Please stop with all of the LGBTQ/BLM posts

He is the majority.

Go run around naked in Texas and see what that gets you. BTW in the Middle Ages differences were settled by combat to the death, in the early 1900’s women weren’t allowed to vote.

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Oxgore, if you want me so bad just ask… Clearly you need a :hugs:

Your “type” for lack of a better word, wouldnt exist if he was the majority.

Bold of you to assume I hate something that doesn’t exist, or that I have an outie.

Sorry but I think some here are trolls but you take the cake. It is hateful people like you that divide us, I hope you get a long ban and learn to accept people of all races, genders, and preferences.

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Just because laws reduce people like them from acting as often doesn’t mean they’re not the majority.

Their type murder people like me all the time.

the laws wouldnt exist if he was the majority.
If he were the majority, it would be illegal to be anything LGBTQ.

The leading culprits for LGBTQ hate crimes/murders is the community you tagged along with your LGBTQ post. BLM supporters.

By a massive margin even. Literally massive.

Stop! I’m running out of popcorn! :popcorn:

You are acting in some ways like Oxgore, you have a right to your beliefs, but not make fun or put down those that do believe. I would never shame you for being an atheist, so don’t shame those who are religous.

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Like it was for so long?

yes. exactly

Btw I do apologize to anyone I offended with my last post, I see it got reported, but I hope Blizzard understands the context that I was just messing around with that Oxgore clown.

Sorry I’ll shame oppressors all I want.

Your post said nothing wrong. It will be thrown out.

This is you in a nutshell:

Had to change the video again, LOL!

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That’s nice. I’m sick of people like you who can’t stay in their own lane.

Who did I oppress, stop living the victim mentality. Just because you are unhappy with your life doesn’t make it anyone’s fault but yours.


How many people have died over the years because of non-existent invisible men in the sky?

I have 90 characters. I don’t run out of flags. You’re just not worth the effort.

I also know you’ve done enough that you’ll be yeeted from here soon enough.