seriously lockout needs to go away BFD is always been a leveling and should stay that way…nerf it tol 5 man plz
Why are you so keen to have the lockout removed to farm the crap out of it? You said it yourself, the stuff in there will quickly be replaced anyway, so no reason to have the lockout removed.
When phase 2 launches it would make sense to remove the lockout.
At that point it becomes a catchup for Gnomer anyways.
This. For mages, nothing is going to come close for a long, long time.
Well are loot tables for gnomer out yet
haha. it’s gonna be wild funny thing is all this gear, and mage dps isn’t good.
Because I’m bored and have lots of ungeared alts I’d like gear up over the next couple weeks. Which obviously is kinda of pointless since it’ll all be replaced on Feb 8. But at least it’ll give me something to do till then
Good stats make gear valuable. Not rarity
If something drops 1 in a billion but has spirit and agility on it, it will sell for vendor price.
Meanwhile the trinket from the last boss has a 100% drop chance but is sought after by literally everyone
This is not accurate. The only thing on my bis list in phase 2 that’s from phase 1 is the Bfd trinket and the Artemis cowl. Everything else is quest rewards, world drops, dungeon drops and pvp acquired gear
zg also drops coins, reps and mats, to craft some bis gears for some class in that phase so that if ppl get 0 drop they still get some rewards. Bfds drop rate is too sad to be mentioned
The lockout will probably be gone when Phase 2 launches. Probably not what you wanted, but there it is.
Blizz please remove the lockout in P2. I give you permission.
As someone who only just now got the 2piece set bonus. And still hasn’t gotten the BiS weapon (which is a blue for me, not one of the epics btw) despite doing the lockout since SoD’s launch. I have to agree.
I just want my gear so I can go back to having fun. Instead of feeling like I’m behind the curve just because of RNG refusing to drop ANYTHING for me for half the friggin lockouts. And then the rare times it does drop something I can use someone else just wins it anyways.
I never thought about it like this but what a great point. Everyone is raid logging… level 25, 10 man content. It’s absolutely ridiculous. Make it so that I can only play your (end) game raid once every three days. Brilliant.
And as far as loot goes everyone is right. I got Talwar and had one solid run with it and all my numbers are orange from that run. My buddy who has done BFD every lockout has only seen it drop once and lost the roll. Doesn’t really seem fair especially considering the time he has put into it.
Yeah I’m getting screwed on the Talwar. I’ve only seen it drop once. Again, I’ve been to every lockout this entire SoD. I lose it to a person who isn’t even a dps. My parses suffer since it seems like this late into the season everyone but me has it. I’m going into WSG’s and seeing every melee 2h class with the epic sword, and I can’t even get a blue sword.
Just wasting away the entire phase 1 without having the most important item slot on my character filled. Not like its supposed to be some mega rare thing, it drops from like the third boss FFS. Just let me farm it out in one day.
All lockouts do is pad your subscription time and give you something to look forward to next week so you continue to log in and pay for your sub. Elder scrolls online has never had a raid lockout system and people are still running older raids(though all raids have the same level requirement) back to back to back.
Take lockouts out of the game. Us Dads want this!
Or at the very least make it so I can join other peoples lockouts. Even if I can’t get the gear, I’d love to carry people in some GDKP runs. Get some gold. Instead of feeling like all I’m doing is farting around waiting for a lockout to end. Just so I can roll the dice and get nothing to drop for me the ENTIRE raid once again.
You won’t come close to the top of the others in your class without the bis weapon. And while I understand that is how it has always been that doesn’t mean it can’t be changed and improved upon. There is no reason you should have to run a raid for two months and not get the most desirable item. Yes it’s part of the fun of seeing what will drop that week but at a certain point it gets annoying. There has to be some happy medium where you can earn enough of some currency to where you can buy an item that is almost as good as the best weapon/trinket/bis item you want from that raid.
My friend is in the same boat. He’s run BFD every lockout since release and only has 2 pieces of gear. The odd time he sees something he can roll on he loses to an alt who just dinged 25
I’m shocked this lockout is still there. I’ve seen blizzard do stupid things, but this has to be the stupidest. To have a timewalking raid ever lockout has no even remote reason at all.