I’m pretty sure Activision has been involved since the end of MoP, hoss. The enormity of the incompetence since then might be a clue.
Semper Fi!
I’m pretty sure Activision has been involved since the end of MoP, hoss. The enormity of the incompetence since then might be a clue.
Semper Fi!
So its looking like, according to Kotaku , they Cancelled the SC first person shooter game to move people to Overwatch 2, and Diablo 4. I though D4 would be further along by now.
So I guess the big announcement at Blizzcon wont be the next WOW expansion but OW 2 and D4 …maybe
More time doesn’t equal a better product.
Blizz has proven this over and over again.
Titan was in dev for like 7 years before being cancelled for not being terribly great.
I couldnt agree more. Nothing is being addressed except very small minute class changes. Really sad the state of game and failed BFA HoA system. The longest drought period we are in right now. six months. Eleven months for flying since BFA released as compared to Legion. Its insane and not very good to NOT have a backup plan in place. Reskin mounts and high gold to pay, catchup gear for 8.2 two new zones and flying and raid being released two weeks after 8.2. Not much to look forward imo.
Just think if they took that man power and put it into wow how much better wow could be.
Sickening all that wasted effort for nothing.
Thats alot of content but to each there own i guess…
That is what I figured this thread was. A Classic troll thread.
It wasn’t really my intention to troll. Just stating my opinion. I would be thrilled if they fix live. However, the amount of changes they would need to put in makes this seem unlikely
Does Blizzard have enough love for this game to really want to solve its problems?
It’s not a matter of time at all. It’s a matter of allocation of resources and management that are the problems here.
It’s true, yes it was a good expansion. But it wasn’t the second coming of Jesus or anything.
The fault in your logic is that Blizzard thinks everything is ok
Not saying the second coming of Jesus, but factually, statistically, and by all metrics it is THE best expansion.
On how much other people like it can be subjective. But you can’t say “overrated” when the expansion had the highest subscribers to date and arguably the most recognizable material worldwide among some of the best systems.
Say you don’t like it or it isn’t your favorite and that is ok, but saying it was overrated is a joke.
I didn’t know Chromie was a mage. I thought she was a Chronomagus
I’m not. I’ve pretty much moved on to other games and companies at this point. It will take a huge shift in design philosophy for me to really consider blizzard top tear again.
Other companies are producing much more intelligent and consistent games with well-crafted design that is far superior to the dreck that Blizzard is currently pushing out.
In fairness to the devs, they do what they’re told by management. I’d be willing to bet there are plenty of devs that are just as frustrated about things as the player base.
Alright, I’ll try this again.
I hope one day we get a game director, a development team, and a real quality assurance team that will pour their heart and soul into the game like many of the old and gone World of Warcraft team did.