Please take out the trash

Its not, but ToC was not the norm either. This was Blizzard trying something new and it didn’t work. Doing it again now would not be trying something new, it would be trying it again. You would probably be back here complaining how empty the raids felt too.

All 3 raids we have done before and are familiar with the mechanics, even if they add some new angles to them.

Get out because I don’t agree with you. That is some colossal ego you have there. Apparently I should have just told you to shut up and go play FFXIV if you don’t want raid trash since this is the level you are at.

Having 3 raids on a rotation without trash is not the same as 1 short raid without trash.
You definitely don’t have ground to stand on with that assessment.

So that means we got to do the trash again too? Spare me with your nonsensical logic.

You can go and bark in another thread. It will be about as useful as your take here.

At this point I feel like it would be weird to take out trash.

In some older raids, trash was nice for the rep they gave, but they don’t seem to do that anymore for raids.

I don’t mind trash in raids, but I am remembering that back when I frequently raided Normal/Heroic I would be that jerk who went afk between bosses because I wanted to go out and smoke a cigarette instead of clear trash. (I have since quit smoking, but I also don’t raid much these days)

Maybe instead of just removing trash, which would be boring, they could spice them up. Increase BoE drops or make it lucrative. Make killing mobs give some kind of buff that helps with the boss or a certain mechanic.

My main issue with raiding and why I don’t ALWAYS raid is that after doing it so many times it becomes boring. It’s gotten down to a formula and it is a formula they have stuck with for quite some time now.

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As weird as S4 is going to be?

The issue with trash is that it’s just a time waster at this point for Season 4, which is going to be a shorter season than usual, Blizzard said this, and the raids will be cycling each week.

Making progress to clear the raids will matter more with the season being shorter and players going into a different raid weekly.
So instead of spending the time on the trash, you’re better off using it on progressing the bosses.

No, not as weird as S4 is going to be. :rofl:

I’ll even become a Necrolord for S4 if it means i don’t have to waste time on clearing trash weekly… just sayin’