Please treat BFD as an upper blackrock spire. Remove the lock out

Ubrs wasn’t a raid, raids force player to be in a raid to enter.

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Honestly - I think everyone here would love updated loot.

Seriously… Even if they just added 1 or two updated drops per boss.

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Absolutely. Update the abysmal loot that currently exists shouldn’t be a difficult task. Everyone is on autopilot in these dungeons competing over the same 3 items that aren’t complete garbage. Make the others at least palatable beyond strange dust.

the quests for UBRS were labelled (Raid), so yeah, it was a raid.

Also, you can enter bfd without a raid group, does that suddenly make it not a raid?

the there is the quest in darrowshire that is also marked raid do we say then the the open world is a raid instance?

Cool. You can enter bfd without a raid group too, so i guess BFD isn’t a raid by your logic.

but bfd has a lock out so its a raid :slight_smile:

bump… still no fist of the wild… everyone shows up 2-3 times a week for a raid thats only 30 min long, might as well give us the ability to run it 2 or 3 times a night

same for onyxia?

The game is designed to waste your time.

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on the contrary it would seem the game is giving you a break

RDF/Garmuck is that you?

Based opinion. More people quit being frustrated not getting loot in time for it to be relevant due to luck and time gating. Not getting to play the game and it not being dead because they can gear out alts without dealing with all the drama around time gated loot and alts. This concept is ARCHAIC!

Otherwise the place will be forgotten after P1

Maybe during p2. And lock out timers are fine, helps with the spirit of classic sod.

Removing them now would make every try hard max out 5 characters with no additional revenue and would alienate those who are playing the game “as intended”

Personally, I’d like to see those that casually raided through the dungeon have better gear than alts

Let’s define what a “raid” is first. Raids usually designate “end game” drops - epics, etc. It’s not really defined by group size. Heck in retail you have 5 man raids i think lol. So this means, UBRS is just a dungeon that required 15 people pre-nerf. In our case, BFD is “end game” for now.

this thread is sponsored by GDKP community

they are trying to lobby instance ID lock removal as gOoD foR the GaAMe feature since start of sod


Because then we have to play it longer to get geared. They don’t care if you only play once a week since you pay the same anyway.

To be fair, it’s been the same rule for almost 20 years. If it wasn’t, a huge chunk of the playerbase would unsubscribe after the the second week of each major patch.

It’s the best gear in the game, and unless they make adjustments to P2 dungeons, will remain so for many classes until gnomer.

Also, stop comparing BFD to UBRS. The only thing they have in common is that they are both 10mans (UBRS originally 15 man), but UBRS was never an endgame raid. MC and Ony were the endgame raids, if they release 40mans at lv25 with even better gear, then we can start to discuss removing the lockout. But as it stands now, BFD is an endgame raid, so the lockout should stay.

We still have at least 3 more weeks, if not longer. You have plenty of time to farm your gear.