Please stop with all of the LGBTQ/BLM posts

Mods must be asleep.




OK, I’ll bite. sexuality is more than just who you sleep with. it’s also what you’re attracted to.


I do not feel this. And I not like posts here beg for things for us. We people too and equal and I not think need all these posts. Make look bad.


Indeed. I am so tired of cis/straight people doing this. It is beyond tiresome.


You ask for a set of posts to stop by making a post about the subject you want stopped. Seems counter productive to me.

Honestly, I could give a hoot about a subject which has zero relevance to the video game which this forum is meant for. There are many other places to discuss each of the subject(s).

(Before someone jumps on their high horse and tries to read in between the lines of my statement, you don’t know my stance on the subject as I’m deliberately not including it because it’s not relevant in the current context of what I’m writing.)

The WoW forums aren’t really such a place in my opinion. To each their own though.

Hopefully the mods will do their job and bounce this thread into the bin.

Have a good day y’all! :slight_smile:

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given how much this community cares about raiderio this isnt really a fair metric to compare with

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Because of the resentment you create trying to bring rl drama to a game. :man_facepalming:t2:


Dude people are assumed to be straight so we must identify ourselves. I assume you are straight and as such you would not understand or even see what this heterosexual game looks like though the eyes of someone who is LGBT.

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I am fluffy and cute and I hit things. That is all any of you in the game world need to know about me.


No you really don’t have to. No one cares until you make an issue out of it and then all it does it annoy people.


See? I don’t care enough to think about that. 90% of interactions occur through the LFG tool and most people are only looking at the RIO. You are just a number the vast majority of players.


Lets be real here not many people care what you are as long as you arent a dbag about it generally. You choose to announce it because you feel the need to so you can soapbox grandstand. :man_facepalming:t2: :unamused:


Why does it even matter to you if I assume you’re straight or not without knowing? It’s such a non-issue. Why do you feel the need to identify yourself in this way to people who, for the most part, don’t care?


Thats an assumption made by people who care about an individuals sexual identity. That is precisely the problem. You have glorified that aspect of someones life and over inflated its relevance.

If you surrounded yourself with people who care little about individual sexuality, I would bet my entire life savings, your outlook on life, humanity, and LGBT acceptance would rapidly improve.

But by all means keep letting people tell you we are all monsters who hate you for for your sexual identity if it makes you feel better. Just know its a complete lie made up to pit you against me because division sells.

Don’t mistake my outlook on this relationship as ambivalence to the plight of the LGBT community, I just categorically reject the premise that you and I are supposed to be adversaries because you are lied to by trash people, that i dont like you simple because of your sexual identity.


Equality is apathy. Welcome to equality… I don’t care.


If this is a heterosexual game then surely you can go play a gay one.


For the last five years, my opinion has been bending toward the idea that there AREN’T any mmo players who are mentally healthy.

Oh I include myself in the group.

I think we’re all nuts.


You don’t speak for the entire community. The forums are for feedback, and I will continue to voice my feedback for more LGBT representation in-game. If you don’t like it, too bad you can ignore it and move on. But false flagging posts and replying with hateful language and slurs, it just shows how petty you are.


Idc if you black, white, brown, ABCLMNOP, nothing will stop me from kicking you out of my groups if you don’t pull your numbers and stay alive. “F” your identity when it comes to my loot. Go back to Twitter and let me play without your world point of views. “Game” let that sink in. Weirdos.