Please stop with all of the LGBTQ/BLM posts

This made me LOL :rofl:

I don’t mean to kick the beehive, but how is LGBT representation in games so bad? I would hope that most people opposed to it ‘being forced’ upon them in game wouldn’t randomly shout at people who appear or identify that way in real life.

Because those who complain the most are far alt righters. Most people don’t care one way or the other but more representation is always a positive. Those against it are just stuck in their old homophobic ways.

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Walking by a gay person in real life isn’t the same as that person letting everyone that walks by them know they’re gay


Yep. And that’s all I’m going to say.


Even if a person were doing it irl, what would it matter to you? I’ve seen it happen in college, at work and at parties. They occupy a limited amount of space and I simply choose to leave it. No harm or confrontation required.

You hear that gay individual? You hate gay people if you don’t like hamfisted LGBT characters jammed into the game for the sake of being there.


100% agreed. I just love it when rich/spoiled girls want to fight for minorities.

Hear this, there’s no minorities, everyone in USA is an American, sooner you stop dividing people into groups, sooner these “problems” disappear.

It’s no one’s fault you’re so unlikeable that you need to join some activist group just for people to like your tweets and communicate with you. Make yourself interesting on your own dime, not at expense of other people.


Very small minded of you to lump people who disagree into a group…

The dopamine hit from when someone hits like on those virtue signaling posts are real.


I mean, I don’t want to be approached by any random person. I don’t think that’s an unreasonable request.


Say what!!! Oh gawd, I wasn’t going to say anything… but, really dude!

BTW It’s women’s history month. Just representing the fight!


By that line of logic so is leaving the a space that they’re in. And NPCs don’t deviate outside their pathing or behaviors.

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Hey, you’re the one that presented the scenario

Fair enough. My point still stands. Cheers.

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I don’t care what any of you identify as, we are here to play a game. Our sexual identity has nothing to do with getting a boss down.

Just be yourself, if people don’t like you, it’s not necessarily a reflection on you. Some people just don’t get along, that’s life.


This right here can’t be stated enough. No matter how good you are there will ALWAYS be someone who dislikes you.


And what does your sexual preference do for you in game? Does it give you stats? No. Do random people need to know it to group with you? Again no.

I see it from all perspectives and am so getting tired of a literal handful of people and their alt hopping ways trying to create a narrative to claim exclusion in a darn video game. What innkeeper turned you away? What content where you excluded from? None.

You are trying to bring a prevalent issue outside of the game into it, into a world that has never excluded you. So here’s is my question for you, since the game itself has never discriminated against you, why do you think you need to celebrate inclusion when you have never been excluded?

Food for thought.


Stop trying to speak for LGBT people, but instead let them voice their opinions and thoughts and then support them. What do you know about what they want?

But instead now half the young college kids are saying they’re LGBT, by making up special genders and ruining it for actual gay and trans people.

It’s getting so ridiculous that there’s girls who claim to be guys, and they hook up with guys who claim to be girls. You’re straight. You’re literally straight. Just trying to be special by making up your gender.

Unfortunately, LGBT became a trend, like a fashion trend, rather than a group for people with non-default sexual orientation and people who feel their body doesn’t match who they are.
Just a bunch of un-interesting people trying to get attention, making a trend out of a group that went through lot of discrimination in the past, and still faces some to this day. Shame on you.


You take the forums too seriously. Just accept that there are those who want more lgbt representation.

How about you just let others live the way they want to? It says a lot about you if you can’t just accept them for who they are. It’s 2021. Live and let live.

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