Please take out the trash

One raid that everyone hated thats why it wadnt done again in any expansion since

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and it was the most boring raid in the game.

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Yea. Jailer’s Gauntlet I’d actually fun because I don’t have to waste my time on trash.

But no way they’ll do this because time played metric

ok,so no one wants time consumption before the boss pulls . Where’s the fun then?

It was boring cause it was short, in space, visuals, bosses, compared to Ulduar.
Not that it didn’t have trash.

The bosses are the fun?

Where are they going to place loot drops for the AH if there are no trash?

Bosses are no fun ,trash can be and profitable.

I doubt you are reading this Blizz but stick with the formula: trash- boss- trash- boss etc. It has worked fine for 17 years

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Gee, it’s like you’ve never done an alliance raid or something like that.

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Here is a nice idea from this thread:

So basically, re-position the trash so that players can get to the bosses without engaging the trash.

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The most I would ask is just for a mini-boss in between trash just as a preview to new raid mechanics to be aware of or just a gimmick fight for fun.

Heck, maybe we could have guaranteed randomized BoE drops from it.

I bet you’re one of those people who tell others how worthless they are because they got a lower parse than you.

Oh I see ,this is all about progression and a skip directly to bosses ,well I don’t think they’ll do that straight off the first time around, later more likely they will have a means to do so so raiders can have the profit runs to sell.

Yes… it’s so we don’t spend 7-10 mins going from Xymox to… Skolex for example clearing trash. The 2 min mount ride is enough.

Nope as long as you completely the dungeon and raid i am fine, i am just sick of people coming into the game then want to completely change whole aspects of it, sorry but WoW is this way has been since launch, if you dont like it you are playing the wrong game


CN did this and the players cried Blizzard made those BoEs just so they can sell WoW tokens because they are super greedy.

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Raids used to take hours and we still had fun doing now everyone wants to rush through eveything amd then complain their is nothing to do


No different than hellfire citadel where all that trash took most the time ,long boring and dangerous journey. But the did drop gold and mats.

It’s not the rush through it is the profit from skipping trash for payed runs.

Learn to differentiate that people aren’t a hive mind, not everyone rushes and says there’s nothing to do.

I am tired of trash in raid with boss skills. After a kill, we want to celebrate and admire our meters and /roll for gear – but, instead, we are super focused on trash mechanics with empty mana bars.

We were promised BoEs to fund the guild coffers (so said Ion) when they took away the percentage of guild looting to the bank. Lies.

The trash run up to the sausage boss is beyond anything I can imagine in design choices; the platforms, the fears, the knock-backs and so on. Give us a break! A three hour raid spent on learning bosses is fun; wiping to trash is embarrassing!