want.