Please stop with all of the LGBTQ/BLM posts

I dont understand why LGBTQ folks always lump themselves in with BLM.
How are you not aware that the dark skinned demographic in the US is responsible for the overwhelmingly majority of all anti-LGBTQness, and the majority all hate crimes towards LGBTQ in the US. Majority of all hate crimes in general.

Literally the most illogical duo ever.


That’s a funny way to spell cisgender heterosexual straight white christian, you know, the actual demographic that commits most hate crimes.

i know. Rationality = evil white man!!!

Strange times we live in.


I didn’t flag you because someone else already had honestly, I mean in all seriousness if someone on the internet tells me to go kill myself it does 0 damage to me mentally etc, as I don’t know you, you don’t know me.

Though while not all disrespect can lead to violence, I do believe all violence can begin with disrespect, so these days I am very concerned that if we ignore such things we could end up with the next idiot causing a mass shooting and whatnot, so i don’t think we should do nothing when people start saying hateful crap like you do.

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In truth, it’s divided…while the research does show that a lot of religious communities can be safe to live in, in contrast people with non-religious beliefs, atheists and whatnot, tend to support stronger social programs for society, and believe it or not can actually be much kinder to their neighbor, so in a twist of irony, the non-religious are much more true to the commandment ‘love your neighbor as yourself’.

In contrast, I find while this is not true of every religious person, they are much more likely to blame the individual for their own situation and whatnot.

Casts expelliarmus, and your curse rebounds off me into thin air


Young does not mean children. You were the one to say it was children. So stop talking about naked children, man you got issues

Others asked and you even posted that about your kids, I could go back and show you the posts, but at this point why even bother.

I’m enjoying this epic meltdown. Our guild is laughing at it on Discord.

To the best of my knowledge, Planned Paranthood actually supports people with STD testing AND treatment, birth control, cancer screening and prevention, and although abortions this is true, they also provide the opposite with infertility testing and general testing. It’s not a completely one sided thing.

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Ya they completely missed the point and just saw what they wanted.

I’m already getting bored of your insults. You keep repeating the same things. Can you at least try harder before your departure? Put some thought into it. I know you can!

That is what you believe and you’re welcome to believe that, but you seem to have a personal grudge about people who are religious. Like I said stop blaming religious people or others for your faults.

Well, I’m almost positive this guy might be getting a perma ban for this garbage lol, well at least you found some way to stop subbing to wow. You can’t sub if you can’t even play because you got a perma suspension for how vulgar the garbage you are spewing is.

Wow i’ve run out of flags for a day sad times
This thread is big yikes

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IMHO, only one having a meltdown is you.


Then move to Iran or Yemen if that’s your view.


Are you implying that Matthew Shepard’s fate was his own fault for being LGBTQ+?

Yeah gonna mute this, seems endless.

Well religion as a whole has a pretty bad history. Directly or indirectly responsible for more death then anything else. Twin towers ring a bell??? And all that followed. All began with belief is some religion

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Obvious Troll just trying to get his posts flagged enough to shut the topic down.

I think you need a nap under your bridge. /bonk

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