We need more trash on raids and make sure it has a timer.
Could we put some fishing in there?
To make sure we’re really wasting time.
Yeah practice that at Home.
Join an M+15 and your first task is look for a fishing pool. Then wait for group kick. You would have a bonus when you get toxic whisper after you’ve been kicked.
I think some trash is fine, it’s a refresh from boss fighting and gives people time to freely socialize. Too much trash is a pain though.
Trash and timer… that would be fun.
You have to be kidding,they take far long than that ,or have you ever did one.
Did you see the question i was replying to?
He said:
Don’t mind me but you said it and now I’m laughing.
Just remember to take out the trash please, thanks Blizz!
PLEASE DO THIS! Make the re-run raids, just boss fights and not an hour of trash each night…
Blizzard makes a long raid
WoW: Raid’s too long, omg!
Blizzard makes a short raid
WoW: Raid’s too short, omg!
Stay classy WoW community.
See this chart here? Hyperbole is where you are at.
Yea, and seems reasonable for an ‘experimental’ season.
Well maybe the ones that were complaining that a raid is too long, aren’t the ones that complain that a raid is too short?
Or maybe there’s a middle ground for some players?
Kwayze… i know.
We tried this. It was called Trial of the Crusader. It was super boring.
It had 5 bosses, do you know how that compares to season 4 where you have:
- Castle Nathria - 10 bosses
- Sanctum of Domination - 10 bosses
- Sepulcher of the First Ones - 11 bosses
So yes, 5 is boring compared to 31.
And they all rotate weekly.
Did you even use a shred of logic when making that comparison?
Yes. That means you aren’t doing 31 every week, or the trash between 31 bosses.
A lot more than you apparently?
No, you’re doing 10-11 every week AND the trash between them.
You haven’t at all, judging by your senseless reply.
Go and think in a corner for a bit.
Without the trash you have 10-11 bosses weekly to kill, you really like wasting time on trash?
So the status quo since 2004, besides ToC. Oh heavens what will I do? How will the Warcraft community survive this travesty?
If this is your biggest complaint with Shadowlands, you are the one who needs a few moments in the corner.
I didn’t know Season 4 was the norm.
Shorter season, 3 different raids in rotation. Surely the same thing. /s
I have had plenty of complaints with Shadowlands, this is just one of them.
Get out of this thread if it’s not an issue for you, Cur.