Please stop with all of the LGBTQ/BLM posts

Wow, an LGBT+ thread I actually agree with

Getting so tired of these ridiculous threads making us all look like a bunch of snowflakes that want special treatment

Just play the game :roll_eyes:


I think those threads are largely started by just two people on the forums?

I’m gay and I wish all of you wanting this stuff in game would stop asking. It is annoying and infuriating.


It’s a really dumb idea, because where do we stop?

Guitarist representation?
Astronomer representation?
Artist representation?
Politician representation?

It is a game about killing monsters and looting purples.

It’s just stupid. Everyone can choose some irrelevant detail by which they define themselves, but it means nothing.


stop with the blm posts

Just Say You’re Racing And Move On

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Wow, that is pretty representative actually. Which is important, apparently.



Im “Gender Blind” and go fully on personality, both for myself and others. I don’t see things really man or female 100%, but I also don’t dismiss genders.
I’m complex - just like every other person on this planet (and any other planet I guess), and I am SO TIRED of “Represent this” or “Show this” or “Change this established char to this so I can feel included”.

Just make cool things for cool things sake…
I don’t need people waving flags in my face and I do not need people picking their nose in a very weirdly computer-chair-position to feel included/represented.
Cool when things are added - genuinly -, but by now everything is so forced and agenda-ridden…

Stop screaming, stop being intrusive, be respectful, think for a bit and THEN speak calmly; people will listen, basically…
At least that is what I have learnt through my 30+ years…

Funny you should mention that, then why do some people keep demanding we make characters straight or white? If you are asking to remove LGBT or POC characters, then you are the one demanding something.

And equality is clearly what minorities want. Everyone just wants a piece of the pie. You don’t get to just eat the whole pie just for being part of the majority.


I hope you weren’t accusing me of this because I have never done it, not even once.

One would hope. Some folks take it a bit too far though.

As a transman I understand why some would want more representation but for me honestly in a game I don’t really feel need to be represented in game.


I don’t view anyone as straight when I play with them or meet them. I merely do not give a flying f about other people’s sexual orientation. It’s not that I assume everyone is straight. I just do not care. It’s not my business who others are or would potentially be attracted to unless they’re attracted to me or they want to talk to me about something personal and it’s related to that topic.

If I meet you in game somewhere in a dungeon, do you care about my sexual orientation? Probably not. I don’t care about yours either.
If we become friends and it comes up cause you mention your partner or I mention mine, sure. But I don’t see why sexual orientation matters in a game. Nobody even knows your sex unless you’re in voice with them. And say your sex and gender are not the same, you can still clarify that when it matters. I’m a woman and people in game constantly just assume I’m a guy cause they’re used to there being more men than women in video games. Does it matter? Not really. I’ll clarify when it matters and not care when it doesn’t.

If blizz decides to add some more same sex couples or transgender npcs, sure, why not if it doesn’t seem forced (someone further up put a good example).

I’d get your point if people in this game got to know each other the second they do stuff together, but there’s no player profiles you fill out or anything and most encounters last for the duration of one dungeon.


It’s good that you don’t care, but others do care about this issue.

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I get a lot of hate when I tell people that no one should care.

Why should no one care?

Because we’re all people, some (not talking about you) cling on to their gender like a banner and make it encompass their entire identity, making them a boring, pedantic jerk who cannot speak about anything BUT their gender.

We’re living, breathing people with hobbies, likes, dislikes, and favorite foods. Who cares if you identify as whatever.

If you’re a jerk, people tend hate you
If you’re cool, people tend to like you

It’s that freaking simple. Yet I get told I’m the one breeding bigotry simply because I don’t care what someone’s gender is, because I SHOULDN’T care.

Didn’t a wise man once say: “Don’t judge me by my skin color, but by the content of my character.” Same can be said for ANY person, regardless of ethnicity or gender.

So yes OP, I 100% agree with you :slight_smile:


Yeah its safe to say they need to do something about it now… its actually ridiculous.

Alot of people are getting banned that disagree with it, and the trolls are getting away with it more and more.


No, you’re not. The only thing wrong with theses threads is the cesspool of negativity, hate, and trolling that comes out of them, including this one.

Stop trying to silence people and force your opinions on others. If there’s something you don’t like that’s not against the rules on the forums then just don’t open the thread.


Hey did you name your toon after the guitarist Yngwie J. Malmsteen?

No one truly cares on here if you are gay, trans or anything else. Heck man you could identify as a 2 legged purple dog with pink stripes and neon orange polka dots. Like that fine Tauren said your raider io will be worth more to the wow community than anything else. Only people attacking are trolls.

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Yes, back in 2005!

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you just made one. you’re not helping.