Please stop with all of the LGBTQ/BLM posts

I am immensely supportive for Human Rights, yet using video games to advertise a humanitarian crisis as it were a mere toy trend within the fast food market feels more harmful than good.


I mean you said it right in your post you conflated black people and gay people with politics. yeah they just want to live their lives but the fact that their lives is viewed as “political” is the reason it’s going to keep coming up. until everybody gets the full use of the Constitution it’s going to keep being talked about.


I mean this is the most ridiculous draw man I’ve ever heard.

at what point did anyone give anyone full equal rights and then they couldn’t handle it.

if you think minorities or gay people have ever been treated fairly in this country you’re living in a delusion.

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OP: You have to understand most of these lgbt+ posts are not from gays, these are trolls looking to get their jollys , if we were going by forum posts alone then 60% of the player base is apparently gay going by the number of lgbt+ post

But at least we have the Mute button thank God ,


I personally do not feel that way, I just threw it in there because it is a valid point in this argument. As such, I can’t really respond for what is and what isn’t.

Good for you. Bravo!

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Perfectly said, we do need to push more input in any activity, almost anywhere. I instead created this post thinking it would help, even just stopping one troll or anything. Also yes, we all do want the same thing, but it feels like none of us know how to get that. I simply just don’t understand how reputation in World of Warcraft would help any of those issues, as the majority of the type of person this game appeals to, already made their mind for one reason or another.

In the real world, I absolutely try to fight for representation. Growing up in a community full of people who would use slurs I’d rather not say here just for being different, I know we need things to change. To me, WoW would just get unneeded backlash from the forums and many other places, when this isn’t a place that we should be fighting in. If there was a way to get changes to happen in the real world by doing something in WoW, I absolutely would do so.

Sorry for the long reply, just trying to explain my side, and hopefully see more of yours.

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Many people say they want to be “equal” and they think, for whatever reason, that equality in the US in 2021 isn’t a thing, but I don’t think they want to be equal… they want something extra, something special that everyone else doesn’t have.

That’s not equal.

+1 on the OP though.


Agree completely, OP. Nailed it.

I like you.


You can be whoever you want.

Dude NO one cares about that.

  1. In a party/group we call everyone dudes/guys.
  2. People care about item lvl, Raider IO and pvp rating.
  3. People care about you being nice to everybody else.
  4. People care about your class and spec.
  5. People care about your performance in game based on your role (tank, dps, healer).

WoW is a game!


Imagine anyone joining a M+ group and going off about their love life and how much they have sex.
Imagine people being okay with that instead of disinterest or leaving.

Similarly, imagine joining a roleplay guild and making that the focus of the RP, can’t imagine many people give a damn.


:arrow_up: :wink:

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If they add LGBT representation do I then get super straight representation? What about Muslims or Christians? Maybe knitters need representation as well. And Grumbles is in a category of his own perhaps he should get a cookie giver title.

Why is it what we have to divide humans and say this category should get something special and ignore every other category. I’m of the mind we see each other as humans or individuals. Trying to study everyone though some lens of intersectionality and critical race theory only sows division.

I’ve been in a couple of guilds that share to much. I either just leave discord or if it happens a great deal I’d leave the guild. I don’t mind generalities but getting into detail about things makes me a bit sick to my stomach.


Maybe! It might sound something like:


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Superstraight is just a troll term used by transphobic people to troll trans people.


God that was some of the cringiest writing I’ve ever seen. However Malfurian isn’t exactly a normal elf is he? Hes a mixture of different animal parts which is a closer representation to furies or even a word I can’t say on the forums.

It may have started that way but there are many who now openly come out as super straight. If you question someone’s ability to identify themselves you would be a bigot (its what we’ve heard for years.) As far as being transphobic, hardly its a response to people like Riley Dennis telling everyone who will not sleep with anyone at all a bigot. If you want to take drugs to alter your body go for it, if you want to undergo surgery have fun. I would refuse to take part in it in a relationship.

And I just don’t want to hear about it all the time, feel free to discuss it in general chat as I can use badboy to ignore it, you can discuss it here and I can choose not to interact if I wish add it to the game however and I now have to participate much like the recent Ardenweld quest. I’m here to play world of warcraft not world of guess who I’m sleeping with craft. More war less romance/sex.


I can’t help but wonder about your intentions when you say something like this.

It’s a perfectly normal thing to discuss - at least, it should be, if the people who say we’ve already reached equality are anything to go by.

Oftentimes, especially in Guild Chats / Discords, people discuss their jobs, marriages, hobbies … really, what is it that differentiates this from any other topic of conversation for you?


Then that sounds like a guild problem/discord problem, not a representation problem.

Take your issues up with the offenders.

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Usually its limited to hey the wife needs me to go to the grocery store. I have no problem with this. This would be the equivalent of Dave Rubin. I know hes gay because I’ve heard him talk about taking his husband out to a restaurant but its not the only thing he ever discusses and more importantly its not everything he is. Its an extremely small part that is not important to most people.

Reading a romance story of any type and I’ll leave. Its not my thing I don’t care to hear about it. They are boring and usually highly inaccurate romanticization of relationships.

A guy popping into discord saying hmmm… my boyfriend just bent over and his expiative looks good enough to eat. I hope he had corn last night. Yup I’m out. This is not anything I want to participate in and take it upon myself to use tools such as badboy to block so I don’t see it.

Most people I’ve ever run into fall into the first category, a few whom I put on mute fall into the second category. A small minority really want to push it in your face and they fall into group three. It seems as if they have wrapped their entire identity into their sexuality and if you don’t want to hear about their sexual exploits then you reject them. Which is mostly true, find something else to talk about, be something more then your genitalia.

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