Please stop the gimmicks and focus on the Retail WoW game

Are you trying to manage their budget and resources here? I don’t get players like you at all, are you seriously making excuses for a BILLION dollar corporation here?

I’ve always felt that WoW was overpriced for the content they ship, especially now in 2024 with the game being so heavily monetized.

I don’t get posters like you and Akston that spend your time apologizing for the lack of content in the game.

There are so many good games launching now, that are a fraction of the cost of WoW, so this is making it harder for Blizzard to keep people subbed, wouldn’t it make sense to try to make new content for their main live service game, you know the one where everyone is heavily invested in?

No offense, but I honestly don’t get players like you, your endless excuses aren’t doing anything good for this game.

WoW needs a serious kick in the butt if they want to stay relevant moving forward. Those leaked graphs from the GDC doesn’t look great for retail. Seems like the Classic version of the game was the only real bumps player numbers since the end of SL.

These events are attempts by Blizzard to drive engagement, but I think these resources would have been better allocated at making content for the main game.

Edit: I want to point out, that there are Indie teams working with a fraction of the budget of WoW pumping out some amazing stuff right now. Even smaller MMOs like Lotro and GW2 are able to put out more content in an expansion than WoW does.

Blizzard is a mess, and it all lies on the people running the teams. I guess this it what happens with big AAA studios these days.

Edit 2: I post here, because I love WoW, but if they keep trending this direction, with these lame fomo events instead of making content for their main game, I’m out.

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Honestly, we’re eating like kings right now. Some of the “best” expansions of all time had A YEAR OR MORE of absolutely nothing. Let that sink in. A year or more of the same dungeons and raids with NOTHING added.

Don’t get me wrong I do enjoy lulls in wow and plunderstorm sucked but remix looks to be really cool. We get to take those characters we make there into retail when it’s done. That’s awesome.

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I didn’t care for Plunderstorm and skipped it, despite the fact that I’m missing out on a lot of cosmetics and the mounts.

But a ton of people loved it.

I’m super excited for the Pandaria Remix, because it’s exactly the kind of accelerated leveling/story experience that I’ve been suggesting forever.

But some people won’t do it.

I have never played Hearthstone.

But plenty of people do.

I buy shop transmogs.

But not everyone can.

I max out my tendies every month and shop the trading post.

But not everyone cares about that.

What I’m doing here is modeling for you what it means to play the game on my terms, do what interests me, skip what doesn’t, and realize that when a game has millions of players, nobody’s going to be completely satisfied.

Life is really, really short. In a way, life is a gimmick. It stops working way quicker than we expect.

10 deep breaths.


This would show their intentions to the people that still defend Blizzard despite Microsoft, many of them are here in this room.

Blizz uses terms like “fun,” “evergreen,” and “trying new fun experiments,” to disguise this… and the kneejerk consumer sheep that shill for this company (here, especially) just can not see it.

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Exactly! World of Warcraft is actually waiting 14 months for a new expansion after the final tier like the good ol’ days!

Some people will never be pleased. Both Plunderstorm and Pandamonium are really cool and require much less work than an actual raid tier, so I see that as a win.

Hearthstone doesn’t count my dude.

And if they introduced it as a new holiday you’d have been none the wiser.

The timing is fine but if they dropped stuff like this on top the TWW launch, we’d def have issues.

Just come along for the fun. Game’s going to be like this maybe once every other year.

I’m okay with all of these little distraction mini game things as long as when the expansion comes its not missing things because they ran out of time or didn’t have the resources or something. Which seems to be the case every expansion. Given how they had those big layoffs, having resources for these little extra things can’t come at a cost to the game itself.

You actually have a whole new expansion coming soon. So quit crying.

So is this just a leveling thing? They can’t be doing an event like this and have a full endgame for it?

They said everything in Pandaria is going to be available, including heroic raids so…

Oh. Well I’m not sure how this being a limited event will work. I guess it’s better for those that played it before. (It was the only expansion I was not around for)

It would take me way to long to learn stuff like that in a short amount of time.

if that were true, i’d feel the same pressure. i don’t. so it can’t be the game.

Oh wow I haven’t had a laugh that good in quite some time

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I’m sure there will be a bit of learning but this doesn’t seem like “normal” MoP. From the looks of it we’re going to be getting some SUPER powerful items and honestly I expect most stuff to be very trivial (yes even the heroic raids).

Yeah, but its not really the case if people are enjoying these side things. Plunder and this Pandaria thing dont interest me but who am I to call someone who does enjoy them a “shill” or “sheep”. Those terms become meaningless at the point when they are just used by “Doom and Gloomers” for anything they dont like.

Try to have some fun instead of being all “grrrr” all the time! Have a good one! :grinning:


wow is bleeding players because of nonsense like this. if they stop trying to reinvent the wheel and listening to the massive minority of forum whiners that barely got 5k achievements aka they do absolutely nothing in game and focus on the game itself then we would of never gotten to this point in the first place.

as a beta player, for as long as i can remember, blizzard is the best at trying to fix things that are not broken. change this. change that. every little detail is what pushed this one away and that one. shame really.

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personally i think they should listen to alpha players instead

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But it does disguise what in other games is accepted as a “battle pass.” I’m not suggesting people don’t try or enjoy different games, but I know I’m not alone in seeing these as supplementary (derivative?) to actual retail.

I’m NOT a doomer, but i suppose I am becoming one with each passing non WoW item being billed as a WoW item. Complaining on the forums (our only vehicle, even if a bad one) is new for me with DF. Says ALOT.

I’m just saying. Them throwing money and people at the content draught wow keeps having at the end of expansions has never worked, so I’m not sure how continuing to throw money and people at it will suddenly work now.

The irony of this post is…very present.