Please stop the gimmicks and focus on the Retail WoW game

We need to build the forum wall higher than 10 levels.

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Never! Harumph!


This comment doesn’t make sense. When did they throw money and resources into the game during a content drought? I love comments from posters like you, you guys are seriously way too close to this game.

The content droughts have been an onging issue for WoW for a long time, it is obvious they’re now trying to push more resources to fix this problem, but they’re totally barking up the wrong tree.

I have come to realize there are a lot of people in this world that will eat up bad games, low effort entertainment and low-effort content like these fomo events. To each their own I guess.

These events are on par with reality TV shows.

I think they should listen to omega players, personally.


I love how you think you’re better than people just because you got more achievement points. Just because they got 5k points or less doesn’t make their opinion any less valid than your own.

We all pay for this game. You’re not better than anyone else here, sorry to burst your bubble.

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Lol they don’t even have 1k achievement points, saying that. Again, the irony is palpable.

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Damn, I didn’t even notice lol I’m so tired :yawning_face:

I’m happy they’re trying new things. I may not be that interested in SoD or time limited stuff, but maybe some of it will be fun to mess with.

big “tipping my fedora” energy here.

look, if you don’t like things, fine. but acting like you’re superior for not liking them is pretty sad.

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I spent a lot of BFA complaining here and hating wow. I spent all the time I was subbed for SL (which was only a few months) complaining NON STOP here. I hated HATED SL, I consider it the lowest point for wow by far. The only thing it accomplished was making me angry and bitter.

I quit for well over a year and came back for DF with a new attitude and it’s been great. I still hold some strong opinions about certain things and will definitely defend those opinions but overall I’m super happy with wow right now.

My best advice, if you find yourself not liking more things than you’re liking, step away for a bit. Play some other games, life ain’t wow.

Can limit things to only show the points earned by the character in question. That’s why my forum av has like 800 achieves though I have ~14k.

I assume that’s the case here as well. Could be wrong though.

You’d rather have a full year of running the same raids and dungeons like we had in WotLK? THAT was unacceptable.

Source of your information? It needs to be something from Blizzard itself, and not something you pull out ya poop-chute.


Not only that but everyone would have been running the exact same dungeons for around 2 years. Dragonflight made that issue way better than it has been in the past.

Not the point though lol. As well as…why hide the points? Seems counter-intuitive to me. And why hide them, and post with >1k and talk about people who have >5k like they have no opinion? Still incredible amounts of irony and just plain foolish.

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But you seem angry enough to call them “sheep and shills” for doing so. I get being annoyed if you see Blizz as dropping these things for the sake of milking the customers… but ANYTHING they release is to make money and broaden their reach or appeal. So I dont think the people that are enjoying this stuff deserve your contempt.

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WoW seems to be becoming less about character progression and more about cutesy transmogs and pet collecting.

Murloc Onsie … nothing will strike fear in the heart of your enemies like cosplaying as a Murloc.

Dragonflight has just been a succession of misses for me. War Within, what we know about it so far, isn’t WoWing me at all (jeweled dwarves and hero talents to further complicate class balance). Plunderstorm … I can’t even comment on how disappointed I was waiting for something new to do and it being a PVP event for Pirate-themed transmogs. I did not partake.

This new PVE event does sound like a fun way to gear a new toon for WW … but I have all the toons I want to play. This comes across like a clear catch-up event and does nothing for those of us who have been here all along hoping for something to do.

I haven’t purchased War Within yet … I’m on the fence if I want to continue playing WoW or not honestly.

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14k? You get no respect and you need to step up your game!

Now those that have more than 22k, those are the no lifers and they get no respect either.



Yeah I can’t argue those points. It still doesn’t make much sense.

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More often than not, people just end up getting a few addons after a while which is much better than a friend trying to shove down their throats about 10 addons and 20 weakauras right off the bat.


I mean all the character progression is still there, M+, normal/heroic/mythic raids, arena and rated BGs. None of that has been cut or pushed to the side.

Transmog has been the true end game since 2011.

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