Please take out the trash

Damn… i’m so outed right now, you got me! That’s the reason i wanted it.
I keep dying to raid trash, i could blame it on my lvl, but it’s clearly my skills (or lack of them to be more precise). :frowning:

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Or mak trash more challenging to beat, Vanilla and TBC runs could easily wipe in trash cause there were a challenge to beat as well the group had to work together CC what need to be and watch mob healers

Don’t feed the troll with no raid experience popping off. I agree if the lockouts reset every week some of the end bosses won’t be touched by most guilds in a mythic setting. Hopefully they take this into account and either let you save progress so when it’s back up you can continue or you can extend. Even without trash if the fated affix spices up the bosses enough even with it being on farm while current could cause a lot of reprogging. It will be interesting to see how they handle it.

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I have raid experience thank you, not in shadowlands causebi just started again last raids i did was MOP and i have been playing since 2006

What? you want to wipe on the trash at a boss but you don’t want trash running through a raid? ok.

You think Blizz would waste time creating all of that scenery just for us to… walk through?
Nah. If trash went away, we’d 100% be getting a lot more simplistic raid environments.

At the end of the day, trash and the more in-depth raid instances exist to sell it as, you know, a boss lair or whatever. To make it belong in the world.

Reducing raiding to a boss rush would be a much more arcade-like experience. If people want that, fine, but it’s obviously not what Blizzard is going for.

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dude just go back to FFXIV and stop trying to make that game into this game.

What you said… makes no sense?

We’ve already seen the raids and dealt with the trash throughout this whole expansion.
We don’t need to keep doing the trash to reach the bosses at this point…

No raider actually cares if the trash is there at this point… sans getting boe’s which already have very low drop rates.

I never played that game though, so i can’t go back to it. /facepalm

You have 3 bosses in Castle Nathria on heroic for the whole expansion… with 2-4% grey parses, did you buy a nice carry? Or were your friends just boosting you randomly?
You don’t even raid properly so idk what’s your problem, but you can go back to FFXIV since you seem familiar with it.

Taking out the trash = taking out the trash, it doesn’t make the bosses easier, it makes players have more time to down them.

Raiders: Is there anything they won’t demand?

As opposed to?

As opposed to other end-game content that get’s what it gets

Much hypocrisy in your words here, there are plenty of other threads asking for stuff for their preferred content.
Maybe you need some glasses, old dwarf.

Aye, and you need some patience “make raiding easier” belf

Patience won’t bring time lost on trash back, you need some common sense, old dwarf.

How long should raiding take, in your opinion. Assume a one-shot for all bosses.

The answer is no.

FF does this and it’s awful.

You just zone into this bland generic room to a boss.

If you want boss fight only raids, the FF14 is waiting for you. WoW is NOT the place for that garbage.

Traditions should always be interrogated.