Please, take your time, Blizz

LMAO…wait are you serious?

That is where most of my posts come from. When I am on a flight path going from point A to B. I land and then play then take the next flight path and post on the forum between quests.

Same. /10char

Yep its scary you knew that lol are you stalking me???

No it just makes sense based on the people who are happy with this expansion.

Cool yep i love this expansion the everybody expansion is what i call it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:takes mins during the flight paths forum just = something to do while waiting to land for me LOL!

Well they just lost another Dev, David Gibson, who tweeted out he’d been working on a project for the past 2 yrs, and was just informed that the project was scrapped - he turned in his notice, and is going somewhere else.

Didn’t give any details on what it was about or anything. But it is a scary telling that it doesn’t matter how much time(look at the Titan scrapping a few yrs ago) ppl put into something, if something hits the higher ups to ditch it, they’ll ditch it with no regard for time or anything else. /shrug

Kind of telling that he just didnt go to anotther project since Blizzard allegedly is working on more projects then ever before and Blizzard says they need more devs but having a hard time finding them

This is exactly as it should be done. If they don’t think the project is moving at a good pace, is taking too much resources, simply isn’t fun, or whatever other reason, it should be axed.

To sit there and say “but we shouldnt axe it cause we’ve already spent so much time on it” is classic sunk cost fallacy and would be horrifically stupid.

He stated the project got shut down, he was on OW at first, then went to that project they just shut down. Stated he has a 6 week vacation he’s taking and then moving on to his next gig - That isn’t Blizzard. :frowning:

This is literally the MOST Blizzard. The game is rumoured to have been an FPS starcraft game. Blizzards first, heavily publicized, project cancellation was also an FPS starcraft game. It too was cancelled after years of production and even being demod at game shows. This could not be more historically Blizzard.

You obviously misunderstood what I was saying.
I was saying he was taking a job that isn’t AT Blizzard, in response to the person who replied to me saying it’s telling that he isn’t going ahead with something else at Blizzard.

Why is that so terrible? We don’t know anything about his situation. The people move jobs constantly in the video game industry to projects they want to work on or for promotions/increased compensation.

Why is the assumption that it is for some “Blizzard is awful” type reason?

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There would need to be a big overhaul only really seen at expansion launches so yeah… they’ve taken enough time, it’s not like they can REALLY do any meaningful big changes at this point it seems.

You’re assuming a great deal with my comments.
I was merely adding to the conversation.
I’m not sure what you’re trying to read in the things I say, but knock yourself out. lol
I wish Mr. Gibson all the luck in the world. But as I stated in my FIRST comment about it, if you took time to read - it’s just a telling thing to see if a Dev up and leaves a company like this.

Okay so I wont make assumptions into your vague statements.

WHAT does it tell?

Especially after the reporrts of really bad employee morale fater the mass firings, and several other big names quitting blizzard recently also reporting bad morale

You have a scroll ability. Scroll up to where I made my first comment to someone else, then go from there. I’m not going to repeat myself and I have definitely not been vague, you’ve just not done enough reading.

Have fun. Good day.

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Your earlier post only states you think it’s scary that a game can just get cancelled like that and I’ve already responded to that point earlier.