Please, take your time, Blizz

The game is in a bad state. The worst ever possibly. We acknowledge that and are willing to wait for things to get better. Please, don’t fan the flames of this fire. Take your time, fix core gameplay issues, clean up the code, and really dive into this precious asset that is World of Warcraft.

My point is, we are more than willing to wait for proper fixes for the current state of WoW. WoW is in critical condition right now and needs the proper devotion and attention from the devs to nurse it back to health.


I honestly don’t have faith they can fix it any more.

I’m just killing time till classic at this point.


Killing time? What did time ever do to you?


8.2 does not contain any fixes for the game’s current problems. Just more bandages trying to hide the problems.


You are the last person to ask that question, chromie.


Not happening this expansion.

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It’s no longer Blizzard. Most of the core employers have left to another field. Developers keep leaving so the recovering of this company is very slim. Welp if they want people to come back they’re going to need to look at other games excluding battle royal and why players play them especially mmrpg elements. Does those games have faithful developers that actually listen to their community wholeheartedly?

If all this company wanted to do is make money then listening to their community wholeheartedly would of granted that access.


The sad truth.

I hope one day, before it’s too late, that WoW gets some developers who pour their heart and soul into the game like the old developers did.

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That’s the only chance they got left because otherwise a new studio will take its place and I bet they have most of those blizzard developers in there without the nuisance of Activision and toxic employees bothering them.

I have to disagree with this part. I like to give credit where credit is due.

Activision didn’t develop this expansion. The expansion where an insane amount of guilds died, the expansion where it’s a constant fight for even heroic raid teams to recruit, the expansion where most of our btag list died… that was Ion and friends - Blizzard. Blizzard developed this game.

But that’s a whole different topic.


It’s the end of the game as we know it, atleast, that’s what we said in Cataclysm, MOP, WOD, Legion and now.


They need to fix the game in 9.0. Unfortunately it’s too late to do any major overhauls with this expansion. The foundation can not be changed until later, so the best they can do is try and bandage things while they’re in the ambulance and hopefully it’ll survive the trip to the hospital. Then, it all comes down to the doctors to see if they can save it by fixing the main problems, or if they kill it once and for all. I don’t think WoW will survive another mediocre/poorly received expansion. WoD was a surprise, even after Cata. BfA wasn’t.

Still, some of the QnAs Ion has given has helped me believe that there is still some degree of hope. And I do hope Classic sees success (even if I don’t like it) because it’ll be an indication of what a large group of players want out of the devs, and I can only hope it’ll be a wake up call for them.

I’m going to remain optimistic because every other MMO out there is still in a worst state than WoW. I just have to hope that the devs and Blizzard want to save WoW as much as we want them to.


You are free to what you believe in, but remember there’s always a puppeteer pulling the strings in the shadows.

Every single player who genuinely is interested in the success of this game should watch this upcoming BlizzCon. If this doesn’t completely blow peoples minds and only confirms the companies true intentions, there isn’t much else to discuss.

If there ever was a defining moment in a companies future, this BlizzCon is that moment. Not only about what they will announce, but also what they won’t.

Basically, if there isn’t a talk about a new IP at all, pack your things boys, cause we are done.

I’d love for this game to thrive once again but it will be a hard pass for me giving money even just for a virtual ticket. This is coming from someone who used to pay monthly for 10 accounts just for myself.

Millions already packed their bags and left.


The new IP was already cancelled. Well one of them, but shifted those developers to another IP which is D4 and OW. The new IP was going to be SC, but a FPS version.

Don’t speak for me. I don’t have a problem with the game right now. The areas in 8.2 hit a new low for me personally but I will give them a try but delaying that patch isn’t going to help.

Sure they have.

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Thy should have waited to launch BFA and patch 8.0 until 6 months later then it initially released to fix classes.

A lot of people were content with plenty to do in Legion when it is released. They could have even left the mAge tower up so that people would level Alts for the appearances they didn’t have. A lot of people still needed to work on allied races as well.

This is the point i’ve been trying to make in other threads.

Too many failed systems implemented for BfA, as well as questionable design decisions that flopped. Blizzard can only put band-aids on the gaping wound of BfA until 9.0 drops and new and failed systems are reimagined.