Please stop with all of the LGBTQ/BLM posts

No one cares who you sleep with.
No one cares what gender you are.
No one cares, congrats now your like the rest of us ;P.

Bet ppl care more what ur IO is than what your gender/sexual preferance/race is. EVEN if they did care, why does it bother you?

My advice, too many ppl in this world to care about that nonsense. If they don’t like u etc, we’ll F them. You don’t need anyone’s approval.


Is this true, or a perception issue?

Of course there will people that argue vehemently when one of these posts go up again. What does one expect? Complete agreement?

I wonder at this point if the constant barrage is because the multiple posts started have gone past making people aware of the issues you face and what you want in game?

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For me, seeing Pride parades with grown men basically naked dancing with little kids, that is a HUGE perception issue. If people within these communities do not want negative perceptions/stereotypes, they need to speak out about things such as that because what I see as a straight-male is, grown people celebrating who they like to have sex with along with little kids.


I been wondering the same. I just don’t see much hate in the community I live in. Seems widely accepted. Same in game mostly out side the normal troll that will bash at anything.

From personal experience with a family member I have noticed for at least the younger group it is very much a social media fad for some. The claiming of who you are seems more important then working on discovering yourself. Simultaneously a lot of self esteem issues that lead to wild claims of being sick with something always. Usually depression of a sort. Sure it can be true at times but I have seen it be done for attention.

How much of these threads are just a carbon copy of the above…

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You do know that most of these people are literally trolls and they’re likely laughing at you for making this thread?


Don’t forget the sexual revolution is more then just gay marriage/rights. The freedom to be yourself and not be afraid of your body. The nudity ( or close to it ) in pride gatherings is a symbol of that freedom for all young and old. Nothing to do with some perversion.

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If I was to be very honest, I think that certain minority groups unfortunately do need to fight harder for their rights,

The problem I have is I might agree with some of the concerns people have mentioned, the problem is that I have heard horror stories of people that harass LGBTQ people, see the thing is if they have the hatred in their heart already there, they won’t stop with the LGBTQ community, they will also target economically disadvantaged people, people with disabilities and mental health problems treating disability as a choice, they will literally call people with disabilities a ‘burden on other people’,

This is Hitler levels of evil really.


It would be nice if it was that easy. Unfortunately, many people are prejudice enough to cause others to lose their jobs, family, friends over sexuality. It’s not so easy to ignore real LGBT issues when it comes to that. Bringing in awareness and educating those on the topic can help reduce the above.


Yes it is. That is a fallacy. It hasn’t happened in a while and there are law to protect against that for jobs.

If you lose family/friends over it than they weren’t really friends were they? And I’m not talking about Facebook “friends”. And family? If your family disowned you cus of that then they are 110% trash scum, and I don’t bother myself with the opinions of trash.


I will just say that this isn’t entirely true. They passed supreme court rulings in 2019 against firing LGBT people due to their status as a member of the LGBT, but at the same time they also revoked health care protections for them. Also, people still get fired for it, I know of two cases in my state of people filing lawsuits against companies for being fired for being LGBT. It’s not easy to prove that was the reason for firing.

Additionally there have been like almost a dozen murders so far in 2021 of trans or non-binary people alone that are believed to be due to their identity as such.

While I am against the whole “pride” stuff being added to WoW, I don’t think that we are done fighting for equality and acceptance out in the real world. That said, I don’t really think a pride event or toy in WoW is going to save a transwoman from being murdered. I wish people would put their energy and effort from these posts to places where they’d be of better use/help.


Ppl get murdered, it isn’t just LGBT. Those are just the ones the joke of a media push.
Did you get that info from fox or CNN LOL.
CNN is about as credible as my non existent friend Jim. Not to mention CNN currently employs a MASSIVE racist. God I hate Don lemon and his will to break American unity.


This is a argument fallacy. “There is X so Y doesn’t matter” is not a legit argument. No, LGBT aren’t the only murders, that doesn’t invalidate them.

No I did not. One of my friends was put in the ER a few months ago. People getting attack for being trans is a real thing. I’ve been attacked by dudes who think that beating up a trans man proves a point of some kind. I was sexually assaulted by someone who felt that if I experienced a “real man” it’d somehow change me.


I get most of my news from multiple sources. From what I read of your post, are you saying Fox is credible?

Heeeell no it isn’t lol. And to poster above me , I never said LGBT murders didn’t matter. But they aren’t special and they are not the only ones.

Ppl murder for all kinds of reasons. Your cherry picking the worst!!!

Edit: auto correct is messing with me hard today lol.


Again this does not invalidate them.
So they aren’t the only ones so we just ignore them and do nothing to change society? they are acceptable?

What a joke.


I’ve been playing WoW on and off for over 15 years and I have never once cared if anyone I ever did anything with in this game was lgbt. I have also never seen anything that would make anyone not welcome in any part of the game in all that time. If it has happened, I highly doubt it has generated enough controversy to consider it a problem. Most people just play the game and care more about how well you know how to do a boss fight rather than your sexual identification. Now if I had a nickel every time I saw someone say something heinous about Jesus in WoW I’d have a lot of nickels.


This right here is your problem, and most ppls now days. Look at his post, he disagrees with me so only way he can try to discuss it its by showing hostility instead of having a legit discussion. THAT is pathetic.

Doesn’t even read what I say either… who knows maybe he can’t read…

Most TRAs are like that. They don’t want equal rights, they want special rights.


Do you watch fox?