Please stop with all of the LGBTQ/BLM posts

I don’t remember asking you to speak for me. Have a seat, sis. Speak for yourself. Get that “we” out of your mouth.


The military used to have a Don’t Ask; Don’t Tell policy that worked exceptionally well for everyone. Keep your private life to yourself and just play the game for what it is … a fantasy role-playing game that is about magic, swords, monsters, and glory. There is no need for real life issues or agendas to be displayed.

It is bad enough they have so much of that nonsense in places like Stormwind already, so having special flags or posters all over is just taking their overboard nonsense down to the Azshara Abyss.


I’m a not-very-obvious gay man but I’ve had fabulously queer guildmates in several guilds and not once did I hear anyone make a negative comment (or any type of comment for that matter) about their gender or orientation.
Even in general chat I see people getting bashed by (bigger) trolls if they try to use “gay” as derogatory.


wanna go shoe shopping?
I am needing a new of pair of boots.


Might I suggest a nice pair of thigh high leather boots? It makes the boys and girls and all the inbetweens very jealous.


You don’t get negative responses because of the topic.

YOU get negative responses because of this attitude you are displaying.


All of this.


don’t you dare…


prepare for the low elves!


Well, it is wrong to speak for others, so OP acted wrong on this point.

other than that … it is really annoying to be asking for pronouns in the player’s head, special sets and mainly: it is wrong to ask for special treatment for the entire LGBT community precisely because it falls into the error of the OP that I mentioned above. So the OP is right on this other point.

If you ask for something to give to the community, how will you know that this community wants it, and not just you? suddenly one person or another can agree with you, but who disagrees and belongs to the same community?

In addition, I have been insisting on several topics: if you keep spamming about it, it may end up drawing the attention of some DEV or Designer, and it may give the wrong idea of the next move they should make or make an effort, focusing efforts in the wrong place , making them think that the game needs something that is on several topics when in fact the game needs attention in other areas.


I laughed so hard at this my co-worker was like, “Are you using your break to look at memes again?”
I’m too embarrassed to tell them I’m on WoW forums watching this mess LOL.


bro you can’t laugh at that its WHO I AM. How DARE you.

Time to write a thread on the wow forums about how I am oppressed and ppl like me don’t get enough recognition in world of warcraft.


Bravo. That’s the way I try to treat everyone. Like they’re a human being not judged on race, background, etc. I don’t think world of warcraft should focus on sexuality beyond minimal nods. Its not the focus of the game, nor should it be.


why this sound like a sonicfox speeth ?

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Because I am also a furry. UwU notices your bulging oppression


When nobody is talking about or clamoring for a thing:

  1. Some people talk about how everybody is talking about a thing.
  2. Other people hear how everybody is talking about a thing
  3. Those people form strong opinions about the thing that “everybody is talking about”
  4. Everybody ends up talking about the thing

Future historians write this down because this is the 99% of the experience of being alive in 2021

As a straight, very strong, virile,muscular, physically imposing, handsome guy with great hair, toned abs, strong legs, brilliant mind, well dressed, chiseled chin ,great conversationalist… I dont have much to add here.

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If you want equal, act equal be equal.

Don’t be the ones who yell out “we want equal rights/representation” but once the “majority” say ‘heres your equal’, you run away from it saying “we want special”. To me, it makes you look like a hypocrite.

If a person wants/requests to be treated equally from me, ya better step up and act like you want that, own that you want it. At a continual basis. Not just 1-2 days a week. Cause I don’t have the patience, nor the time, for the typical drama bs of flip-flopping.

I’ve seen (and have read) some of the forum posts about this topic. Yeah, I’m gonna agree with some other people, and say let it be, at least for now. Blizzard will do what they feel is the right thing to do, at their convenience.


Just say yes.
And proceed to display dominance by T-posing.
(don’t do that btw )

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Just to reiterate, we need more throuples. Blizzard is too couple-centric and I can barely tolerate the oppression anymore.