Please stop with all of the LGBTQ/BLM posts

Here you go!

I mean, it’s not a “far left” agenda. Conservatives try to do the same thing.

They’re just doing what any group does, try to get more benefits and power for their particular group. People opposing them (e.g. religious groups) are doing the same thing, they just happen to be far more numerous and powerful.

Asking for special treatment isn’t going to change anything, because the dominant majority will conclude they should just give themselves special treatment instead of you, if special treatment is something you’re okay with (which you imply by asking for special favors).

If you want to be equal then you’re normal. Normal = no discrimination but also no special events or treatment.

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I’m not going to go into detail but I think it’s not routine to be nude at pride events, but if you’re an adult you’re free to do what you want as long as you can deal with consequences. It’s not the routine thing to do but like any event you will have those who do things for shock value. The guy never said children, he said young and old.

I honestly dont know anyone in the WoW community that isnt accepting of LGBTQ/minorities.
it genuinely seems like you are looking at it through the filter of a propaganda smudged lense, and this lense has convinced you that no one likes you, when this isnt even close to being reality.
Oddly enough the only community that hates you around these parts, is the BLM community, lol.
But thats another topic, not for here.

Granted you do see insults directed towards sexuality. However this is just banter. Banter that effects everyone. Gay, white, black, straight, poor, wealthy, intelligent, dumb, literally all of us are being insulted by banter on a daily basis in anonymous internet chats. It is what it is. Grow some thicker skin.

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I just wanted to set the record straight on something, the main point people are saying against pride marches is the nudity thing…

Are you aware that back in the Middle Ages, between about 500-1450, indecent exposure wasn’t actually a thing? Only the rich upper classes cared, nobody else gave a damn.

In new York, women being topless is actually allowed, to which I must ask, if this becomes a regular thing we are seeing over time, just a normal thing to see, in my view it eventually reaches the point where there is nothing sexual about it, in fact it’s only in modern societies where public nudity has become a more and more rare thing.

In Ancient Greece nudity was associated with perfection of the Gods, it’s only been in dominantly Christian societies that nakedness has been associated with shame, that and clothing also became a symbol of wealth and prestige. Though did you know that Christians themselves were always baptised naked right up until the 8th century.

The point I am making is that people can be naked and there can be nothing sexual about it, it’s people and societal attitudes that make it so.


I already caught AIDS from Sludgefist pre-nerf, but I am proud of it as I defeated him prior nerf.

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It’s pretty interesting that we demonize being nude and think it’s dirty or whatever. I’m trying to figure out why we think it’s dirty or wrong when it’s just skin in the end. I’d go into more detail but the Mods will surely delete it.

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I hope you packed early for your vacation! :palm_tree:

You’re making this too easy :joy: :rofl:

:man_shrugging: You seem to post like the dwarf yesterday. Better get as many posts in as possible.

Jesus mang why

Guild name checks out tho

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There’s a thread right now that is a literal hate thread with slurs in the title proving this wrong.

Oh. He’s in this thread right now.


And this is why you got a thousand years.

I mean, I know your just trolling but why you got to be a hateful troll?

He’s not trolling. He’s the typical hateful person that everyone LGBT keeps saying exists.

I’d much rather be in hell than be wherever you’re going :rofl: :rofl:

LOL! I am going to give you a 10/10.

I’m an atheist. I don’t believe in hell or invisible men in the sky, or the tooth fairy, or the Easter Bunny.

Thanks, I didn’t really put much effort in it but I stand by all my posts. I’m glad you liked it :+1:

Why choose to see exceptions instead of the majority?
Trolls will troll regardless of who you are or how you indenity.

Im a straight white male and i get trolled countless times a day with hate, and everything else under the sun. Again, thicker skin please.

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