Please stop the gimmicks and focus on the Retail WoW game

This is what we get for “Retail” WoW:

  • Plunderstorm
  • Remix Pandaria mode
  • Hearthstone anniversary event
  • New Shop transmogs
  • New trading post items

Guys, please stop! This kind of stuff is not World of Warcraft! For how long will we get said content disguised as “WoW patches”? These are not patches, and not WoW content.

I feel the dev team have totally lost focus and are shooting in the dark - trying to keep the playerbase engaged with sensationalist events and gimmicks, rather than building for sustainability in the long run. This kind of strategy will only last so far. The gimmicks will stop “working” quickly


Does a whole expansion count?


Sure, however we’ve been in “gimmick” mode basically since the beginning of the new year, and the new expansion will arrive likely start of September.


We’ve been in “gimmick” mode since the expansion was over, and where we normally get no content at all ?

Previously it would have been nothing for a while year

I am ok with the tail end of the expansion having silly gimmicks to try new stuff out.


speak for yourself! I’m actually eager to try MOP remixed! I’ll need an IV of coffee because I’ll be getting ALL THE THINGS! :smiley:


I’m an EU player and I had to level a character to 10 in order to be able to post on the NA forums, which presumably are read by developers.

Otherwise, I’m a level 70 character


The “gimmicks” are a way to try and get new players into the game. Wow is bleeding players and has to figure out how to get new players into the game or it won’t matter anyhow.

Wow can’t survive with out new players coming in.


That is an interesting name

same here. I am very much looking forward to the summer trading post.

You do realize the majority of xpacs previously were insanely dead mid to end of season right?
There were almost zero mid season content patches.
We had quite literally nothing for sometimes up to a year.

As someone who remembers this, and filled my time with leveling and max gearing countless alts. I don’t miss it. I enjoy being able to focus a handful of toons. Jump around doing content. Messing about in these small updates.

Stuff like the hearthstone event adds participation. And it doesn’t feel bad, aside from the rng shenanigans.


You are a valued member of the WoW community. I am inclined to agree.

Retail WoW focuses on gimmicks and not fixing well known bugs and shardin/phasing tech issues.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:


I hate shardin.
That’s why you never trust it!


Blizzard should thought of that when they ignored players 10 years ago. Now its an
overly bloated mess that any new player will just say screw it and pick up a controller. With instant fun.


I think the Hearthstone event is very much WoW because it’s always had world events, especially invasions or incursions.

What happened 10 years ago

All I’m hearing is, “blizz is giving me stuff I don’t personally want despite me being one of millions of players so I’m angery!” :angry:

You realize you don’t have to like every single aspect of the game, right? They’re gonna add stuff you don’t like, just don’t participate. It’s not that serious, my guy.


Well it probably was longer but the war on flying was one part. Players been asking for account wide QOL fix’s, along with a working UI with out the need a mod’s just to name a few. They all but killed PvP, its under cardiac arrest ATM. As players beg for new BG’s

These aren’t instead of regular content. They’re in addition to it. 10.2.7 is also a concluding chapter for dragonflight and a lead in chapter to TWW. And then in a few months, we’ll have a whole new expansion for you to complain about!


Weird how none of that has to do with the complaint you made.

The flying issue has no bearing on a new player seeing WoW as a bloated mess.


Weird that you don’t see the its a combination of Ignored feedback, on QOL has to do with new players staying.

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