Feel free to look up past sub numbers that Blizzard used to release, if you think we got back up to the WotLK days you’re even worse off than I thought.
If they were even at WoD numbers, their stock would probably double.
Nah not wasteing my time looking stuff up for a forum troll pass infact going to play more sweet sweet BFA FTW instead .
lol, literally since WoW Classic Development has SC FPS been rumored. Had a name an all. SC: Ghost. Never saw the light of day. Forgive my skepticism, but I highly doubt it.
Also, Titan (now OW) was years ago, back in Cataclysm days. When MoP was being developed. They have to be working on a new IP currently and not re-hashing their current licenses if they want to succeed.

It’s the end of the game as we know it, atleast, that’s what we said in Cataclysm, MOP, WOD, Legion and now.
Interesting that since since Cata, the player base has been in a very steep decline that really accelerated during WOD. Maybe its because its true and the games quality has been tanking ever since the end of Wrath .
The folks who can’t aknowledge that WoW has some serious problems are, in fact, the definition of this meme.
A GAme dev just quit because they cancelled a game he had been working on for 2 years. Instead of moving on to another project he quit Blizzard . Along with a couple other high profile departures in Blizzard, Moral is said to be very very low . When that is a issue, quality will suffer
ALL they gotta do is revert to some old-systems!! (Classic/BC up to end of Warlords)

It’s no longer Blizzard. Most of the core employers have left to another field. Developers keep leaving so the recovering of this company is very slim
People keep saying crap like this but Blizzard is known for being full of old timers. That’s basically it’s industry reputation.
Just for WoW:
Ion Hazzikostas - Game Director: 11 years at Blizz.
John Hight - Production Director: 7 years at Blizz.
Chris Robinson - Art Director: 13 years at Blizz.
Alex Afrasiabi - Creative Director: 15 years at Blizz.
Patrick Dawson - Technical Director: 15 years at Blizz.
Steve Aguilar - Lead Animator: 15 years at Blizz.
Dusty Nolting - Lead Animator: 9 years at Blizz.
Ely Cannon - Lead Environment Artist: 11 years at Blizz.
Dan Moore - Lead Prop Artist: 21 years at Blizz.
Matt Goss - Lead Game Designer: 9 years at Blizz. (This one is hard to tell)
Morgan Day - Lead Encounter Designer: 12 years at Blizz.
James Chadwick - Lead Level Designer: 19 years at Blizz.
Russell Petersen - Lead Rewards Designer: 11 years at Blizz.
Eric Maloof - Lead Quest Designer: 16 years at Blizz.
And most of these people have spent nearly all of that time ON WORLD OF WARCRAFT ITSELF.
Yes and no. The genre has also been in decline. Other game styles have risen in popularity. Social Media and technology have helped change that as well. If we are actually and truly objective here, the only expansion this franchise has failed so far is WoD (not counting this one cause it hasn’t ended).

What does this mean?

Nah not wasteing my time looking stuff up for a forum troll pass infact going to play more sweet sweet BFA FTW instead
2139 posts since the forum reset. Looks like your playing the forums much more then this sweet sweet BFA expansion lol Edit: I notice this about almost all the BFA defenders . They have much more forum posts then anyone who is not happy with BFA. Most have 1500-2500 posts or more lol
agreed /10chars
There have been articles written about the steep decline in subs , started at the end of WRATH . That was before Social media was such a big deal. And now they have more competition in the form of mobile games, Netflix and other digital media entertainment. Blizzard stopped making the game for gamers and focused on Share holders.
Yeah I hear ya, but not at a fast rate. The morale is down.

agreed /10chars
I would like your post by my Likes have been time gated till reset
Maybe its because WoW reached its culture-relevancy zenith? TF2 is still a great game yet it’s slowly dying and losing players. Things decay, things grow old and things die. It’s the nature of reality.
Wrath is an overrated expansion. All it did was maintain the sub numbers from the Burning Crusade. Wrath-babies love their stolen E-valor.
Because the game literally has so much flight path time built into it that people post on the forum while they are on the fps.
That has some to do with it . But much can be attributed to Blizzard changing too much, removing too much and not developing the game for gamers any more. When they started to stream line everything, take away player agency and meaningful things to do and replaced it with with boring repetitive chore work, you saw the massive declines happen
lol… wrath was overrated… SMH…
This forum truly is fun to read.