Please stop with all of the LGBTQ/BLM posts

Russia is not the USSR anymore. It’s China that is the big Communist party now.


Alexey Navalny I’m sure would disagree with that. Lets not derail the topic though.

Cool, no one cares.

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  1. The threads will stop when there’s visible change. Just like protests IRL stop when there’s visible change.
  2. Yes, many play games to escape politics. Being black or gay is not a political statement. POC and LGBT (and any other minority) deserve escapism too.
  3. Minorities ABSOLUTELY need representation. All research on the field shows that media representation has a lot more impact on people’s perception of minorities than legislation. Literally ALL the research. So, yes, representation matters.
  4. If you really just want to ignore your labels, then why did you start your thread with a label?

Anyway, just my 5 cents. Peace. I’m out…

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What I believe minorities need is EQUALITY; To be considered the same as everyone else… as normal.

“Demanding” representation is tantamount to demanding special privilege.

Special privilege is not equality.


Chaos is the only true answer.

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Real women, or everyone who decides they’re women?

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I thought they were the same.

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Uh? scratches head, rubs temples…regardless, it is or was depending on time zone.

The wow community cares if you can play your spec well do your rotation and mechanics right, then have good experience.
Before that they care about themselves being good as possible to get into those groups.
Then its when the next content is. Transmog, loot, friends in game…
THEN its real life issues family etc.

Then at the very very VERY bottom of the subconscious where its not actually an existing issue.
No sain person worth anyones time cares who the person they dont know whom they play with in a game are sleeping with and how insulted they should feel…that nuts…

Like really do you think people playing really care about your sexual orientation mate? You are only important in your own life and those who know you…this games an escape and no one cares about orientation other then those who obsessivly HAVE to flaunt it.

Its when people feel they need to grandstand and shove it into everyones face it becomes annoying and people pop off because its not the place for these things in a game where those things are meaningless.

People need to relax and stop thinking everyones always out to get them 24/7 this is paranoia…


The guy is being transphobic, that’s basically it.

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Women fought hard to get recognition and are still fighting. Men found a way to take their achievements for themselves. And some people are fine with that. lol

Everyone has to be a special little snowflake. Sheesh.

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Special privelege? Come back and say that when 90% of fictional characters in popular media aren’t straight, cisgender, and white.

This thread is a depressing look into how little progress is actually being made. I think I’m done here.


This thread is actually just a small & vocal minority in the grand scale of the total population, the LGBT movement is actually doing great right now, don’t give up.

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He would not say it’s a communist country. The Commie party is Putin’s largest opposition and gets less than 20% of the vote.

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comments like this, really yank my chain.

the community really doesn’t care.

everyone is far too wrapped up in their own stuff, to give a hoot about you.

just because they don’t speak for you, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t listen.


Too much homophobia exists in-game still to not have this representation. The fact that request threads for it get BURRIED in negative comments is proof enough.

Until the straight community learns from these mistakes, it needs to constantly be thrown in their faces. Their hatred is too normalized.


I mean the first thing I do when I meet people is tell them how straight I am. I have bumper stickers and flags on my car so people know how much I love women. You see, I have this weird obsession with letting strangers know my sexual preference.