Please stop with all of the LGBTQ/BLM posts

There are no throuples in game. This game is heinously couple-normative. I think Anduin should be in a throuple with Valeera and Jaina, or else it’s proof that Blizzard hates all polyamorous people.

It’s LGBT, nothing more. They went through decades of hardship to get where they are, and now you’re running the name through ground.

“Live and let live”, yeah, let them be. Stop trying to feed off them to make yourself more interesting.


As a Gorc (Gay Orc), I agree with this message.

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You’re confusing me with someone else. If your thread is getting reported and you’ve done nothing wrong. Then you have nothing to worry about.

OP, please research the Streisand Effect.
Telling people to stop makes it worse. Ignore it and it will go away.



Who really cares? Things always change. Instead of living in the past accept the future and the changes that come with it. Are you really being affected outside of your own perception?

No I am not, I have a list of all your toons. Many of us do after what you pulled this past weekend.

Care to answer? Or are you just going to keep telling me how I am supposed to reply to please you?


People who are actually gay or trans care.
Their sexuality isn’t your new pair of shoes to wear for twitter likes and social points.


I…listen as much as I understand how you’re trying to appeal to both sides here, sister you’ve gotta realize that that’s not a game you can play.

We’ve gotta punch and scratch for what little rep we get - and I think we DO need more rep in here! I want to make sure there’s no place anyone can “escape” from us, because we’re not something to escape from.

Getting more rep normalizes us. Donating to charities is even better, and if they could snag some more characters in here, and also drop from fundraisers, that’d bee awesome.

But never, ever advocate for silence. Never advocate to just be paved over “like everything else”.
We fought to come out of the closet - the last thing you wanna do is walk happily back in.

I just…listen I’m trans too, and being told to just keep quiet just rubs me the wrong way - because being “normal” means just not being trans. We’re not at the point where we’re just an accepted, normal part of society yet - and the fact that we DON’T have more rep kinda shows that.

You see more and more women in media, in higher and higher roles, because they pushed for it. Fought for representation and continue to fight for representation - and the same goes for all groups.
And…I know we’re supposed to work with everyone else to make this work, to play by the rules or whatever, but that’s just not working anymore. I don’t want people to get used to this comfortably. I didn’t get that luxury, and I don’t see why the people who took that from me deserve the treatment.


No answer again eh?

Cool. To quote you on your other toon: “Sit back down!” (did i get that right?)


Need to add more ‘you’re a homophobe’ and other insults but that’s pretty accurate to their alt.


What are you even talking about? Maybe you do need to sit down because you sound ridiculous.


Easy the same question you had silenced in the other thread same plenty asked you here, and again you avoided with your cheese line I stole.

RESPOND TO THIS! THIS HERE POST RIGHT HERE! It’s easy you respond to everything else how hard can it be?:

That whole paragraph, answer it!


Yeah that’s also a big point - OP certainly does not speak for all of us and I’d rather we not try and silence ourselves to please some uncomfortable cishet people. :smile:


Are you wanting something on your nameplate similar to your guild/server? If so, can I get one that says " Heterosexual " ? I would imagine most people do not care how other players identify themselves - in other words, give me a way to toggle it on/off. If you want share what you are and/or know what others are then try something like TRP3. You can make a detailed description and history of your character. That would also remove the way that some feel this is being forced on them regardless of their wishes.

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Like the rest of the world. Do you announce yourself as gay everytime you walk in a room or go somewhere? Not be facetious - I don’t assume anything about a person except for how they interact with me. Real world or game.

And, you know what - not to you, but in general. The OP had a decent, great post that got flagged…??? That’s more bothersome than all the rest.


There are lists now? Here? L o l

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Yeah it’s sad, but when one person literally took down 3/4 of a thread this weekend with false flags it was bound to happen. They hit so many that there were literal posts discussing it.

It’s tough to have a real conversation when one person is answering you on 3 accounts and multiple alts, all proved by others. It was a head trip, and now they are pushing it in here. Even worse still when they artificially up their engagement through said means. I hope Blizzard figures this out sooner rather than later.

Until then, plenty are keeping track to know who they are talking to. I bet you dollars to donuts though they will just start another throw away like the one who refuses to answer that question.


What a statement…