Please stop with all of the LGBTQ/BLM posts

The fact that can be done with one account shows how trash the forums are.


Agreed wholeheartedly but they do have 3 that I am aware of, times 50 alts potentially per.

I hate to push this, but it’s come a time now that they may have to limit one name per account here, or nothing is going to change.


Or lunnaya threads :sob:

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You will always find what your looking for especially in a world so connected. Any belief any bias is there at your fingertips.

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This is a good point.

I suppose the argument against it is just that the game world is created in a world where those rights did and still do require advocacy. It’s a case of reality and fantasy getting way too intertwined.

What’s neat about your point is that it can be used to challenge those people who get irate about say the love story in AW between the former night warrior and his partner. Like you said, in the Warcraft universe, various sexualities are not stigmatized or demonized or belittled… so why get annoyed by it?


Uhhh…no wrong. I don’t “assume” anyone’s sexuality in a video game about slaying dragons and undead and saving the afterlife from a chaotic bald dude. No one does. I only judge based on one thing and thats your raider IO if I ever form for my key based on dungeon times runned, ect. I don’t care what your sexuality/religion/ect. I’m sure most agree.


I think the whole topic solution is rather simple.

We all want equality. I am not represented in WoW, so why should you?

I personally could not care less how many Pride flags get added into the game, as long as this won’t take away dev’s time from actually needed and & vital projects.

And when I asked for Pastafarianism to also get representation, as it is a religion just as much as any other, I got 48h forum ban. lol. So much for equality.


I guess the only thing I can do in response is to be a good interlocutor. I agree with you on your points and for one think that most people who attempt to have discourse about political issues in good faith will do so.

Shifting the paradigm with your statement - I guess your arguments are worthy enough of 3x the engagement?

I guess your last point rings true: there is another duplicate topic up right now.

I had some call my mog ugly yesterday… I swapped to my boomkin form with glyph and poof everything was blue! I got a second whisper… Oh I get it now! :rofl:

The things that bother so little don’t even come up as a blip on most people’s radars.

You should ask instead of being upset over others asking for stuff to Blizzard.

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totally upset lmao


Couldn’t agree with you more. There gets to be a point where representation starts to feel more like pandering and special titles or a pride flag transmog would for sure feel like pandering to me.


I just don’t get it and I marched in my Uni days. The questions that never get answered by the people making the demands just stun me.

Blizzard did great to not show any race, sexual orientation, religion, political leaning etc… No one gets turned away from an inn. So why do we need to celebrate inclusion in a game where none of these issues exist?

To me it’s people bringing their outside issues into a game, and really a lot of us play to escape that as a whole.


I also feel like pushing for representation might also cause backlash from the community as a whole. All the other LGBT threads are full of “hate” (I’m using the term hate here very, very, very loosely) but I feel like its because a lot of those are either:
A. Low quality bait
B. People who just want to feel special and superior to others because they are different and “go against the grain”



Also it’s funny how so many people jumped on me with hostility when I never asked for, or even thought that in-game LGBTQ+ indicators were necessary.

It’s almost like they have a problem with something other than my point.

Can’t imagine what that is.

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Girl you got a big head. Most of the time these threads are made by trolls. I don’t see why you can’t simply scroll past them instead of making an unoriginal thread that has been talked to death in GD that won’t do anything to stop the trolls.
This is under the assumption you are not a troll yourself, which is suspect because of the frequency of these types of threads.


I was hoping that even one troll might see this and decide not to post another thread, but I see what you mean. I apologize if this thread annoyed you in any way, the creation of the thread was originally with good intentions, though I did regret making it shortly after, realizing this would just get more trolls


We’re all learning luv - unfortunately very few people here are kind teachers.

I know a lot of the threads about it are made by trolls trying to garner hate - but I feel like if we don’t put some sort of…input? Discussion? Resistance? I’m not sure of the word frankly, but if we don’t do something then…they can all just stick around.

I get what you’re trying to do - I really do. I used to be a mediator for these kinds of things - frankly until it broke me.
If you don’t want to push on with us, that’s okay. The world’s a loud, scary place, and if you can find even one spot where you’re comfortable then goshdarnit cling to it. I’ll more than applaud you for it.

Just…also try to see why some of us are still pushing for more and more rep, more and morere normalization. I think, on some level, we all want the same thing, there’s just…no way to go about it.


But I was told that “Silence = violence” by BLM…

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This raises questions, to me, about what exactly you’re trying to ‘escape’ from.

Escapism is all well and good - in moderate amounts - but when you say you play this game to escape from ‘politics, and everything else in the world’, despite the game’s setting being all but mired in black-and-white political drama? It’s a little suspect.

Why is one thing okay, but another isn’t? Why do you want escapism from one thing, but another being in the game is ‘natural’?

I don’t mean to call you out, specifically - I see this mindset a lot. That people play games to ‘escape from politics’ - it always strikes me as strange, as many games’ stories are inherently political themselves. That’s not even talking about the ones set in real life.

I don’t think a minor cosmetic or otherwise, to represent something inherent to people who exist in the real, would be overreaching.